# Ets
`:ets`, the Elixir way
Ets is an Elixir wrapper for Erlang Term Storage (`:ets`). The purposes of this package is to improve the developer experience when both learning and interacting with Erlang Term Storage.
This will be accomplished by:
* Conforming to Elixir standards:
* Data (on insert) and keys (on lookup) move to first parameter to support pipelines.
* Two versions of all functions:
* Main function (e.g. `lookup` returns `{:ok, return}`/`{:error, reason}` tuples.
* Bang function (e.g. `lookup!`) returns value or raises on :error.
* Inserted data is returned from insert calls to support pipelines.
* All options specified via keyword list.
* Wrapping unhelpful `ArgumentError`'s with appropriate error returns.
* Wrapping `$end_of_table` in appropriate error returns/raises.
* Preventing insertion of `$end_of_table` where possible without affecting performance.
* Providing Elixir friendly documentation
* Providing two levels of abstraction, one addressing the most common cases (`Ets`), and the other addressing the advanced tuple record based cases (`Ets.Record`)
* `Ets`
* designed for most common case of inserting a single key/value pair in a `set`/`ordered_set` (with `insert!`). `bag`/`duplicate_bag` (which allow repeat keys) are also supported (with `insert_multi`)
* designed for most common case of looking up a single value for a key in a `set`/`ordered_set` (with `lookup!`). `bag`/`duplicate_bag` (which allow repeat keys) are also supported (with `lookup_multi`)
* `insert`/`insert_new` - takes a key and single value
* `lookup` takes a key, returns a single value or `nil` (error if more than one found)
* `insert_multi`/`insert_multi_new` - takes list of key/value pairs, or a list of values and a key, retains `atomic and isolated` nature of `:ets` multiple inserts.
* `lookup_multi` takes a key, returns list of values found for key
* `Ets.Record` advanced module for granting direct wrappers to `:ets` Tuple Record based functions.
* `insert`/`insert_new` - takes a record tuple
* `lookup!` - takes a key, returns record tuple or `nil` (raises if more than one found)
* `insert_multi`/`insert_multi_new` - takes a list of record tuples, retains `atomic and isolated` nature of `:ets` multiple inserts.
* `lookup_multi` takes a key, returns list of record tuples
* Advanced features such as `match` and `select`
## Usage
### Creating Tables
Tables can be created using the `set`, `ordered_set`, `bag`, and `duplicate_bag` functions on the [`Ets.Table.New`](lib/ets/table/new.ex) module (See module documentation for more examples and documentation).
#### Table Examples
# Unnamed table creation return reference
iex> {:ok, ref} = Ets.Table.New.bag()
iex> is_reference(ref)
# Named Tables take a table name
iex> Ets.Table.New.bag(:my_ets_table)
{:ok, :my_ets_table}
# All functions have a bang version that returns the unwrapped value or raises
iex> ref = Ets.Table.New.bag!()
iex> is_reference(ref)
# All functions take keyword lists for options
iex> {:ok, ref} = Ets.Table.New.bag(protection: :public, read_concurrency: true)
### Table Level Functions
Table level functions can be accessed using the [`Ets.Table`](lib/ets/table.ex) module.
#### Table Level Function Examples
# List all tables
iex> Ets.Table.New.set(:my_ets_table)
iex> {:ok, all} = Ets.Table.all()
iex> Enum.member?(all, :my_ets_table)
# Delete a table
iex> Ets.Table.New.set(:my_ets_table)
iex> Enum.member?(Ets.Table.all!(), :my_ets_table)
iex> Ets.Table.delete!(:my_ets_table)
iex> Enum.member?(Ets.Table.all!(), :my_ets_table)
# Lookup table info
iex> Ets.Table.New.set(:my_ets_table)
iex> {:ok, info} = Ets.Table.info(:my_ets_table)
iex> info[:type]
iex> info[:named_table]
iex> info[:protection]
# Rename a table
iex> Ets.Table.New.set(:my_ets_table)
iex> ref = Ets.Table.info!(:my_ets_table)[:id]
iex> Ets.Table.rename(:new_name, :my_ets_table)
iex> ref == Ets.Table.info!(:new_name)[:id]
# Table to list (`:ets.tab2list`)
iex> Ets.Table.New.bag(:my_ets_table)
iex> Ets.insert_multi([:a, :b, :c], :my_ets_table, :key1)
iex> Ets.insert_multi([:a, :b, :c], :my_ets_table, :key2)
iex> Ets.Table.to_list(:my_ets_table)
{:ok, [{:key2, :a}, {:key2, :b}, {:key2, :c}, {:key1, :a}, {:key1, :b}, {:key1, :c}]}
# Whereis
iex> Ets.Table.New.set(:my_ets_table)
iex> {:ok, ref} = Ets.Table.whereis(:my_ets_table)
iex> is_reference(ref)
### Insert (`Ets`)
Insert takes values as the first paramter to support pipelines. Second parameter is the table name or reference. When required, key is the third parameter. More examples and documentation can be found on the [`Ets` module page](lib/ets.ex)
#### Insert Examples
iex> Ets.insert(:a, :my_ets_table, :my_key)
{:ok, :a}
# Designed to be used in pipelines:
iex> _inserted = "myVal"
iex> |> String.to_atom()
iex> |> Ets.insert(:my_ets_table, :my_key)
{:ok, :myVal}
# Insert multiple values for the same key
iex> Ets.insert_multi([:val1, :val2], :my_ets_table, :key)
{:ok, [:val1, :val2]}
iex> Ets.Table.to_list(:my_ets_table)
{:ok, [{:key, :val1}, {:key, :val2}]}
# Insert multiple values for different keys
iex> [{:key1, :val1}, {:key2, :val2}]
iex> |> Ets.insert_multi(:my_ets_table)
{:ok, [{:key1, :val1}, {:key2, :val2}]}
### Lookup (`Ets`)
Lookup takes a key and returns the found value or nil (useful for `set`/`ordered_set`). lookup_multi returns a list of found values (useful for `bag`/`duplicate_bag`) More examples and documentation can be found on the [`Ets` module page](lib/ets.ex)
#### Lookup Examples
# Lookup single value (set/ordered_set)
iex> Ets.lookup(:key, :my_ets_table)
{:ok, nil}
iex> Ets.insert(:a, :my_ets_table, :key)
iex> Ets.lookup(:key, :my_ets_table)
{:ok, :a}
# Lookup (possibly) multiple values (bag/duplicate_bag)
iex> Ets.insert(:a, :my_ets_table, :key)
iex> Ets.insert(:b, :my_ets_table, :key)
iex> Ets.insert(:c, :my_ets_table, :key)
iex> Ets.lookup_multi(:key, :my_ets_table)
{:ok, [:a, :b, :c]}
### Should I use `Ets` or `Ets.Record`
If you need a key/value store, where you store key/value pairs, and need to update/delete the values for given keys, you should use the `Ets` module with a `set`/`ordered_set` (if you only want one entry allowed per key), `bag` (if you want to allow duplicate keys) or `duplicate_bag` (if you want to allow duplicate key/value pairs). Note that `Ets` assumes the keypos is 1 (which is the default when creating a table), so do not specify a different keypos or `Ets` will not function correctly.
If you want to store tuple records (similar to the underlying `:ets` interface), and use advanced features such as matching against those records, you should use the `Ets.Record` module. This module includes the improvements mentioned above (such as wrapping raised errors in error returns and pipeline-friendly parameter order), but retains the underlying record-tuple based interface. Note that functions such as `delete`, `delete_all`, `first`, `next`, `previous`, `last`, and `has_key` are not implemented in `Ets.Record` because the base `Ets` module version of these work the same on record-tuple based tables.
Implemented so far:
* [X] `Ets`
* [x] Insert
* [x] Lookup
* [X] Delete
* [X] Delete All
* [X] First
* [X] Next
* [X] Last
* [X] Previous
* [X] Has Key (Member)
* [X] `Ets.Table`
* [X] Info
* [X] All
* [X] Delete
* [X] TableToList
* [X] Whereis
* [X] Rename
* [x] `Ets.Table.New`
* [X] `Ets.Record`
* [X] Insert
* [X] Lookup
* [X] Match
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `ets` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ets, "~> 0.1.2"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/ets](https://hexdocs.pm/ets).
## Contributing
Contributions welcome. Specifically looking to:
* Add remainder of functions ([See Erlang Docs](http://erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html])).
* Discover and add zero-impact recovery for any additional possible `:ets` `ArgumentError`s.