
defmodule ETS.Bag do
  @moduledoc """
  Module for creating and interacting with :ets tables of the type `:bag` and `:duplicate_bag`.

  Bags contain "records" which are tuples. Bags are configured with a key position via the `keypos: integer` option.
  If not specified, the default key position is 1. The element of the tuple record at the key position is that records key.
  For example, setting the `keypos` to 2 means the key of an inserted record `{:a, :b}` is `:b`:

      iex> {:ok, bag} = 2)
      iex> Bag.add!(bag, {:a, :b})
      iex> Bag.lookup(bag, :a)
      {:ok, []}
      iex> Bag.lookup(bag, :b)
      {:ok, [{:a, :b}]}

  When a record is added to the table with `add_new` will only add the record if a matching key doesn't already exist.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, bag} =
      iex> Bag.add_new!(bag, {:a, :b, :c})
      iex> Bag.to_list!(bag)
      [{:a, :b, :c}]
      iex> Bag.add_new!(bag, {:d, :e, :f})
      iex> Bag.to_list!(bag)
      [{:d, :e, :f}, {:a, :b, :c}]
      iex> Bag.add_new!(bag, {:a, :g, :h})
      iex> Bag.to_list!(bag)
      [{:d, :e, :f}, {:a, :b, :c}]

  `add` and `add_new` take either a single tuple or a list of tuple records. When adding multiple records,
  they are added in an atomic an isolated manner. `add_new` doesn't add any records if any of
  the new keys already exist in the bag.

  By default, Bags allow duplicate records (each element of the tuple record is identical). To prevent duplicate
  records, set the `duplicate: false` opt when creating the Bag (if you want to prevent duplicate *keys*, use an `ETS.Set`
  instead). Note that `duplicate: false` will increase the time it takes to add records as the table must be checked for
  duplicates prior to insert. `duplicate: true` maps to the `:ets` table type `:duplicate_bag`, `duplicate: false` maps to `:bag`.

  ## Working with named tables

  The functions on `ETS.Bag` require that you pass in an `ETS.Bag` as the first argument. In some design patterns,
  you may have the table name but an instance of an `ETS.Bag` may not be available to you. If this is the case,
  you should use `wrap_existing/1` to turn your table name atom into an `ETS.Bag`. For example, a `GenServer` that
  handles writes within the server, but reads in the client process would be implemented like this:

  defmodule MyExampleGenServer do
    use GenServer
    alias ETS.Bag

    # Client Functions

    def get_roles_for_user(user_id) do
      |> Bag.wrap_existing!()
      |> Bag.lookup!(user_id)
      |>, 1))

    def add_role_for_user(user_id, role) do, {:add_role_for_user, user_id, role})

    # Server Functions

    def init(_) do
      {:ok, %{bag:!(name: :my_role_table)}}

    def handle_call({:add_role_for_user, user_id, role}, _from, %{bag: bag}) do
      Bag.add(bag, {user_id, role})


  use ETS.Utils

  alias ETS.Bag
  alias ETS.Base

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          info: keyword(),
          duplicate: boolean(),
          table: ETS.table_reference()

  @type bag_options :: [ETS.Base.option() | {:duplicate, boolean()}]

  defstruct table: nil, info: nil, duplicate: nil

  @doc """
  Creates new bag module with the specified options.

  Note that the underlying :ets table will be attached to the process that calls `new` and will be destroyed
  if that process dies.

  Possible options:

  * `name:` when specified, creates a named table with the specified name
  * `duplicate:` when true, allows multiple identical records. (default true)
  * `protection:` :private, :protected, :public (default :protected)
  * `heir:` :none | {heir_pid, heir_data} (default :none)
  * `keypos:` integer (default 1)
  * `read_concurrency:` boolean (default false)
  * `write_concurrency:` boolean (default false)
  * `compressed:` boolean (default false)

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, bag} = false, keypos: 3, read_concurrency: true, compressed: false)

      # Named :ets tables via the name keyword
      iex> {:ok, bag} = :my_ets_table)

  @spec new(bag_options) :: {:error, any()} | {:ok, Bag.t()}
  def new(opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
    {opts, duplicate} = take_opt(opts, :duplicate, true)

    if is_boolean(duplicate) do
      case Base.new_table(type(duplicate), opts) do
        {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}
        {:ok, {table, info}} -> {:ok, %Bag{table: table, info: info, duplicate: duplicate}}
      {:error, {:invalid_option, {:duplicate, duplicate}}}

  @doc """
  Same as `new/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec new!(bag_options) :: Bag.t()
  def new!(opts \\ []), do: unwrap_or_raise(new(opts))

  defp type(true), do: :duplicate_bag
  defp type(false), do: :bag

  @doc """
  Returns information on the bag.

  Second parameter forces updated information from ets, default (false) uses in-struct cached information.
  Force should be used when requesting size and memory.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, bag} = false, keypos: 3, read_concurrency: true, compressed: false)
      iex> {:ok, info} =
      iex> info[:read_concurrency]
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, {:a, :b, :c})
      iex> {:ok, info} =
      iex> info[:size]
      iex> {:ok, info} =, true)
      iex> info[:size]

  @spec info(Bag.t(), boolean()) :: {:ok, keyword()} | {:error, any()}
  def info(bag, force_update \\ false)
  def info(%Bag{table: table}, true), do:
  def info(%Bag{info: info}, false), do: {:ok, info}

  @doc """
  Same as `info/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec info!(Bag.t(), boolean()) :: keyword()
  def info!(%Bag{} = bag, force_update \\ false) when is_boolean(force_update),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(info(bag, force_update))

  @doc """
  Returns underlying `:ets` table reference.

  For use in functions that are not yet implemented. If you find yourself using this, please consider
  submitting a PR to add the necessary function to `ETS`.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!(name: :my_ets_table)
      iex> {:ok, table} = Bag.get_table(bag)
      iex> info =
      iex> info[:name]

  @spec get_table(Bag.t()) :: {:ok, ETS.table_reference()}
  def get_table(%Bag{table: table}), do: {:ok, table}

  @doc """
  Same as `get_table/1` but unwraps or raises on error
  @spec get_table!(Bag.t()) :: ETS.table_reference()
  def get_table!(%Bag{} = bag), do: unwrap(get_table(bag))

  @doc """
  Adds tuple record or list of tuple records to table.

  If Bag has `duplicate: false`, will overwrite duplicate records (full tuple must match, not just key).

  Inserts multiple records in an [atomic and isolated]( manner.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, bag} =
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, [{:a, :b, :c}, {:d, :e, :f}])
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, {:a, :h, :i})
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, {:d, :x, :y})
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, {:d, :e, :f})
      iex> Bag.to_list(bag)
      {:ok, [{:d, :e, :f}, {:d, :x, :y}, {:d, :e, :f}, {:a, :b, :c}, {:a, :h, :i}]}

      iex> {:ok, bag} = false)
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, [{:a, :b, :c}, {:d, :e, :f}])
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, {:a, :h, :i})
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, {:d, :x, :y})
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add(bag, {:d, :e, :f}) # won't insert due to duplicate: false
      iex> Bag.to_list(bag)
      {:ok, [{:d, :e, :f}, {:d, :x, :y}, {:a, :b, :c}, {:a, :h, :i}]}

  @spec add(Bag.t(), tuple() | list(tuple())) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def add(%Bag{table: table} = bag, record) when is_tuple(record),
    do: Base.insert(table, record, bag)

  def add(%Bag{table: table} = bag, records) when is_list(records),
    do: Base.insert_multi(table, records, bag)

  @doc """
  Same as `add/3` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec add!(Bag.t(), tuple() | list(tuple())) :: Bag.t()
  def add!(%Bag{} = bag, record_or_records)
      when is_tuple(record_or_records) or is_list(record_or_records),
      do: unwrap_or_raise(add(bag, record_or_records))

  @doc """
  Same as `add/2` but doesn't add any records if one of the given keys already exists.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add_new(bag, [{:a, :b, :c}, {:d, :e, :f}])
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add_new(bag, [{:a, :x, :y}, {:g, :h, :i}]) # skips due to duplicate :a key
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.add_new(bag, {:d, :z, :zz}) # skips due to duplicate :d key
      iex> Bag.to_list!(bag)
      [{:d, :e, :f}, {:a, :b, :c}]

  @spec add_new(Bag.t(), tuple() | list(tuple())) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def add_new(%Bag{table: table} = bag, record) when is_tuple(record),
    do: Base.insert_new(table, record, bag)

  def add_new(%Bag{table: table} = bag, records) when is_list(records),
    do: Base.insert_multi_new(table, records, bag)

  @doc """
  Same as `add_new/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec add_new!(Bag.t(), tuple() | list(tuple())) :: Bag.t()
  def add_new!(%Bag{} = bag, record_or_records)
      when is_tuple(record_or_records) or is_list(record_or_records),
      do: unwrap_or_raise(add_new(bag, record_or_records))

  @doc """
  Returns list of records with specified key.

  ## Examples

      iex> |> Bag.add!({:a, :b, :c})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:d, :e, :f})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:d, :e, :g})
      iex> |> Bag.lookup(:d)
      {:ok, [{:d, :e, :f}, {:d, :e, :g}]}

  @spec lookup(Bag.t(), any()) :: {:ok, [tuple()]} | {:error, any()}
  def lookup(%Bag{table: table}, key), do: Base.lookup(table, key)

  @doc """
  Same as `lookup/3` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec lookup!(Bag.t(), any()) :: [tuple()]
  def lookup!(%Bag{} = bag, key), do: unwrap_or_raise(lookup(bag, key))

  @doc """
  Returns list of elements in specified position of records with specified key.

  ## Examples

      iex> |> Bag.add!({:a, :b, :c})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:d, :e, :f})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:d, :h, :i})
      iex> |> Bag.lookup_element(:d, 2)
      {:ok, [:e, :h]}

  @spec lookup_element(Bag.t(), any(), non_neg_integer()) :: {:ok, [any()]} | {:error, any()}
  def lookup_element(%Bag{table: table}, key, pos), do: Base.lookup_element(table, key, pos)

  @doc """
  Same as `lookup_element/3` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec lookup_element!(Bag.t(), any(), non_neg_integer()) :: [any()]
  def lookup_element!(%Bag{} = bag, key, pos), do: unwrap_or_raise(lookup_element(bag, key, pos))

  @doc """
  Returns records in the Bag that match the specified pattern.

  For more information on the match pattern, see the [erlang documentation](

  ## Examples

      iex> |> Bag.add!([{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :c, :f, :g}, {:h, :b, :i, :j}])
      iex> |> Bag.match({:"$1", :b, :"$2", :_})
      {:ok, [[:h, :i], [:a, :c]]}

  @spec match(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern()) :: {:ok, [tuple()]} | {:error, any()}
  def match(%Bag{table: table}, pattern) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: Base.match(table, pattern)

  @doc """
  Same as `match/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec match!(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern()) :: [tuple()]
  def match!(%Bag{} = bag, pattern) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(match(bag, pattern))

  @doc """
  Same as `match/2` but limits number of results to the specified limit.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> Bag.add!(bag, [{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :b, :f, :g}, {:h, :b, :i, :j}])
      iex> {:ok, {results, _continuation}} = Bag.match(bag, {:"$1", :b, :"$2", :_}, 2)
      iex> results
      [[:e, :f], [:a, :c]]

  @spec match(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern(), non_neg_integer()) ::
          {:ok, {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}} | {:error, any()}
  def match(%Bag{table: table}, pattern, limit) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: Base.match(table, pattern, limit)

  @doc """
  Same as `match/3` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec match!(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern(), non_neg_integer()) ::
          {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}
  def match!(%Bag{} = bag, pattern, limit) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(match(bag, pattern, limit))

  @doc """
  Matches next bag of records from a match/3 or match/1 continuation.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> Bag.add!(bag, [{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :b, :f, :g}, {:h, :b, :i, :j}])
      iex> {:ok, {results, continuation}} = Bag.match(bag, {:"$1", :b, :"$2", :_}, 2)
      iex> results
      [[:e, :f], [:a, :c]]
      iex> {:ok, {records2, continuation2}} = Bag.match(continuation)
      iex> records2
      [[:h, :i]]
      iex> continuation2

  @spec match(any()) :: {:ok, {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}} | {:error, any()}
  def match(continuation), do: Base.match(continuation)

  @doc """
  Same as `match/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec match!(any()) :: {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}
  def match!(continuation), do: unwrap_or_raise(match(continuation))

  @doc """
  Deletes all records that match the given pattern.

  Always returns `:ok`, regardless of whether anything was deleted or not.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> Bag.add!(bag, [{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :b, :f, :g}, {:a, :i, :j, :k}])
      iex> Bag.match_delete(bag, {:_, :b, :_, :_})
      {:ok, bag}
      iex> Bag.to_list!(bag)
      [{:a, :i, :j, :k}]

  @spec match_delete(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern()) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def match_delete(%Bag{table: table} = bag, pattern)
      when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern) do
    with :ok <- Base.match_delete(table, pattern) do
      {:ok, bag}

  @doc """
  Same as `match_delete/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec match_delete!(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern()) :: Bag.t()
  def match_delete!(%Bag{} = bag, pattern) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(match_delete(bag, pattern))

  @doc """
  Returns full records that match the specified pattern.

  For more information on the match pattern, see the [erlang documentation](

  ## Examples

      iex> |> Bag.add!([{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :c, :f, :g}, {:h, :b, :i, :j}])
      iex> |> Bag.match_object({:"$1", :b, :"$2", :_})
      {:ok, [{:h, :b, :i, :j}, {:a, :b, :c, :d}]}

  @spec match_object(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern()) :: {:ok, [tuple()]} | {:error, any()}
  def match_object(%Bag{table: table}, pattern) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: Base.match_object(table, pattern)

  @doc """
  Same as `match_object/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec match_object!(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern()) :: [tuple()]
  def match_object!(%Bag{} = bag, pattern) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(match_object(bag, pattern))

  @doc """
  Same as `match/2` but limits number of results to the specified limit.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> Bag.add!(bag, [{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :b, :f, :g}, {:h, :b, :i, :j}])
      iex> {:ok, {results, _continuation}} = Bag.match_object(bag, {:"$1", :b, :"$2", :_}, 2)
      iex> results
      [{:e, :b, :f, :g}, {:a, :b, :c, :d}]

  @spec match_object(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern(), non_neg_integer()) ::
          {:ok, {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}} | {:error, any()}
  def match_object(%Bag{table: table}, pattern, limit) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: Base.match_object(table, pattern, limit)

  @doc """
  Same as `match_object/3` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec match_object!(Bag.t(), ETS.match_pattern(), non_neg_integer()) ::
          {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}
  def match_object!(%Bag{} = bag, pattern, limit) when is_atom(pattern) or is_tuple(pattern),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(match_object(bag, pattern, limit))

  @doc """
  Matches next records from a match/3 or match/1 continuation.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> Bag.add!(bag, [{:a, :b, :c}, {:a, :b, :d}, {:a, :b, :e}, {:f, :b, :g}])
      iex> {:ok, {results, continuation}} = Bag.match_object(bag, {:"$1", :b, :_}, 2)
      iex> results
      [{:a, :b, :d}, {:a, :b, :e}]
      iex> {:ok, {results2, continuation2}} = Bag.match_object(continuation)
      iex> results2
      [{:f, :b, :g}, {:a, :b, :c}]
      iex> {:ok, {[], :end_of_table}} = Bag.match_object(continuation2)

  @spec match_object(any()) :: {:ok, {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}} | {:error, any()}
  def match_object(continuation), do: Base.match_object(continuation)

  @doc """
  Same as `match_object/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec match_object!(any()) :: {[tuple()], any() | :end_of_table}
  def match_object!(continuation), do: unwrap_or_raise(match_object(continuation))

  @doc """
  Returns records in the specified Bag that match the specified match specification.

  For more information on the match specification, see the [erlang documentation](

  ## Examples

      iex> |> Bag.add!([{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :c, :f, :g}, {:h, :b, :i, :j}])
      iex> |>[{{:"$1", :b, :"$2", :_},[],[:"$$"]}])
      {:ok, [[:h, :i], [:a, :c]]}

  @spec select(Bag.t(), ETS.match_spec()) :: {:ok, [tuple()]} | {:error, any()}
  def select(%Bag{table: table}, spec) when is_list(spec),
    do:, spec)

  @doc """
  Same as `select/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec select!(Bag.t(), ETS.match_spec()) :: [tuple()]
  def select!(%Bag{} = bag, spec) when is_list(spec),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(select(bag, spec))

  @doc """
  Deletes records in the specified Bag that match the specified match specification.

  For more information on the match specification, see the [erlang documentation](

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> bag
      iex> |> Bag.add!([{:a, :b, :c, :d}, {:e, :c, :f, :g}, {:h, :b, :c, :h}])
      iex> |> Bag.select_delete([{{:"$1", :b, :"$2", :_},[{:"==", :"$2", :c}],[true]}])
      {:ok, 2}
      iex> Bag.to_list!(bag)
      [{:e, :c, :f, :g}]

  @spec select_delete(Bag.t(), ETS.match_spec()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, any()}
  def select_delete(%Bag{table: table}, spec) when is_list(spec),
    do: Base.select_delete(table, spec)

  @doc """
  Same as `select_delete/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec select_delete!(Bag.t(), ETS.match_spec()) :: non_neg_integer()
  def select_delete!(%Bag{} = bag, spec) when is_list(spec),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(select_delete(bag, spec))

  @doc """
  Determines if specified key exists in specified bag.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> Bag.has_key(bag, :key)
      {:ok, false}
      iex> Bag.add(bag, {:key, :value})
      iex> Bag.has_key(bag, :key)
      {:ok, true}

  @spec has_key(Bag.t(), any()) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, any()}
  def has_key(%Bag{table: table}, key), do: Base.has_key(table, key)

  @doc """
  Same as `has_key/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec has_key!(Bag.t(), any()) :: boolean()
  def has_key!(bag, key), do: unwrap_or_raise(has_key(bag, key))

  @doc """
  Returns contents of table as a list.

  ## Examples

      iex> |> Bag.add!({:a, :b, :c})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:d, :e, :f})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:d, :e, :f})
      iex> |> Bag.to_list()
      {:ok, [{:d, :e, :f}, {:d, :e, :f}, {:a, :b, :c}]}

  @spec to_list(Bag.t()) :: {:ok, [tuple()]} | {:error, any()}
  def to_list(%Bag{table: table}), do: Base.to_list(table)

  @doc """
  Same as `to_list/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec to_list!(Bag.t()) :: [tuple()]
  def to_list!(%Bag{} = bag), do: unwrap_or_raise(to_list(bag))

  @doc """
  Deletes specified Bag.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, bag} =
      iex> {:ok, _} =, true)
      iex> {:ok, _} = Bag.delete(bag)
      iex>, true)
      {:error, :table_not_found}

  @spec delete(Bag.t()) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def delete(%Bag{table: table} = bag), do: Base.delete(table, bag)

  @doc """
  Same as `delete/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec delete!(Bag.t()) :: Bag.t()
  def delete!(%Bag{} = bag), do: unwrap_or_raise(delete(bag))

  @doc """
  Deletes record with specified key in specified Bag.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> Bag.add(bag, {:a, :b, :c})
      iex> Bag.delete(bag, :a)
      iex> Bag.lookup!(bag, :a)

  @spec delete(Bag.t(), any()) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def delete(%Bag{table: table} = bag, key), do: Base.delete_records(table, key, bag)

  @doc """
  Same as `delete/2` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec delete!(Bag.t(), any()) :: Bag.t()
  def delete!(%Bag{} = bag, key), do: unwrap_or_raise(delete(bag, key))

  @doc """
  Deletes all records in specified Bag.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> bag
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:a, :b, :c})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:b, :b, :c})
      iex> |> Bag.add!({:c, :b, :c})
      iex> |> Bag.to_list!()
      [{:c, :b, :c}, {:b, :b, :c}, {:a, :b, :c}]
      iex> Bag.delete_all(bag)
      iex> Bag.to_list!(bag)

  @spec delete_all(Bag.t()) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def delete_all(%Bag{table: table} = bag), do: Base.delete_all_records(table, bag)

  @doc """
  Same as `delete_all/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec delete_all!(Bag.t()) :: Bag.t()
  def delete_all!(%Bag{} = bag), do: unwrap_or_raise(delete_all(bag))

  @doc """
  Wraps an existing :ets :bag or :duplicate_bag in a Bag struct.

  ## Examples

      iex>, [:bag, :named_table])
      iex> {:ok, bag} = Bag.wrap_existing(:my_ets_table)

  @spec wrap_existing(ETS.table_identifier()) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def wrap_existing(table_identifier) do
    case Base.wrap_existing(table_identifier, [:bag, :duplicate_bag]) do
      {:ok, {table, info}} ->
        {:ok, %Bag{table: table, info: info, duplicate: info[:type] == :duplicate_bag}}

      {:error, reason} ->
        {:error, reason}

  @doc """
  Same as `wrap_existing/1` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec wrap_existing!(ETS.table_identifier()) :: Bag.t()
  def wrap_existing!(table_identifier), do: unwrap_or_raise(wrap_existing(table_identifier))

  @doc """
  Transfers ownership of a Bag to another process.

  ## Examples

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> receiver_pid = spawn(fn -> Bag.accept() end)
      iex> Bag.give_away(bag, receiver_pid)
      {:ok, bag}

      iex> bag =!()
      iex> dead_pid = ETS.TestUtils.dead_pid()
      iex> Bag.give_away(bag, dead_pid)
      {:error, :recipient_not_alive}

  @spec give_away(Bag.t(), pid(), any()) :: {:ok, Bag.t()} | {:error, any()}
  def give_away(%Bag{table: table} = bag, pid, gift \\ []),
    do: Base.give_away(table, pid, gift, bag)

  @doc """
  Same as `give_away/3` but unwraps or raises on error.
  @spec give_away!(Bag.t(), pid(), any()) :: Bag.t()
  def give_away!(%Bag{} = bag, pid, gift \\ []),
    do: unwrap_or_raise(give_away(bag, pid, gift))

  @doc """
  Waits to accept ownership of a table after it is given away.  Successful receipt will
  return `{:ok, %{bag: bag, from: from, gift: gift}}` where `from` is the pid of the previous
  owner, and `gift` is any additional metadata sent with the table.

  A timeout may be given in milliseconds, which will return `{:error, :timeout}` if reached.

  See `give_away/3` for more information.
  @spec accept() :: {:ok, Bag.t(), pid(), any()} | {:error, any()}
  def accept(timeout \\ :infinity) do
    with {:ok, table, from, gift} <- Base.accept(timeout),
         {:ok, bag} <- Bag.wrap_existing(table) do
      {:ok, %{bag: bag, from: from, gift: gift}}

  @doc """
  For processes which may receive ownership of a Bag unexpectedly - either via `give_away/3` or
  by being named the Bag's heir (see `new/1`) - the module should include at least one `accept`
  clause.  For example, if we want a server to inherit Bags after their previous owner dies:

  defmodule Receiver do
    use GenServer
    alias ETS.Bag
    require ETS.Bag


    Bag.accept :owner_crashed, bag, _from, state do
      new_state = Map.update!(state, :crashed_bags, &[bag | &1])
      {:noreply, new_state}

  The first argument is a unique identifier which should match either the "heir_data"
  in `new/1`, or the "gift" in `give_away/3`.
  The other arguments declare the variables which may be used in the `do` block:
  the received Bag, the pid of the previous owner, and the current state of the process.

  The return value should be in the form {:noreply, new_state}, or one of the similar
  returns expected by `handle_info`/`handle_cast`.
  defmacro accept(id, table, from, state, do: contents) do
    quote do
      require Base

      Base.accept unquote(id), unquote(table), unquote(from), unquote(state) do
        var!(unquote(table)) = Bag.wrap_existing!(unquote(table))