# EverythingLocation
Everything Location is as SAAS that can verify the correctness of and address, update or correct values, and return a certainty of those values. This will also return a formatted address according to the rules of the country of that address.
For more information see : https://www.everythinglocation.com
Please define your Everything Location API key in your Application env, either via:
```Application.put_env(:everything_location, :api_key, "MY_API_KEY")```
or when using phoenix in your config.exs
config :everything_location, :api_key, "MY_API_KEY````
## Example
iex> EverythingLocation.verify("baastion 16, 3833BP Amersfuurt, NL)
administrative_area: "Utrecht",
certainty_percentage: 88,
city: "Amersfoort",
country: "Netherlands",
country_alpha2: "NL",
country_alpha3: "NLD",
formatted_address: "Bastion 16\n3823 BP Amersfoort\nNetherlands",
postal_code: "3823 BP",
street: "Bastion 16",
verified: true
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add everything_location to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:everything_location, "~> 0.0.1"}]
2. Ensure everything_location is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:everything_location]]