# ExAliyun.MNS

**Alibaba Cloud Message Notification Service SDK for Elixir**

## Installation

def deps do
    {:ex_aliyun_mns, "~> 1.0"}

## Configuration

Set the authorization configuration in `config` file as a global setting, for example:

config :ex_aliyun_mns,
  access_key_id: "",
  access_key_secret: "",
  host: ""

Or, dynamically set or override the authorization configuration when execute operation via `config_overrides` option, for example:

  config_overrides: [
    access_key_id: "",
    access_key_secret: "",
    host: ""

## Usage

Please refer Alibaba Cloud Message Notification Service [API reference]( for details, this library provides the corresponding functions via [`ExAliyun.MNS`]( module.