# Euros

Euros is a web spider framework that can spider a domain and collect useful information about the pages it visits.
It is versatile, allowing you to write your own specialized spider tasks quickly and easily.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:euros, "~> 0.2.1"}

## Usage

iex> url = ""
iex> Euros.Core.crawl(url, fn(page) -> IO.puts(inspect(page)) end)
%HTTPoison.Response{body: "<!DOCTYPE html><html dir='ltr'><head><meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1' name='viewport'/><title>euros test blog</title>....

### set cookie

iex> url = "" 
iex> option = %Euros.HTTPOption{cookie: "foo=bar;"}
%Euros.HTTPOption{cookie: "foo=bar;", recv_timeout: 60000, timeout: 60000}
iex> Euros.Core.crawl(url, fn(page) -> page |> inspect |> IO.puts end, option)

### cusotm url pattern

iex> url = "" 
iex> option = %Euros.HTTPOption{cookie: "foo=bar;"}
%Euros.HTTPOption{cookie: "foo=bar;", recv_timeout: 60000, timeout: 60000}
iex> pattern = ~r/test1/
iex> Euros.Core.crawl(url, fn(page) -> page |> inspect |> IO.puts end, option, pattern)

## License
Copyright (c) 2017 kytiken

Released under the MIT license

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