# ex_aequo
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ExAequo Elixir Tools
Meaning of the name. All nice latin expressions starting with _Ex_ are consumed at an alarming rate, so, all things
being equal, I choose this one.
<!-- begin @doc ExAequo.Enum -->
## ExAequo.Enum offers some extension functions for Elixir's Enum module
### Grouped Accumulation
Groupes accumulated values of an Enum according to a function that
indicates if two consequent items are of the same kind and if so
how to accumulate their two values.
The `grouped_reduce` function returns the groupes in reverse order, as,
during traversal of lists quite often reversing the result of the
classical "take first and push a function of it to the result" pattern
cancels out.
An optional, `reverse: true` keyword option can be provided to reverse
the final result for convenience.
iex> add_same = fn {x, a}, {y, b} ->
...> cond do
...> x == y -> {:cont, {x, a + b}}
...> true -> {:stop, nil} end end
...> E.grouped_reduce(
...> [{:a, 1}, {:a, 2}, {:b, 3}, {:b, 4}], add_same)
[{:b, 7}, {:a, 3}]
The `grouped_inject` function behaves almost identically to `grouped_reduce`,
however an initial value is provided.
iex> sub_same = fn {x, a}, {y, b} ->
...> cond do
...> x == y -> {:cont, {x, a - b}}
...> true -> {:stop, nil}
...> end
...> end
...> E.grouped_inject(
...> [{:a, 1}, {:b, 2}, {:b, 2}, {:c, 2}, {:c, 1}, {:c, 1}],
...> {:a, 43}, sub_same, reverse: true)
[a: 42, b: 0, c: 0]
<!-- end @doc ExAequo.Enum -->
<!-- begin @doc ExAequo.CLTools -->
<!-- end @doc ExAequo.CLTools -->