
%%% @copyright 2023 William Fank Thomé
%%% @author William Fank Thomé <>
%%% @doc JSON parser without any options for better performance.
%%% Copyright 2023 William Fank Thomé
%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
%%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%%% limitations under the License.
%%% @end

-compile({ inline, escape_html/4 }).
-compile({ inline, escape_html_chunk/5 }).

-dialyzer( no_improper_lists ).

%% API functions

-export([ encode/1 ]).

%% Types

-type input() :: euneus_encoder:input().
-type result() :: euneus_encoder:result().

%% Macros

-define(NON_PRINTABLE_LAST, 31).
-define(ONE_BYTE_LAST, 127).
-define(TWO_BYTE_LAST, 2_047).
-define(THREE_BYTE_LAST, 65_535).

%%% API functions

-spec encode(input()) -> result().

encode(Term) ->
        {ok, value(Term)}
        throw:{unsupported_type, Unsupported} ->
            {error, {unsupported_type, Unsupported}};
        throw:{invalid_byte, Byte0, Input} ->
            Byte = <<"0x"/utf8, (integer_to_binary(Byte0, 16))/binary>>,
            {error, {invalid_byte, Byte, Input}};
        throw:Reason ->
            {error, Reason};
        Class:Reason:Stacktrace ->
            erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace)

key(Key) when is_binary(Key) ->
    [$", escape_html(Key, [], Key, 0), $"];
key(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
    Key = atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8),
    [$", escape_html(Key, [], Key, 0), $"];
key(String) when is_list(String) ->
    Key = list_to_binary(String),
    [$", escape_html(Key, [], Key, 0), $"];
key(Int) when is_integer(Int) ->
    Key = integer_to_binary(Int),
    [$", escape_html(Key, [], Key, 0), $"].

value(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
    [$", escape_html(Bin, [], Bin, 0), $"];
value(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
    case Atom of
        true ->
        false ->
        undefined ->
        _ ->
            Bin = atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8),
            [$", escape_html(Bin, [], Bin, 0), $"]
value(Int) when is_integer(Int) ->
value(Float) when is_float(Float) ->
    float_to_binary(Float, [short]);
value(List) when is_list(List) ->
    case List of
        [] ->
        [H | T] ->
            [$[, value(H) | do_encode_list_loop(T)]
value(Map) when is_map(Map) ->
    case maps_to_list(erts_internal:map_next(0, Map, [])) of
        [] ->
        [{K, V} | T] ->
            [${, key(K), $:, value(V) | do_encode_map_loop(T)]
value(Term) ->

do_encode_list_loop([]) ->
do_encode_list_loop([H | T]) ->
    [$,, value(H) | do_encode_list_loop(T)].

do_encode_map_loop([]) ->
do_encode_map_loop([{K, V} | T]) ->
    [$,, key(K), $:, value(V) | do_encode_map_loop(T)].

escape_html(Data, Acc, Input, Pos) ->
    case Data of
        <<$"/integer, Rest/bitstring>> ->
          Acc1 = [Acc, <<"\\\"">>],
          escape_html(Rest, Acc1, Input, Pos+1);
        <<$\\/integer, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Acc1 = [Acc | <<"\\\\">>],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc1, Input, Pos+1);
        <<$//integer, Rest/bitstring>> ->
          Acc1 = [Acc | <<"\\/">>],
          escape_html(Rest, Acc1, Input, Pos+1);
        <<Byte/integer, Rest/bitstring>> when Byte < 33 ->
            Acc1 = [Acc, escape_byte(Byte)],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc1, Input, Pos+1);
        <<Byte/integer, Rest/bitstring>> when Byte =< ?ONE_BYTE_LAST ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, 1);
        <<Char/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> when Char =< ?TWO_BYTE_LAST ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, 2);
        <<8232/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Acc1 = [Acc | <<"\\u2028">>],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc1, Input, Pos+3);
        <<8233/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Acc1 = [Acc | <<"\\u2029">>],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc1, Input, Pos+3);
        <<Char/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> when Char =< ?THREE_BYTE_LAST ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, 3);
        <<_Char/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, 4);
        <<>> ->
        <<Byte/integer, _Rest/bitstring>> ->
            throw_invalid_byte_error(Byte, Input)

escape_html_chunk(Data, Acc, Input, Pos, Len) ->
    case Data of
        <<$"/integer, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Part = binary_part(Input, Pos, Len),
            Acc2 = [Acc | [Part, <<"\\\"">>]],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc2, Input, Pos+Len+1);
        <<$\\/integer, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Part = binary_part(Input, Pos, Len),
            Acc2 = [Acc | [Part, <<"\\\\">>]],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc2, Input, Pos+Len+1);
        <<$//integer, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Part = binary_part(Input, Pos, Len),
            Acc2 = [Acc | [Part, <<"\\/">>]],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc2, Input, Pos+Len+1);
        <<Byte/integer, Rest/bitstring>> when Byte =< ?NON_PRINTABLE_LAST ->
            Part = binary_part(Input, Pos, Len),
            Acc2 = [Acc, Part, escape_byte(Byte)],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc2, Input, Pos+Len+1);
        <<Byte/integer, Rest/bitstring>> when Byte =< ?ONE_BYTE_LAST ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, Len+1);
        <<>> ->
            case Acc =:= [] of
                true ->
                    binary_part(Input, Pos, Len);
                false ->
                    [Acc, binary_part(Input, Pos, Len)]
        <<Char/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> when Char =< ?TWO_BYTE_LAST ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, Len+2);
        <<8232/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Part = binary_part(Input, Pos, Len),
            Acc2 = [Acc | [Part, <<"\\u2028">>]],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc2, Input, Pos+Len+3);
        <<8233/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            Part = binary_part(Input, Pos, Len),
            Acc2 = [Acc | [Part, <<"\\u2029">>]],
            escape_html(Rest, Acc2, Input, Pos+Len+3);
        <<Char/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> when Char =< ?THREE_BYTE_LAST ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, Len+3);
        <<_Char/utf8, Rest/bitstring>> ->
            escape_html_chunk(Rest, Acc, Input, Pos, Len+4);
        <<Byte/integer, _Rest/bitstring>> ->
            throw_invalid_byte_error(Byte, Input)

escape_byte(0) -> <<"\\u0000">>;
escape_byte(1) -> <<"\\u0001">>;
escape_byte(2) -> <<"\\u0002">>;
escape_byte(3) -> <<"\\u0003">>;
escape_byte(4) -> <<"\\u0004">>;
escape_byte(5) -> <<"\\u0005">>;
escape_byte(6) -> <<"\\u0006">>;
escape_byte(7) -> <<"\\u0007">>;
escape_byte($\b) -> <<"\\b">>;
escape_byte($\t) -> <<"\\t">>;
escape_byte($\n) -> <<"\\n">>;
escape_byte($\v) -> <<"\\u000B">>;
escape_byte($\f) -> <<"\\f">>;
escape_byte($\r) -> <<"\\r">>;
escape_byte(14) -> <<"\\u000E">>;
escape_byte(15) -> <<"\\u000F">>;
escape_byte(16) -> <<"\\u0010">>;
escape_byte(17) -> <<"\\u0011">>;
escape_byte(18) -> <<"\\u0012">>;
escape_byte(19) -> <<"\\u0013">>;
escape_byte(20) -> <<"\\u0014">>;
escape_byte(21) -> <<"\\u0015">>;
escape_byte(22) -> <<"\\u0016">>;
escape_byte(23) -> <<"\\u0017">>;
escape_byte(24) -> <<"\\u0018">>;
escape_byte(25) -> <<"\\u0019">>;
escape_byte(26) -> <<"\\u001A">>;
escape_byte($\e) -> <<"\\u001B">>;
escape_byte(28) -> <<"\\u001C">>;
escape_byte(29) -> <<"\\u001D">>;
escape_byte(30) -> <<"\\u001E">>;
escape_byte(31) -> <<"\\u001F">>;
escape_byte($\") -> <<"\\\"">>;
escape_byte($/) -> <<"\\/">>;
escape_byte($\\) -> <<"\\\\">>;
escape_byte(Byte) -> throw_invalid_byte_error(Byte, Byte).

throw_unsupported_type_error(Term) ->
    throw({unsupported_type, Term}).

throw_invalid_byte_error(Byte, Input) ->
    throw({invalid_byte, Byte, Input}).

%%% Support functions

maps_to_list([Iter, Map | Acc]) when is_integer(Iter) ->
    maps_to_list(erts_internal:map_next(Iter, Map, Acc));
maps_to_list(Acc) ->

%%% Eunit tests



encode_test() ->
    [ ?assertEqual(Expect, euneus:encode_to_binary(Input))
      || {Expect, Input} <- [
        {{ok, <<"true">>}, true},
        {{ok, <<"\"foo\"">>}, foo},
        {{ok, <<"\"foo\"">>}, <<"foo">>},
        {{ok, <<"0">>}, 0},
        {{ok, <<"123.456789">>}, 123.45678900},
        {{ok, <<"[true,0,null]">>}, [true, 0, undefined]},
        {{ok, <<"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}">>}, #{foo => bar}},
        {{ok, <<"{\"0\":0}">>}, #{0 => 0}}
