# Elixir Asterisk Management Interface
An Elixir port of the Erlang Asterisk Manager Interface [erlami](https://github.com/marcelog/erlami) project.
This version creates a new AMI connection for each call originated, allowing concurrent dialing.
## Configuration
#### Elixir Project
Add the following to `config/config.exs`
config :ex_ami,
servers: [
{:asterisk, [
{:connection, {ExAmi.TcpConnection, [
{:host, ""}, {:port, 5038}
{:username, "username"},
{:secret, "secret"}
]} ]
#### Asterisk
Add the username and secret credentials to `manager.conf`
## Installation
Add ex_ami to your `mix.exs` dependencies and start the application:
def application do
[mod: {MyProject, []},
applications: [:ex_ami]]
defp deps do
[{:ex_ami, "~> 0.1"}]
## Example
### Listen To All Events
Use the `ExAmi.Client.register_listener/2` function to register an event listener.
The second argument to `ExAmi.Client.register_listener` is the tuple {callback, predicate} where:
* `callback` is a function of arity 2 that is called with the server name and the event if the predicate returns true
* `predicate` is a function that is called with the event. Use this function to test the event, returning false/nil if the event should be ignored.
defmodule MyModule do
def callback(server, event) do
IO.puts "name: #{inspect server}, event: #{inspect event}"
def start_listening do
ExAmi.Client.register_listener :asterisk, {&MyModule.callback/2, fn(_) -> true end}
### Originate Call
defmodule MyDialer do
def dial(server_name, channel, extension, context \\ "from-internal",
priority \\ "1", variables \\ []) do
ExAmi.Client.Originate.dial(server_name, channel,
{context, extension, priority},
variables, &__MODULE__.response_callback/2)
def response_callback(response, events) do
IO.puts "***************************"
IO.puts ExAmi.Message.format_log(response)
Enum.each events, fn(event) ->
IO.puts ExAmi.Message.format_log(event)
IO.puts "***************************"
To originate a 3rd party call from extensions 100 to 101:
iex> MyDialer.dial(:asterisk, "SIP/100", "101")
## Trouble Shooting
* Ensure you start the ex_ami application in your mix.exs file as described above
* Enusre you setup the ex_ami configuration with the correct credentials
* Enusre you setup the credentials for the AMI connection in Asterisk
## License
ex_ami is Copyright (c) 2015-2016 E-MetroTel
The source code is released under the MIT License.
Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.