<h1><img src="https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/raw/main/logo.png" alt="Logo" width="128"></h1>
# evision
| OS | Arch | ABI | Build Status | Has Precompiled Library |
| Linux | x86_64 | gnu |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-x86_64.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | x86_64 | musl |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-musl.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | arm64 | gnu |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-gnu.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | arm64 | musl |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-musl.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | armv7l (armhf) | gnueabihf |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-gnu.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | ppc64le | gnu |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-gnu.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | s390x | gnu |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-gnu.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | riscv64 | gnu |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-gnu.yml) | Yes |
| Linux | riscv64 | musl |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/linux-precompile-musl.yml) | Yes |
| macOS 11 Big Sur | x86_64 | darwin |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/macos-x86_64.yml) | Yes |
| macOS 11 Big Sur | arm64 | darwin |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/macos-precompile.yml) | Yes |
| Windows 2022 | x86_64 | msvc |[](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/windows-x86_64.yml) | Yes |
## Docs
Online docs for the latest released version is available on Hex.pm, [https://hexdocs.pm/evision/](https://hexdocs.pm/evision/).
<summary><h2>Nerves Support</h2></summary>
Prebuilt firmwares are available [here](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/actions/workflows/nerves-build.yml?query=is%3Asuccess).
Select the most recent run and scroll down to the `Artifacts` section, download the firmware file for your board and run
fwup /path/to/the/downloaded/firmware.fw
In the nerves build, `evision` is integrated as one of the dependencies of the [nerves_livebook](https://github.com/livebook-dev/nerves_livebook)
project. This means that you can use livebook (as well as other pre-pulled libraries) to explore and evaluate the `evision`
The default password of the livebook is `nerves` (as the time of writing, if it does not work, please check the nerves_livebook project).
For Nerves users only, please also check the [EVISION_ENABLE_CONTRIB](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision#evision_enable_contrib) section for important messages.
## Register Builtin Smart Cells
# List all smart cells
smartcells = Evision.SmartCell.available_smartcells()
# register all smart cells
# you can also register a subset of these smart cells
# e.g., only register the Model Zoo smart cell
<summary><h2>Integration with Nx</h2></summary>
iex> mat = Evision.imread("/path/to/image.png")
channels: 3,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 16,
shape: {512, 512, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.2992585850.4173463580.172624>
iex> t = Evision.Mat.to_nx(mat)
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 255, ...],
and vice-versa:
iex> %Evision.Mat{} = mat = Evision.imread("/path/to/image.png")
iex> t = Evision.Mat.to_nx(mat)
# convert a tensor to a mat
iex> mat_from_tensor = Evision.Mat.from_nx(t)
channels: 1,
dims: 3,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 0,
shape: {512, 512, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.1086574232.1510342676.18186>
# Note that `Evision.Mat.from_nx` gives a tensor
# however, some OpenCV functions expect the mat
# to be a "valid 2D image"
# therefore, in such cases `Evision.Mat.from_nx_2d`
# should be used instead
# Noticing the changes in `channels`, `dims` and `raw_type`
iex> mat_from_tensor = Evision.Mat.from_nx_2d(t)
channels: 3,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 16,
shape: {512, 512, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.1086574232.1510342676.18187>
# and it works for tensors with any shapes
iex> t = Nx.iota({2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3}, type: :s32)
iex> mat = Evision.Mat.from_nx(t)
channels: 1,
dims: 6,
type: {:s, 32},
raw_type: 4,
shape: {2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.1086574232.1510342676.18188>
#### Unsupported Type Map
As OpenCV does not support the following types (yet, as of OpenCV 4.8.0)
- `{:s, 64}`
- `{:u, 32}`
- `{:u, 64}`
Although it's possible to *store* values with those types using custom types, the resulting Mat/tensor will be incompatible with most existing functions in OpenCV.
Moreover, it's somewhat inconvinient to explicitly specify the type each time using them. Therefore, Evision allows to set a map for those unsupported types.
config :evision, unsupported_type_map: %{
{:s, 64} => {:f, 64},
{:u, 64} => {:f, 64},
{:u, 32} => {:f, 32}
The `key` of this `unsupported_type_map` is the unsupported type, and the value is the replacement type for it.
See [this reply](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/issues/48#issuecomment-1266282345) for more details on this.
<summary><h2>Access behaviour (Getting a sub-area of an image)</h2></summary>
- `Access.fetch/2` examples:
iex> img = Evision.imread("test/qr_detector_test.png")
channels: 3,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 16,
shape: {300, 300, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.809884129.802291734.78316>
# Same behaviour as Nx.
# Also, img[0] gives the same result as img[[0]]
# For this example, they are both equvilent of img[[0, :all, :all]]
iex> img[[0]]
channels: 3,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 16,
shape: {1, 300, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.809884129.802291731.77296>
# same as img[[0..100, 50..200, :all]]
# however, currently we only support ranges with step size 1
# also, please note that we are using Elixir.Range here
# and Elixir.Range is **inclusive**, i.e, [start, end]
# while cv::Range `{integer(), integer()}` is `[start, end)`
# the difference can be observed in the `shape` field
iex> img[[0..100, 50..200]]
channels: 3,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 16,
shape: {101, 151, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.809884129.802291731.77297>
iex> img[[{0, 100}, {50, 200}]]
channels: 3,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 16,
shape: {100, 150, 3},
ref: #Reference<0.809884129.802291731.77297>
# for this example, the result is the same as `Evision.extractChannel(img, 0)`
iex> img[[:all, :all, 0]]
channels: 1,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 0,
shape: {300, 300},
ref: #Reference<0.809884129.802291731.77298>
iex> img[[:all, :all, 0..1]]
channels: 2,
dims: 2,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 8,
shape: {300, 300, 2},
ref: #Reference<0.809884129.802291731.77299>
# when index is out of bounds
iex> img[[:all, :all, 42]]
{:error, "index 42 is out of bounds for axis 2 with size 3"}
# it works the same way for any dimensional Evision.Mat
iex> mat = Evision.Mat.ones({10, 10, 10, 10, 10}, :u8)
iex> mat[[1..7, :all, 2..6, 3..9, :all]]
channels: 1,
dims: 5,
type: {:u, 8},
raw_type: 0,
shape: {7, 10, 5, 7, 10},
ref: #Reference<0.3015448455.3766878228.259075>
- `Access.get_and_update/3` examples:
iex> mat = Evision.Mat.zeros({5, 5}, :u8)
iex> Evision.Nx.to_nx(mat)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
iex> {old, new} = Evision.Mat.get_and_update(mat, [1..3, 1..3], fn roi ->
{roi, Nx.broadcast(Nx.tensor(255, type: roi.type), roi.shape)}
iex> Evision.Nx.to_nx(new)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 255, 255, 255, 0],
[0, 255, 255, 255, 0],
[0, 255, 255, 255, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
## Examples
Some [examples](https://github.com/cocoa-xu/evision/tree/main/examples) are available in the `examples` directory.
## Description
`evision` will pull OpenCV source code from GitHub, then parse and automatically generate corresponding OpenCV-Elixir bindings.
This project uses and modifies `gen2.py` and `hdr_parser.py` from the `python` module in the [OpenCV repo](https://github.com/opencv/opencv) so that they output header files that can be used in Elixir bindings.
We hope this project can largely reduce the work of manually porting OpenCV functions/modules to Elixir.
Compatible OpenCV versions:
- 4.5.3
- 4.5.4
- 4.5.5
- 4.6.0
- 4.7.0
- 4.8.0
by compatible, it means these versions can compile successfully, and I tested a small range of functions. Tons of tests
should be written, and then we can have a list for tested OpenCV versions.
## Installation
In order to use `evision`, you will need Elixir installed. Then create an Elixir project via the `mix` build tool:
$ mix new my_app
Then you can add `evision` as dependency in your `mix.exs`.
def deps do
{:evision, "~> 0.1"}
Please note that although `:evision` is available on hex.pm now, it's still in its early versions. And it will remain on v0.1.x for a while, and all v0.1.x versions should be treated as in very active development. Please read the `CHANGELOG.md` for all breaking changes even it's a "minor" update.
Therefore, it's recommended to use a specific version (i.e., include the minor version number in `deps`, `{:evision, "~> 0.1.8"}`, instead of `{:evision, "~> 0.1"}`) at the moment.
### Use Precompiled Library (Default)
The following environment variables can be set based on your needs.
(Note that precompiled binaries do not use FFmpeg. If you'd like to use FFmpeg, please compile from source (please see instructions in the next section) and set corresponding environment variables. We're considering this option at the moment.)
#### Important notes
It is recommended to use `:evision` from hex.pm.
def deps do
{:evision, "~> 0.1"}
**Required if and only if the target is using musl libc.**
# (for nerves project, this environment variable is set by nerves)
export TARGET_ABI=musl
## (for armv7l which uses hard-float ABI (armhf))
export TARGET_ABI=musleabihf
This variable will only be checked when identifying the musl libc ABI so that the correct precompiled binaries can be downloaded. Therefore,
1. You don't need to keep it in the runtime environment.
2. If you want to change it later, the directory `_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision` needs to be deleted first.
The default value for the `TARGET_ABI` env var is obtained using the following elixir code
target_abi = List.last(String.split(to_string(:erlang.system_info(:system_architecture)), "-"))
target_abi =
case target_abi do
"darwin" <> _ -> "darwin"
"win32" ->
{compiler_id, _} = :erlang.system_info(:c_compiler_used)
case compiler_id do
:msc -> "msvc"
_ -> to_string(compiler_id)
_ -> target_abi
# optional.
# set this to "false" if you prefer :evision to be compiled from source
# default value is "true", and :evision will prefer to use precompiled binaries (if available)
This variable will only be checked whenever the `mix compile` task is invoked directly (`mix compile`) or indirectly (`mix test`). And in the Makefile we would skip everything if `_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision/priv/evision.so` is presented. Therefore,
1. You don't need to keep it in the runtime environment.
2. If you want to change it later, the directory `_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision` needs to be deleted first.
**If you found the precompiled binaries do not suit your needs (e.g., perhaps you need OpenCV to be compiled with FFmpeg to handle more video formats.), it's possible to override the behaviour by setting the environment variable `EVISION_PREFER_PRECOMPILED` to `false`, and then please delete `_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision` and recompile evision**
**Also, for Linux users only, the precompiled binary is not compiled with GTK support, therefore functions like `Evision.HighGui.imshow/2` will not work. However, you can either use `Evision.Wx.imshow/2` (if Erlang on your system is compiled with `wxWidgets`), or set the environment variable `EVISION_PREFER_PRECOMPILED` to `false` so that OpenCV can detect available HighGui backend when compiling from source.**
For livebook users,
{:evision, "~> 0.1"}
], system_env: [
Set environment variable `EVISION_ENABLE_CONTRIB` to `true` to enable modules from [opencv_contrib](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib).
# enable opencv_contrib modules (default)
# disable opencv_contrib modules
This variable will only be checked whenever the `mix compile` task is invoked directly (`mix compile`) or indirectly (`mix test`). And in the Makefile we would skip everything if `_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision/priv/evision.so` is presented. Therefore,
1. You don't need to keep it in the runtime environment.
2. If you want to change it later from `false` to `true`, you can delete the file `_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision/priv/evision.so`, set `EVISION_ENABLE_CONTRIB` to `true`, and then execute `mix compile`.
Defaults to `true` because for precompiled binaries, including these "extra" modules only increases less than 20 MBs (tested on `aarch64-apple-darwin`) in size.
However, 20 MBs for Nerves users can be a huge deal (still depending on your device, for example, +20 MBs is often much more acceptable for RPIs as they are usually equipped with >= 8 GB microSD cards while being absolutely a luxury thing for some other embedded devices).
Set environment variable `EVISION_ENABLE_CONTRIB` to `true` to enable CUDA support from [opencv_contrib](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib). Defaults to `false`.
Note that `EVISION_ENABLE_CONTRIB` will need to be `true` as well.
# enable CUDA support
## set a CUDA version that matches your local CUDA driver
## (this environment variable is only required for users who'd like to use precompiled binaries)
## available ones are
## 111, for CUDA 11.1.x, built with CUDA 11.1.1
## 114, for CUDA 11.4.x, built with CUDA 11.4.3
## 118, for CUDA 11.8.x, built with CUDA 11.8.0
## opencv_contrib modules is enabled by default
# disable CUDA support (default)
If `EVISION_ENABLE_CUDA` is `true`, please also set CUDA runtime dir otherwise `Evision` will fail to load.
###### cmd
Also, please don't quote even if there are spaces in the path
###### Powershell
# optional.
## set the cache directory for the precompiled archive file
export EVISION_PRECOMPILED_CACHE_DIR="$(pwd)/.cache"
### Compile evision from source
#### Dependencies
- Python3 (Only during the compilation, to generate binding files)
- 3.8.12
- 3.9.9
- 3.10.1
- [CMake](https://cmake.org/) >= 3.3 (for this project)
The minimal version required by OpenCV can vary between versions.
OpenCV 4.5.5 requires at least CMake 3.5.1.
- Erlang development library/headers. Tested on OTP/25.
#### Build from source
To obtain and compile OpenCV's source code from official releases, the following environment variables can affect the build
# optional
## set OpenCV version
## the corresponding license file should be available at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/${OPENCV_VER}/LICENSE
export OPENCV_VER="4.8.0"
# optional
## Use Debug build
# optional
## enable FFmpeg
## this will allow cmake to auto-detect FFmpeg libraries installed on the host
## on Windows, OpenCV will download prebuilt FFmpeg libraries
## for more information, please visit https://github.com/opencv/opencv/tree/4.x/3rdparty/ffmpeg
## or disable FFmpeg
Note 1: OpenCV can encode and decode some video formats (varies depending on your system). FFmpeg can be used to encode/decode more video formats.
However, you should be aware of the license of the FFmpeg components you selected as they could be licensed by LGPL/GPL or other licenses.
Note 2: Installing FFmpeg
On DEBIAN/Ubuntu
sudo apt install -y libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libavresample-dev ffmpeg
on macOS
# FFmpeg 4
brew install ffmpeg@4
brew link ffmpeg@4
# FFmpeg 5
brew install ffmpeg
brew link ffmpeg
##### Extra notes for building from source on Windows
Evision on Windows uses `nmake` to handle the `Makefile.win` at the moment. And we also need `powershell` for now. `nmake`
should be included in Microsoft Visual Studio, and `powershell` should be included in almost all recent versions (it was
first released in 2007) of Windows.
If `ninja` can be found in `%PATH%`, then we will prefer using `ninja` to build everything as it allows parallel building.
Evision is NOT tested in MSYS2, Cygwin, or WSL/WSL2.
#### Using source from a git repo (Optional)
It's also possible to obtain and compile OpenCV's source code from a custom git repo by setting the following environment variables (in addition to the ones above)
# required if and only if you prefer to compile OpenCV from a git repo
# set OPENCV_USE_GIT_HEAD to true to compile OpenCV from a git repo
# default value is false
# required if and only if you prefer to compile OpenCV from a git repo
# this env var indicates which branch you prefer to use
# no default value
# optional.
# set this env var to specify which git repo to use
# default value is https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git, which is the official git repo of OpenCV
export OPENCV_GIT_REPO="https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git"
When `OPENCV_USE_GIT_HEAD` is set to `true`, the following command will be used to fetch OpenCV's source code in `Makefile`:
git clone --branch=${OPENCV_USE_GIT_BRANCH} --depth=1 ${OPENCV_GIT_REPO} "${OPENCV_DIR}"
#### More Configuration (Optional)
`evision` will compile a subset of OpenCV functionality. You can configure the enabled modules in your `config` files:
config :evision, enabled_modules: [
If a module is not specified in `:enabled_modules`, it may still be compiled if all requirements are present in your machine.
You can enforce only the `:enabled_modules` to be compiled by changing the compilation mode:
config :evision, :compile_mode, :only_enabled_modules
You can also configure the list of image codecs used:
config :evision, enabled_img_codecs: [
#### Notes
- How do I use my own OpenCV source code on my local disk?
# To skip the download process, you can put the source zip file at `3rd_party/cache/opencv-${OPENCV_VER}.zip`.
# Or you could supply OpenCV source code at `3rd_party/opencv/opencv-${OPENCV_VER}`.
# `3rd_party/opencv/opencv-${OPENCV_VER}` is the default value for `OPENCV_DIR`
export OPENCV_DIR=/path/to/your/opencv/source/root
- How do I use my own OpenCV source code on my git repo?
# use branch
export OPENCV_USE_GIT_BRANCH="branch_name"
export OPENCV_GIT_REPO="https://github.com/username/opencv.git"
# use HEAD
export OPENCV_GIT_REPO="https://github.com/username/opencv.git"
- How do I set the number of jobs for compiling?
# use all logical cores, by default
# `"-j#{System.schedulers_online()}"`. In `mix.exs`.
export MAKE_BUILD_FLAGS="-j$(nproc)"
# use 2 cores
export MAKE_BUILD_FLAGS="-j2"
- How do I set up for cross-compile or specify the toolchain?
export CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/path/to/toolchain.cmake"
- How do I make my own adjustments to the OpenCV CMake options?
- How do I generate binding code for erlang and Elixir at the same time?
Yes, but currently it's only possible to do so when compiling evision using `mix`.
# default value is `elixir` when compiling evision using `mix`
# default value is `erlang` when compiling evision using `rebar`
# expected format is a comma-separated string
export EVISION_GENERATE_LANG="erlang,elixir"
- Which ones of OpenCV options are supposed to be specified in `config/config.exs`?
1. Enabled and disabled OpenCV modules
2. Image codecs (if you enabled related OpenCV modules).
#### Debug related
Say you have the following MIX environment variables:
# set by MIX
# set by evision or you
# set by yourself if you're compiling evision to a nerves firmware
- How do I delete OpenCV related CMake build caches?
# delete OpenCV related CMake build caches.
rm -rf "_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision/cmake_opencv_${OPENCV_VER}"
## for nerves
rm -rf "_build/${MIX_TARGET}_${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision/cmake_opencv_${OPENCV_VER}"
- How do I remove downloaded OpenCV source zip file.
rm -f "3rd_party/cache/opencv-${OPENCV_VER}"
- Can I manually edit the generated files and compile them?
1. First, delete evision.so (so that `cmake` can rebuild it)
rm -f "_build/${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision/priv/evision.so"
## if you're building with nerves,
## use this path instead
rm -rf "_build/${MIX_TARGET}_${MIX_ENV}/lib/evision/priv/evision.so"
2. Secondly, comment out the following lines in the CMakeLists.txt
otherwise, your editing will be overwritten by the `py_src/gen2.py` (executing from the `CMakeLists.txt`)
execute_process(COMMAND "rmdir ${GENERATED_ELIXIR_SRC_DIR} /s /q && rmdir ${GENERATED_ERLANG_SRC_DIR} /s /q && mkdir ${GENERATED_ELIXIR_SRC_DIR} && mkdir ${GENERATED_ERLANG_SRC_DIR}")
message("enabled modules: ${ENABLED_CV_MODULES}")
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "rm -rf ${GENERATED_ELIXIR_SRC_DIR} && rm -rf ${GENERATED_ERLANG_SRC_DIR} && mkdir -p ${GENERATED_ELIXIR_SRC_DIR} && mkdir -p ${GENERATED_ERLANG_SRC_DIR}")
message("enabled modules: ${ENABLED_CV_MODULES}")
message(STATUS "Successfully generated binding code for: ${EVISION_GENERATE_LANG}")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate binding code for: ${EVISION_GENERATE_LANG}")
3. Then you can edit the source files and recompile `evision.so`.
mix compile
#### Runtime related
- How do I enable debug logging for OpenCV (prints to stderr).
### Acknowledgements
- `gen2.py`, `hdr_parser.py` and `c_src/erlcompat.hpp` were directly copied from the `python` module in the [OpenCV repo](https://github.com/opencv/opencv). Changes applied.
- `Makefile`, `CMakeLists.txt` and `c_src/nif_utils.hpp` were also copied from the `torchx` module in the [elixir-nx repo](https://github.com/elixir-nx/nx). Minor changes applied.