# Changelog
## v4.2.2 - 2024-09-10
- Support condition failure return values
- Fixes for warnings in Elixir 1.17
## v4.2.1 - 2023-02-12
- Fixes spec
## v4.2.0 - 2022-09-12
- Add info on transaction failures
- Increase minimum ex_aws version to 2.4.0
- Fix encoding of boolean attributes
## v4.1.0 - 2022-03-23
- Add `:stream_enabled` and `:stream_view_type` options to table creation and updates
- Increase minimum Elixir version to 1.10
## v4.0.2 - 2021-12-24
- Add :consistent_read option in scan_opts spec
- Add `code_quality` alias
- Adds dialyxir to dev dependencies
- Various credo and dialyzer fixes
- Fixes typos in documentation and README
## v4.0.1 - 2021-04-26
- Update dependencies
- Update documentation
## v4.0.0 - 2020-07-06
- Add support for empty string/binary attributes
- Empty string is saved as a space when using `put_item`
## v3.0.3 - 2020-07-03
- Update dependencies
## v3.0.2 - 2020-05-23
- Add empty prod.exs config file
## v3.0.1 - 2020-05-04
- Upcase `return_consumed_capacity` values on batch calls
- Documentation updates and fixes
## v3.0.0 - 2020-02-22
- Set minimum version of `ex_aws` to 2.1.2
- Remove reference to `:decode_sets_config` option
## v2.3.4 - 2019-10-31
- Additional documentation changes
- Set `config/test.exs` as a 'bare-bones' config file
- Import `ddb_local_test.exs` only if it has been provided.
## v2.3.3 - 2019-10-24
- Allow `expression_attribute_names` to be specified in `batch_get_item`
- Add badges to documentation
## v2.3.2 - 2019-10-20
- Set `:debug_requests` to false in `test.exs.example`
- Run integration tests only local DDB instance found
## v2.3.1 - 2019-10-07
- Fix documentation
## v2.3.0 - 2019-09-27
- Add DynamoDb transaction API calls
- Code formatting
## v2.2.2 - 2019-09-25
- Add instructions on running integration tests against local DDB
## v2.2.1 - 2019-08-27
- Properly handle Binary fields
## v2.2.0 - 2019-08-12
- Fix type `expression_attribute_values_vals`
- Decode sets as MapSet
## v2.1.0 - 2019-07-19
- Add support for billing mode
- Add ability to specify billing mode and TTL during table create and update
- Add support for list of items while decoding
- Add `Dynamo.update_time_to_live` and `Dynamo.describe_time_to_live`
## v2.0.0 - 2017-11-10
- Major Project Split. Please see the main [ExAws]( repository for [previous changelogs](