# Elixir Cldr
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## Getting Started

`Cldr` is an Elixir library for the [Unicode Consortium's]( [Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR)](  The intentions of CLDR, and this library, is to simplify the locale specific formatting of numbers, lists, currencies, calendars, units of measure and dates/times.  As of November 2nd 2017 and Version 0.10.0, `Cldr` is based upon [CLDR version 32.0.0](

**It is highly likely that you will also want to install one or more of the dependent packages that provide localization and formatting for a particular data domain.  See [Additional Cldr Packages](#additional_cldr_packages) below**.

## Elixir Version Requirements

* [ex_cldr]( requires Elixir 1.5 or later.

## Installation

Add `ex_cldr` as a dependency to your `mix` project:

    defp deps do
        {:ex_cldr, "~> 0.13"}

then retrieve `ex_cldr` from [hex](

    mix deps.get
    mix deps.compile

Although `Cldr` is purely a library application, it should be added to your application list so that it gets bundled correctly for release.  This applies for Elixir versions up to 1.3.x; version 1.4 and later will automatically do this for you.

    def application do
      [applications: [:ex_cldr]]

## Additional Cldr Packages

`ex_cldr` includes only basic functions to maintain the CLDR data repository in an accessible manner.  Additional functionality is available by adding additional packages:

* Number formatting: [ex_cldr_numbers](
* List formatting: [ex_cldr_lists](
* Unit formatting: [ex_cldr_units](
* Date/Time/DateTime formatting: [ex_cldr_dates_times](

Each of these packages includes `ex_cldr` as a dependency so configuring any of these additional packages will automatically install `ex_cldr`.

## Quick Configuration

Without any specific configuration Cldr will support the "en" locale only.  To support additional locales update your `config.exs` file (or the relevant environment version).

    config :ex_cldr,
      default_locale: "en-001",
      locales: ["fr-*", "pt-BR", "en", "pl", "ru", "th", "he"],
      gettext: MyApp.Gettext

Configures a default locale of "en-001" (which is itself the `Cldr` default).  Additional locales are configured with the `:locales` key.  In this example, all locales starting with "fr-" will be configured along with Brazilian Portuguese, English, Polish, Russian, Thai and Hebrew.

### Recompiling after a configuration change

Note that Elixir can't determine dependencies based upon configuration so when you make changes to your `Cldr` configuration a forced recompilation is required in order for the changes to take affect.  To recompile:

    iex> mix deps.compile ex_cldr --force
    iex> mix deps.compile ex_cldr_numbers --force
    iex> mix deps.compile ex_cldr_lists --force
    iex> mix deps.compile ex_cldr_units --force
    iex> mix deps.compile ex_cldr_dates_times --force

`Cldr` pre-computes a lot of the CLDR specification and compiles them into functions to provide better runtime performance.  Needing to recompile the dependency after a configuration change comes as a result of that.

## Downloading Configured Locales

`Cldr` can be installed from either [github](
or from [hex](

* If installed from github then all 523 locales are installed when the repo is cloned into your application deps.

* If installed from hex then only the locales "en" and "root" are installed.  When you configure additional locales these will be downloaded during application compilation.  Please note above the requirement for a force recompilation in this situation.

## Localizing and Formatting Numbers

The `Cldr.Number` module provides number formatting.  The public API for number formatting is `Cldr.Number.to_string/2`.  Some examples:

    iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 12345

    iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 12345, locale: "fr"
    "12 345"

    iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 12345, locale: "fr", currency: "USD"
    "12 345,00 $US"

    iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 12345, format: "#E0"

    iex(> Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, format: :roman

    iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, format: :ordinal

    iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, format: :spellout
    "one thousand two hundred thirty-four"

See `h Cldr.Number` and `h Cldr.Number.to_string` in `iex` for further information.

## Localizing Lists

The `Cldr.List` module provides list formatting.  The public API for list formating is `Cldr.List.to_string/2`.  Some examples:

    iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["a", "b", "c"], locale: "en")
    "a, b, and c"

    iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["a", "b", "c"], locale: "en", format: :unit_narrow)
    "a b c"

    iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["a", "b", "c"], locale: "fr")
    "a, b et c"

Seer `h Cldr.List` and `h Cldr.List.to_string` in `iex` for further information.

## Localizing Units

The `Cldr.Unit` module provides unit localization.  The public API for unit localization is `Cldr.Unit.to_string/3`.  Some examples:

      iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 123, :volume_gallon
      "123 gallons"

      iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 1234, :volume_gallon, format: :long
      "1 thousand gallons"

      iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 1234, :volume_gallon, format: :short
      "1K gallons"

      iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 1234, :frequency_megahertz
      "1,234 megahertz"

      iex> Cldr.Unit.available_units
      [:volume_gallon, :pressure_pound_per_square_inch, :digital_terabyte,
       :digital_bit, :digital_gigabit, :digital_kilobit, :volume_pint,
       :speed_kilometer_per_hour, :concentr_part_per_million, :energy_calorie,
       :volume_milliliter, :length_fathom, :length_foot, :volume_cubic_yard,
       :mass_microgram, :length_nautical_mile, :volume_deciliter,
       :consumption_mile_per_gallon, :volume_bushel, :volume_cubic_centimeter,
       :length_light_year, :volume_gallon_imperial, :speed_meter_per_second,
       :power_kilowatt, :power_watt, :length_millimeter, :digital_gigabyte,
       :duration_nanosecond, :length_centimeter, :volume_cup_metric,
       :length_kilometer, :angle_degree, :acceleration_g_force, :electric_ampere,
       :volume_quart, :duration_century, :angle_revolution, :volume_hectoliter,
       :area_square_meter, :digital_megabyte, :light_lux, :duration_year,
       :energy_kilocalorie, :frequency_megahertz, :power_horsepower,
       :volume_cubic_meter, :area_hectare, :frequency_hertz, :length_furlong,
       :length_astronomical_unit, ...]

See `h Cldr.Unit` and `h Cldr.Unit.to_string` in `iex` for further information.

## Localizing Dates, Times and DateTimes

As of version 0.2.0, formatting of relative dates and date times is supported in the `Cldr.DateTime.Relative` module.  The public API is `Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string/2`.  Some examples:

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(-1)
      "1 second ago"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1)
      "in 1 second"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1, unit: :day)

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1, unit: :day, locale: "fr")

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1, unit: :day, format: :narrow)

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1234, unit: :year)
      "in 1,234 years"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1234, unit: :year, locale: "fr")
      "dans 1 234 ans"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(31)
      "in 31 seconds"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(~D[2017-04-29], relative_to: ~D[2017-04-26])
      "in 3 days"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(310, format: :short, locale: "fr")
      "dans 5 min"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(310, format: :narrow, locale: "fr")
      "+5 min"

      iex> Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(~D[2017-04-29], unit: :ziggeraut)
       "Unknown time unit :ziggeraut.  Valid time units are [:day, :hour, :minute, :month, :second, :week, :year, :mon, :tue, :wed, :thu, :fri, :sat, :sun, :quarter]"}

## Gettext Integration

There is an experimental plurals module for Gettext called `Cldr.Gettext.Plural`.  **Its not yet fully tested**. It is configured in `Gettext` by:

    defmodule MyApp.Gettext do
      use Gettext, plural_forms: Cldr.Gettext.Plural

`Cldr.Gettext.Plural` will fall back to `Gettext` pluralisation if the locale is not known to `Cldr`.  This module is only compiled if `Gettext` is configured as a dependency in your project.

## Phoenix Integration

There is an imcomplete (ie development not finished) implemenation of a `Plug` intended to parse the HTTP `accept-language` header into `Cldr` compatible locale and number system.  Since it's not development complete it definitely won't work yet.  Comments and ideas (and pull requests) are, however, welcome.

## About Locale strings

Note that `Cldr` defines locale string according to the Unicode standard:

* Language codes are two lowercase letters (ie "en", not "EN")
* Potentially one or more modifiers separated by "-" (dash), not a "\_". (underscore).  If you configure a `Gettext` module then `Cldr` will transliterate `Gettext`'s "\_" into "-" for compatibility.
* Typically the modifier is a territory code.  This is commonly a two-letter uppercase combination.  For example "pt-BR" is the locale referring to Brazilian Portugese.
* In `Cldr` a locale name is always a `binary` and never an `atom`.  Internally a locale is parsed and stored as a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct.
* The locales known to `Cldr` can be retrieved by `Cldr.known_locales/0` to get the locales known to this configuration of `Cldr` and `Cldr.all_locales/0` to get the locales available in the CLDR data repository.

## Testing

Tests cover the full 516 locales defined in CLDR. Since `Cldr` attempts to maximumize the work done at compile time in order to minimize runtime execution, the compilation phase for tests is several minutes.

Tests are run on Elixir 1.5.x.  `Cldr` will not run on Elixir version before 1.5.

### Updating the CDLR data repository if installing from Github

The CLDR data is maintained in [JSON format by the Unicode Consortium](  The appropriate content is maintained as submodules in the `data` directory of this `Cldr` repository.

To update the CDLR data, `git pull` each of the submodules.  For example:

    git submodule -q foreach git pull -q origin master

After updating the respository, the locales need to be consolidated into the format used by Cldr.  This is done by:

    mix cldr.consolidate