# Etherscan

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An Elixir library for the [Etherscan]( API

[Official API Documentation](

[Create API Key (optional)](

## Installation

Etherscan is available on [Hex]( You can install the package via:

def deps do
    {:etherscan, "~> 2.0.0"}

## Usage

#### Setting Your API Key

An API key is not required to use the Etherscan API but you can set one with the following:

config :etherscan,
  api_key: "<YOUR-API-KEY>"

#### Using a Testnet

Using any one of the test networks is fairly easy:

config :etherscan,
  network: :ropsten

#### Setting Request Options

You can set additional request options which are passed to [HTTPoison]:

config :etherscan,
  request: [recv_timeout: 500]

Check out the HTTPoison [README]( for all available options.
