# EventNanny
Nanny for a GenEvent handler
This Application will create the Supervisor and manager under the same Parent Supervisor and every handler will be take care by GenServer and restart it when exit abnormally.
## Installation
First, add EventNanny to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
[{:event_nanny, "~> 0.1.0"}]
and run `mix deps.get`. Now, list the `:event_nanny` application as your application dependency:
def application do
[applications: [:event_nanny]]
## Basic Usage
Instead of adding a handler with `GenEvent.add_handler(manager, handler, args)` or
`GenEvent.add_mon_handler(manager, handler, args)` just use
EventNanny.add_mon_handler(handler, args)
## Configuration
You can named your `manager` or add `handle` when nanny started
config :event_nanny,
event_monitor: MyEventMonitor,
event_handler: [
{MyHandler, [arg1: 1, arg2: 2]},
{MyHandler, []}