# exBankID
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## Introduction
exBankID is a simple stateless elixir client for the Swedish BankID API.
## Usage
# Config - all functions in the ExBankID takes the following optional argument
# [url: "url to BankID API", cert_file: "/path/to/your/BankID/certificate.pem"]
# Authenticate with ip address and optionally the personal number (12 digits)
iex> {:ok, authentication} ExBankID.auth("", personal_number: "190000000000")
autoStartToken: "3241031e-d849-4e3a-a662-1a36e65eff93",
orderRef: "9b69419c-b3ac-4f7c-9796-bf54f1a4e40b",
qrStartSecret: "c0846df5-f96d-49c0-9ef5-4126cd9376e9",
qrStartToken: "3fb97679-98cb-42da-afe6-62aecbaaab7e"
# Collect the status of the initiated authentication ether with the orderRef
# or with the ExBankID.Auth.Response struct
iex> {:ok, collect_response} = ExBankID.collect("9b69419c-b3ac-4f7c-9796-bf54f1a4e40b")
completionData: %ExBankID.Collect.CompletionData{
cert: %{},
device: %{},
ocspResponse: nil,
signature: nil,
user: %ExBankID.Collect.User{
givenName: nil,
name: nil,
personalNumber: nil,
surname: nil
hintCode: "outstandingTransaction",
orderRef: "1fadf49f-c695-4bb3-869a-61aee9678009",
status: "pending"
iex> {:ok, collect_response} = ExBankID.collect(authentication) # Using ExBankID.Auth.Response struct
completionData: %ExBankID.Collect.CompletionData{
cert: %{},
device: %{},
ocspResponse: nil,
signature: nil,
user: %ExBankID.Collect.User{
givenName: nil,
name: nil,
personalNumber: nil,
surname: nil
hintCode: "outstandingTransaction",
orderRef: "1fadf49f-c695-4bb3-869a-61aee9678009",
status: "pending"
# When authentication is completed by the end user the fields in CompletionData will
# be populated.
#User signing a given message.
iex> {:ok, sign} = ExBankID.sign(
"This will be displayed in the BankID app",
personal_number: "190000000000", # Optional
user_non_visible_data: "Not displayed" # Optional
autoStartToken: "c7b67410-c376-4d27-9aff-f7e331082619",
orderRef: "90b3816d-c1d3-4650-aa4d-26d9996160de",
qrStartSecret: "f28787ec-a554-4db4-90c6-dd662dd249bc",
qrStartToken: "c7a2373b-9a7a-470f-816f-0af0c3d82053"
# Collecting is done the same way as for a authentication.
# Canceling a sign or authentication
iex> {:ok, _} = ExBankID.cancel(authentication)
{:ok, %{}}