# EveESI
EveESI is mean to be a wrapper around the EVE Online ESI API. Thanks to CCP for providing the API and the Swagger interface to it; we can abstract the API calls into a more Elixir-friendly format.
This library is still in development and while it follows the Swagger API, not everything might be working as expected. If you find any issues, please report them.
# Usage
## Installation
Add `eve_esi` to your list of dependencies in **mix.exs**:
def deps do
{:eve_esi, "~> 0.1.0"}
Then run:
mix deps.get
## Configuration
By default, the client uses `https://esi.evetech.net/latest` as the base URL. You can override this in your application config if you need a different environment:
config :eve_esi,
base_url: "https://esi.evetech.net/latest"
If you want to customize Tesla options (e.g. adapter, JSON engine, middlewares), you can specify:
config :tesla, EveESI.Connection,
adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Hackney, # or Finch, Mint, etc.
json: Jason,
middleware: [
# additional custom middlewares
user_agent: "MyUserAgent/1.0"
## Making Requests (Without Authentication)
If you do not require OAuth2 (or you just want to call public endpoints), you can create a simple client with:
client = EveESI.Connection.new()
Then pass that `client` to any of the generated API modules/functions. For example:
# An example of calling an endpoint from the Universe API:
{:ok, systems} = EveESI.Api.Universe.get_universe_systems(client)
IO.inspect(systems, label: "List of systems")
*(Check the generated modules under `lib/eve_esi/api/*.ex` for available endpoints.)*
## Making Requests With OAuth2
Many EVE Online endpoints require an OAuth2 token with specific scopes. You can provide a token directly, or supply a function that fetches a token at runtime.
### 1. Passing a Static Token
If you already have a valid Bearer token:
client = EveESI.Connection.new("Bearer <my_jwt_token>")
# Now client includes the Authorization header.
{:ok, character_info} = EveESI.Api.Character.get_characters_character_id(client, character_id)
### 2. Using a Token Fetcher Function
If you have a function that can **obtain or refresh** an OAuth2 token, you can pass that function instead:
defmodule MyApp.TokenManager do
# For example, a function that fetches from your refresh token flow or in-memory cache
def fetch_token(scopes) do
# The `scopes` argument is a list of ESI scopes you might need.
# Return the token string with "Bearer ..." or just the token if you prefer.
"Bearer " <> MyApp.OAuth2.get_token_for_scopes(scopes)
# Then configure your client:
client = EveESI.Connection.new(&MyApp.TokenManager.fetch_token/1)
# Or with explicit scopes:
client = EveESI.Connection.new(&MyApp.TokenManager.fetch_token/1, ["esi-fittings.write_fittings.v1"])
> **Note**: If you pass a tuple `{MyModule, :my_function}`, the library will `apply(MyModule, :my_function, [scopes])` to get the token.
### Overriding Scopes
If you need to request specific scopes on a per-request basis, you can do:
scopes = ["esi-mail.read_mail.v1", "esi-mail.send_mail.v1"]
client = EveESI.Connection.new(&MyApp.TokenManager.fetch_token/1, scopes)
## Example Usage
Here’s a short end-to-end snippet:
defmodule MyApp do
def run do
# Create a client (with or without OAuth).
client = EveESI.Connection.new()
# Call an ESI endpoint.
# (Adjust your function call based on what's generated under EveESI.Api.*)
case EveESI.Api.Universe.get_universe_systems(client) do
{:ok, systems} ->
IO.puts("Got #{length(systems)} systems!")
{:error, reason} ->
IO.inspect(reason, label: "Error fetching systems")
Run your Elixir application, and it will make the ESI requests using Tesla under the hood.
## Building
To install the required dependencies and to build the elixir project, run:
mix local.hex --force
mix do deps.get, compile
## Installation
If [available in Hex][], the package can be installed by adding `eve_esi` to
your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:eve_esi, "~> 1.0.0"}]
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc][] and published on [HexDocs][]. Once published, the docs can be found at
## Configuration
You can override the URL of your server (e.g. if you have a separate development and production server in your
configuration files).
config :eve_esi, base_url: "https://esi.evetech.net/latest"
Multiple clients for the same API with different URLs can be created passing different `base_url`s when calling
client = EveESI.Connection.new(base_url: "https://esi.evetech.net/latest")
[exdoc]: https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc
[hexdocs]: https://hexdocs.pm
[available in hex]: https://hex.pm/docs/publish
[docs]: https://hexdocs.pm/eve_esi