# EthEvent

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`EthEvent` is a library to declare and request Solidity events easily.

## Queries

This project provides a simple way of querying events and other information
from the Ethereum blockchain.

### Query Solidity events

Solidity events are no more than encoded block logs. They are usually used to
record that something changed in the contract's state. The following contract
declares and `emit`s an event every time someone sends some tokens to other

contract SomeToken is ERC20 {
  Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
  function transfer(address to, uint value) {
    emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value)

Using the `EthEvent.Schema` behaviour you can query the events in the form of
Elixir structs. The `Transfer` event defined in the previous contract, could be
defined as follows:

defmodule Transfer do
  use EthEvent.Schema

  event "Transfer" do
    address :from, indexed: true
    address :to, indexed: true
    uint :value

The previously defined module includes the functions `Transfer.query/1`,
`Transfer.query/2` and a struct definition for the `Transfer` event e.g:

Let's say we want to look for:
  - The `Transfer` event in the contract of address
  - Where the tokens where transferred `from` the wallet address
  - And only between the blocks `0` and `100`.

We would do the following:

> contract_address = "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d"
> from = "0x93ecb3962981e1ba2928297cb09c1932aa2c9c51"
> query = %Transfer{address: contract_address, from: from}
> options = [from_block: 0, to_block: 100]
> Transfer.query(query, options)
      address: "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d",
      block_number: 42,
      from: "0x93ecb3962981e1ba2928297cb09c1932aa2c9c51",
      to: "0x1e529de18f95ad5a4f41ac5e159fa307d5a85967",
      value: 100

The result is the list of events that match the query.

### Query block number

It is possible to query the block number as well using the function
`Block.query/1` e.g:

> use EthEvent
> Block.query(%Block{block_number: "latest"})
    block_number: 42,
    timestamp: #DateTime<...>

### Query balance

Similarly to the two previous sections, balances are available as well using
the function `query/1` e.g:

> use EthEvent
> address = "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d"
> Balance.query(%Balance{address: address, block_number: "latest"})
    address: "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d"
    block_number: 42,
    balance: 100

The `balance` field is in _wei_.

### Query composability

One important thing is that events are composable, though they only preserve
some fields when composed e.g:

To query the balance of the wallet address
`0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d` for the block 42 there are two
ways of doing it:

Without block hash:

> address = "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d"
> Balance.query(%Balance{address: address})
    address: "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d"
    block_number: 42,
    block_hash: nil,
    balance: 100

or with block hash:

> address = "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d"
> {:ok, block} = Block.query(%Block{block_number: 42})
> Balance.query(%{block | address: address})
    address: "0xd09de8b6b510aecd508a22811398f468e75c8c4d"
    block_number: 42,
    block_hash: "0x15feeab052b4bd65c8e3a2e3efab391debb9d8b5def6ced89ea772...",
    balance: 100

## Installation

To install just add the following to your dependencies:

def deps do
    {:eth_event, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Author

Alexander de Sousa.

## License

`EthEvent` is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further