# ExBench

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An application for white box load testing 

## Default configuration (dev running standalone)

config :ex_bench,
  workers: 10,
  overflow: 2,
  concurrency: 3,
  bench_fun: fn x -> IO.inspect(x) end,
  producer: ExBench.FileProducer,
  producer_argument: %{filename: "priv/example.consult"}

### Runtime dependencies

* :ex_prometheus

### Startup behavior

The startup behavior of this application depends on whether you embed it as a dependency or run it as a standalone application, for example with `iex -S mix` or `MIX_ENV=prod iex -S mix` or `mix test`.

| Startup type        | Environment | Behavior                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| ------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| As a dependency     | any         | starts :logger - doesn't run the default task until you execute                                                                                                                                 |
| Standalone          | :dev        | starts application, webserver, prometheus and prometheus export to :4000/metrics - starts running the default task                                                                                                      |
| Standalone          | :prod       | starts application, webserver, prometheus and prometheus export to :4000/metrics - doesn't run the default task until you execute []( |
| Standalone          | :test       | starts :logger, all scafolding is carried out in the tests/test helper

## Application design / Supervision structure

![Supervision hierarchy](./doc/exbench_supervision_tree.png)

## Supported Elixir/OTP versions 

See [travis build]( for definitive, up-to-date, test matrix.

|Elixir|  OTP |
| 1.6  | 19   |
| 1.6  | 20.3 |
| 1.6  | 21   |
| 1.7  | 19   |
| 1.7  | 20.3 |
| 1.7  | 21   |
| 1.7  | 22   |
| 1.8.1| 20.3 |
| 1.8.1| 21   |
| 1.8.1| 22   |
| 1.9.0| 20.3 |
| 1.9.0| 21   |
| 1.9.0| 22   |

## Tricks

### Make a bigger input arguments file

for i in `seq 1 10000` ;  do echo "{test1,{\"$i\", <<7,166>>, #{},[],false, #{<<\"x\">> => <<\"y\">>}}}." ; done >> test/