# Euneus

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An incredibly flexible and performant JSON parser, generator and formatter in pure Erlang.

Euneus is built on the top of the new [OTP json module](

Both encoder and decoder fully conform to [RFC 8259](
and [ECMA 404]( standards
and are tested using [JSONTestSuite](

Detailed examples and further explanation can be found at [hexdocs](

## Installation

### Erlang

% rebar.config
{deps, [
    json_polyfill, % Required only for OTP < 27
    {euneus, "2.4.0"}

### Elixir

# mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:json_polyfill, "~> 0.1"}, # Required only for OTP < 27
    {:euneus, "~> 2.4"}

Or consider using [Exneus](

# mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:json_polyfill, "~> 0.1"}, # Required only for OTP < 27
    {:exneus, "~> 0.1"}

> Exneus is a wrapper of Euneus for Elixir.

## Basic usage

1> euneus:encode(#{age => 68, name => <<"Joe Armstrong">>, nationality => <<"British">>}).
<<"{\"name\":\"Joe Armstrong\",\"age\":68,\"nationality\":\"British\"}">>
2> euneus:decode(v(1)).
#{<<"age">> => 68,<<"name">> => <<"Joe Armstrong">>,<<"nationality">> => <<"British">>}

## Encode

The functions `euneus:encode/1` `euneus:encode/2` encodes an Erlang term into a binary JSON.
The second argument of `euneus:encode/2` are options.

Please see the `m:euneus_encoder` [documentation](
for more examples and detailed explanation.

The data mapping and error reasons can be found in the OTP json encode function [documentation](

## Decode

The functions `euneus:decode/1` and `euneus:decode/2` decodes a binary JSON into an Erlang term.
The second argument of `euneus:decode/2` are options.

Please see the `m:euneus_decoder` [documentation](
for more examples and detailed explanation.

The data mapping and error reasons can be found in the OTP json decode function [documentation](

## Stream

Three functions provide JSON decode streaming:

- `euneus:decode_stream_start/1` - Equivalent to `euneus:decode_stream_start(JSON, #{})`;
- `euneus:decode_stream_start/2` - Begin parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value;
- `euneus:decode_stream_continue/2` - Continue parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Please see the `m:euneus_decoder` [documentation](
for more examples and detailed explanation.

## Format

Two functions provide JSON formatting:

- `euneus:minify/1` - Removes any extra spaces and new line characters;
- `euneus:format/2` - Formats the JSON by passing custom options.

Please see the `m:euneus_formatter` [documentation](
for more examples and detailed explanation.

## Benchmark

The benchmarks are implemented very simply, but they are a good start foroptimizing
Euneus since no optimizations have been made. You will find the benchmark commands
in `euneus_benchmarker`, and data and tests under the test folder.

> For the first benchmark run, bootstrapping `erlperf` is required:
> ```console
> $ rebar3 as benchmark shell
> 1> euneus_benchmarker:bootstrap().
> ===> Verifying dependencies...
> ===> Analyzing applications...
> ===> Compiling erlperf
> ===> Building escript for erlperf...
> ok
> ```

### Results

> Setup:
> - OS : Linux
> - CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900HX
> - VM : Erlang/OTP 27 [erts-15.0.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:24:24] [ds:24:24:10] [async-threads:1] [jit:ns]

$ rebar3 as benchmark shell

1> euneus_benchmarker:encode_benchmark().
Code      ||   Samples       Avg   StdDev    Median      P99  Iteration    Rel
jiffy      1         3        26   36.69%        25       36   38474 us   100%
euneus     1         3        20   38.20%        18       29   49197 us    78%
thoas      1         3        10   36.06%         9       14     100 ms    38%

2> euneus_benchmarker:decode_benchmark().
Code       ||   Samples       Avg   StdDev    Median      P99  Iteration    Rel
euneus      1         3        24    2.44%        24       24   42268 us   100%
jiffy       1         3        19    3.09%        19       19   53589 us    79%
thoas       1         3        14    0.00%        14       14   71452 us    59%

## Sponsors

If you like this tool, please consider [sponsoring me](
I'm thankful for your never-ending support :heart:

I also accept coffees :coffee:

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## License

Copyright (c) 2024 [William Fank Thomé](

Euneus is 100% open-source and community-driven. All components are
available under the Apache 2 License on [GitHub](

See []( for more information.