
defmodule Cldr.Currency do
  @moduledoc """
  Defines a currency structure and a set of functions to manage the validity of a currency code
  and to return metadata for currencies.

  alias Cldr.Locale
  alias Cldr.LanguageTag

  @type format ::
          | :accounting
          | :short
          | :long
          | :percent
          | :scientific

  @type code :: atom()

  @type currency_status :: :all | :current | :historic | :tender | :unannotated | :private

  @type filter :: list(currency_status | code) | currency_status | code

  @type territory :: atom() | String.t()

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          code: code,
          alt_code: code,
          name: String.t(),
          tender: boolean,
          symbol: String.t(),
          digits: non_neg_integer,
          rounding: non_neg_integer,
          narrow_symbol: String.t(),
          cash_digits: non_neg_integer,
          cash_rounding: non_neg_integer,
          iso_digits: non_neg_integer,
          decimal_separator: String.t() | nil,
          grouping_separator: String.t() | nil,
          count: %{},
          from: Calendar.year(),
          to: Calendar.year()

  defstruct code: nil,
            alt_code: nil,
            name: "",
            symbol: "",
            narrow_symbol: nil,
            digits: 0,
            rounding: 0,
            cash_digits: 0,
            cash_rounding: 0,
            iso_digits: 0,
            decimal_separator: nil,
            grouping_separator: nil,
            tender: false,
            count: nil,
            from: nil,
            to: nil

  @table_options [:set, {:read_concurrency, true}]
  @default_options [quiet: true]

  # Starts the supervisor for the private use
  # currencies, delegated to Eternal which
  # keeps :ets tables alive as much as is
  # possible

  @doc false
  @spec start_link(Keyword.t()) :: Cldr.Eternal.on_start()
  def start_link(options) when is_list(options) do
    options = Keyword.merge(@default_options, options)
    Cldr.Eternal.start_link(__MODULE__, @table_options, options)

  @doc false
  @spec start_link() :: Cldr.Eternal.on_start()
  def start_link do

  @doc false
  def child_spec(opts) do
      id: __MODULE__,
      start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [opts]},
      type: :supervisor,
      restart: :permanent,
      shutdown: 500

  @doc """
  Returns a `Currency` struct created from the arguments.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is a private use currency code in a format defined by
    which is `X` followed by two alphanumeric characters.

  * `options` is a map of options representing the optional elements of
    the `Cldr.Currency.t` struct.

  ## Options

  * `:name` is the name of the currency. Required.
  * `:digits` is the precision of the currency. Required.
  * `:symbol` is the currency symbol. Optional.
  * `:narrow_symbol` is an alternative narrow symbol. Optional.
  * `:round_nearest` is the rounding precision such as `0.05`. Optional.
  * `:alt_code` is an alternative currency code for application use.
  * `:cash_digits` is the precision of the currency when used as cash. Optional.
  * `:cash_round_nearest` is the rounding precision when used as cash
    such as `0.05`. Optional.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, Cldr.Currency.t}` or

  * `{:error, {exception, message}}`

  ## Examples

      iex>, name: "XAC currency", digits: 0)
         alt_code: :XAC,
         cash_digits: 0,
         cash_rounding: nil,
         code: :XAC,
         count: %{other: "XAC currency"},
         digits: 0,
         from: nil,
         iso_digits: 0,
         name: "XAC currency",
         narrow_symbol: nil,
         rounding: 0,
         symbol: "XAC",
         tender: false,
         to: nil
      {:error, {Cldr.CurrencyAlreadyDefined, "Currency :XBC is already defined."}}
      iex>, name: "Private Use Name")
      {:error, "Required options are missing. Required options are [:name, :digits]"}
      iex>, name: "Invalid Private Use Name", digits: 0)
      {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency :ZAA is invalid"}}

  @spec new(binary | atom, map | list) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
  def new(currency, options \\ [])

  def new(currency, options) when is_list(options) do
    with {:ok, currency_code} <- Cldr.validate_currency(currency),
         {:ok, currency_code} <- validate_new_currency(currency_code),
         {:ok, options} <- validate_options(currency_code, options) do
      currency = struct(__MODULE__, [{:code, currency_code} | options])

  defp validate_options(code, options) do
    with {:ok, options} <- assert_options(options, [:name, :digits]) do
      options = [
        code: code,
        alt_code: options[:alt_code] || code,
        name: options[:name],
        symbol: options[:symbol] || to_string(code),
        narrow_symbol: options[:narrow_symbol] || options[:symbol],
        digits: options[:digits],
        rounding: options[:round_nearest] || 0,
        cash_digits: options[:cash_digits] || options[:digits],
        cash_rounding: options[:cash_round_nearest] || options[:round_nearest],
        iso_digits: options[:digits],
        tender: options[:tender] || false,
        count: options[:count] || %{other: options[:name]}

      {:ok, options}

  defp assert_options(options, keys) do
    if Enum.all?(keys, &options[&1]) do
      {:ok, options}
      {:error, "Required options are missing. Required options are #{inspect(keys)}"}

  @doc """
  Determines is a new currency is already

  ## Example

      iex> Cldr.Currency.validate_new_currency :XAD
      {:ok, :XAD}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.validate_new_currency :USD
      {:error, {Cldr.CurrencyAlreadyDefined, "Currency :USD is already defined."}}

  @spec validate_new_currency(code) :: {:ok, code} | {:error, {module, String.t()}}
  def validate_new_currency(code) do
    if code in known_currency_codes() do
      {:error, {Cldr.CurrencyAlreadyDefined, currency_already_defined_error(code)}}
      {:ok, code}

  defp store_currency(%Cldr.Currency{code: code} = currency) do
    :ets.insert_new(__MODULE__, {code, currency})
    {:ok, currency}
    ArgumentError ->
      {:error, {Cldr.CurrencyNotSavedError, currency_not_saved_error(code)}}

  @doc """
  Return the display name for a currency.

  The display name is useful for UI
  uses, for example in menus. The display name
  is typically capitalized for stand-alone use
  where as the display name returned by
  `Cldr.Currency.pluralize/4` is typically
  lower-cased for use within sentences.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is any currency code returned by `Cldr.Currency.known_currencies/0` or
    a `t:Cldr.Currency` struct returned by `Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code/3`.

  ## Options

  * `:locale` is any locale returned by `!/2`. The
    default is `Cldr.get_locale/0`.

  * `:backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend!/0`.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, display_name}`

  * or `{:error, {exception, reason}}`

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name :AUD, backend: MyApp.Cldr
      {:ok, "Australian Dollar"}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name "AUD", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "fr"
      {:ok, "dollar australien"}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name "EUR", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "de"
      {:ok, "Euro"}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name "ZZZ", backend: MyApp.Cldr
      {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency \\"ZZZ\\" is invalid"}}

  @spec display_name(t() | code(), Keyword.t()) ::
          {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def display_name(currency, options \\ [])

  def display_name(%__MODULE__{} = currency, _options) do

  def display_name(currency_code, options) do
    with {:ok, currency_code} <- Cldr.validate_currency(currency_code),
         {_locale, backend} = Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(options),
         {:ok, currency_data} <- currency_for_code(currency_code, backend, options) do
      display_name(currency_data, options)

  @doc """
  Return the display name for a currency or
  raises and exception on error.

  The display name is useful for UI
  uses, for example in menus. The display name
  is typically capitalized for stand-alone use
  where as the display name returned by
  `Cldr.Currency.pluralize/4` is typically
  lower-cased for use within sentences.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is any currency code returned by `Cldr.Currency.known_currencies/0` or
    a `t:Cldr.Currency` struct returned by `Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code/3`.

  ## Options

  * `:locale` is any locale returned by `!/2`. The
    default is `Cldr.get_locale/0`.

  * `:backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend!/0`.

  ## Returns

  * `display_name`

  * or raises an exception

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name! :AUD, backend: MyApp.Cldr
      "Australian Dollar"

      iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name! "AUD", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "fr"
      "dollar australien"

      iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name! "EUR", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "de"

      #=> Cldr.Currency.display_name! "ZZZ", backend: MyApp.Cldr
      ** (Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError) The currency "ZZZ" is invalid

  @spec display_name!(t() | code(), Keyword.t()) ::
          String.t() | no_return

  def display_name!(currency, options \\ []) do
    case display_name(currency, options) do
      {:ok, display_name} -> display_name
      {:error, {exception, reason}} -> raise exception, reason

  @doc """
  Returns the appropriate currency display name for the `currency`, based
  on the plural rules in effect for the `locale`.

  ## Arguments

  * `number` is an integer, float or `Decimal`.

  * `currency` is any currency returned by `Cldr.Currency.known_currencies/0`.

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.

  ## Options

  * `:locale` is any locale returned by `!/2`. The
    default is `<backend>.get_locale/1`.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, plural_string}` or

  * `{:error, {exception, message}}`

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(1, :USD, MyApp.Cldr)
      {:ok, "US dollar"}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(3, :USD, MyApp.Cldr)
      {:ok, "US dollars"}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(12, :USD, MyApp.Cldr, locale: :zh)
      {:ok, "美元"}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(12, :USD, MyApp.Cldr, locale: :fr)
      {:ok, "dollars des États-Unis"}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(1, :USD, MyApp.Cldr, locale: :fr)
      {:ok, "dollar des États-Unis"}

  @spec pluralize(pos_integer, code(), Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
          {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def pluralize(number, currency, backend, options \\ []) do
    locale = Keyword.get_lazy(options, :locale, &backend.get_locale/0)
    options = Keyword.put(options, :locale, locale)

    with {:ok, currency_code} <- Cldr.validate_currency(currency),
         {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(locale, backend),
         {:ok, currency_data} <- currency_for_code(currency_code, backend, options) do
      counts =
        |> Map.get(:count)
        |> Map.put_new(:other,

      {:ok, Module.concat(backend, Number.Cardinal).pluralize(number, locale, counts)}

  @doc """
  Returns a list of all known currency codes.

  ## Example

      iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_codes()

  @spec known_currency_codes() :: [code(), ...]
  def known_currency_codes do
    Cldr.known_currencies() ++ private_currency_codes()

  @deprecated "Use known_currency_codes/0"
  defdelegate known_currencies, to: __MODULE__, as: :known_currency_codes

  @doc """
  Returns a boolean indicating if the supplied currency code is known.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency_code` is a `binary` or `atom` representing an ISO4217
    currency code.

  ## Returns

  * `true` or `false`

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code?("AUD")

      iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code?("GGG")

      iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code?(:XCV)

  @spec known_currency_code?(code()) :: boolean
  def known_currency_code?(currency_code) do
    with {:ok, currency_code} <- Cldr.validate_currency(currency_code) do
      currency_code in known_currency_codes()
      _other -> false

  @deprecated "Use known_currency_code?/0"
  defdelegate known_currency?(currency), to: __MODULE__, as: :known_currency_code?

  @doc """
  Returns a 2-tuple indicating if the supplied currency code is known.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency_code` is a `binary` or `atom` representing an ISO4217
    currency code.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, currency_code}` or

  * `{:error, {exception, reason}}`

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code("AUD")
      {:ok, :AUD}

      iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code("GGG")
      {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency \\"GGG\\" is invalid"}}

  @spec known_currency_code(code()) :: {:ok, code} | {:error, {module, String.t()}}
  def known_currency_code(currency_code) do
    with {:ok, currency_code} <- Cldr.validate_currency(currency_code) do
      if currency_code in known_currency_codes() do
        {:ok, currency_code}
        {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, Cldr.unknown_currency_error(currency_code)}}

  @doc """
  Returns a list of all private currency codes.

  @spec private_currency_codes() :: list(atom)
  def private_currency_codes do

  @doc """
  Returns a map of private currencies.

  These comprise all currencies created with

  @spec private_currencies :: %{code => t}
  def private_currencies do
    |> :ets.tab2list()
    ArgumentError ->

  @doc """
  Returns the effective currency for a given locale.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  ## Returns

  * A ISO 4217 currency code as an upcased atom.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)
      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale locale

      iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en-AU", MyApp.Cldr)
      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale locale

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale("en-GB")

  def currency_from_locale(%LanguageTag{locale: %{currency: nil}} = locale) do

  def currency_from_locale(%LanguageTag{locale: %{currency: currency}}) do

  def currency_from_locale(%LanguageTag{} = locale) do

  @doc """
  Returns the effective currency for a given locale.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend!/0`.

  ## Returns

  * A ISO 4217 currency code as an upcased atom.

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale("fr-CH", MyApp.Cldr)

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale("fr-CH-u-cu-INR", MyApp.Cldr)

  def currency_from_locale(locale, backend \\ nil)

  def currency_from_locale(locale, backend) when is_binary(locale) do
    with {locale, backend} <- Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(locale, backend),
         {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(locale, backend) do

  def currency_from_locale(%LanguageTag{} = locale, _backend) do

  @doc """
  Returns the effective currency format for a given locale.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  ## Returns

  * Either `:accounting` or `:currency`.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)
      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale locale

      iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur", MyApp.Cldr)
      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale locale

      iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur-cf-account", MyApp.Cldr)
      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale locale

  def currency_format_from_locale(%LanguageTag{locale: %{cf: nil}}) do

  def currency_format_from_locale(%LanguageTag{locale: %{cf: :standard}}) do

  def currency_format_from_locale(%LanguageTag{locale: %{cf: :account}}) do

  def currency_format_from_locale(%LanguageTag{}) do

  @doc """
  Returns the effective currency format for a given locale.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend!/0`.

  ## Returns

  * Either `:accounting` or `:currency`.

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur", MyApp.Cldr)

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur-cf-account", MyApp.Cldr)

  def currency_format_from_locale(locale, backend \\ default_backend()) when is_binary(locale) do
    with {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(locale, backend) do

  @doc """
  Returns a mapping of all ISO3166 territory
  codes and a list of historic and the current
  currency for those territories.

  ## Example

      iex> Cldr.Currency.territory_currencies() |> Map.get(:LT)
        EUR: %{from: ~D[2015-01-01], to: nil},
        LTL: %{from: nil, to: ~D[2014-12-31]},
        LTT: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1993-06-25]},
        SUR: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1992-10-01]}

  @territory_currencies Cldr.Config.territory_currency_data()
  def territory_currencies do

  @doc """
  Returns a list of currencies associated with
  a given territory.

  ## Arguments

  * `territory` is any valid ISO 3166 Alpha-2 territory code.
     See `Cldr.validate_territory/1`.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, map}` where `map` has as its key a `t:Cldr.Currency`
    struct and the value is a map of validity dates for that
    currency; or

  * `{:error, {exception, reason}}`

  ## Example

      iex> Cldr.Currency.territory_currencies(:LT)
      {:ok, %{
        EUR: %{from: ~D[2015-01-01], to: nil},
        LTL: %{from: nil, to: ~D[2014-12-31]},
        LTT: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1993-06-25]},
        SUR: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1992-10-01]}

  @spec territory_currencies(territory()) ::
          {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def territory_currencies(territory) do
    with {:ok, territory} <- Cldr.validate_territory(territory),
         {:ok, currencies} <- Map.fetch(territory_currencies(), territory) do
      {:ok, currencies}
      :error ->
         {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "No currencies for #{inspect(territory)} were found"}}

      other ->

  @doc """
  Returns a list of currencies associated with
  a given territory.

  ## Arguments

  * `territory` is any valid ISO 3166 Alpha-2 territory code.
     See `Cldr.validate_territory/1`.

  ## Returns

  * `map` where `map` has as its key a `t:Cldr.Currency`
    struct and the value is a map of validity dates for that
    currency; or

  * raises an exception.

  ## Example

      iex> Cldr.Currency.territory_currencies!(:LT)
        EUR: %{from: ~D[2015-01-01], to: nil},
        LTL: %{from: nil, to: ~D[2014-12-31]},
        LTT: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1993-06-25]},
        SUR: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1992-10-01]}

  @spec territory_currencies!(territory()) :: map() | no_return()

  def territory_currencies!(territory) do
    case territory_currencies(territory) do
      {:ok, currencies} -> currencies
      {:error, {exception, reason}} -> raise exception, reason

  @doc """
  Returns a mapping from a territory code to its
  current currency code.

  If a territory has no current currency (like
  Antartica, territory code `:AQ`) then no
  mapping is returned for that territory.

  ## Returns

  * A map of `{territory_code => currency.code}`

  @doc since: "2.15.0"

  @spec current_territory_currencies() :: %{Cldr.Locale.territory_code() => code()}
  def current_territory_currencies do
      {:ZZ, _currencies} ->

      {territory, _currencies} ->
        case current_currency_for_territory(territory) do
          nil -> {territory, nil}
          currency -> {territory, currency}
    |> Enum.reject(fn
      {_territory, nil} -> true
      nil -> true
      _other -> false

  @doc """
  Returns a list of historic and the current
  currency for a given locale.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module.

  ## Example

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_history_for_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)
          USD: %{from: ~D[1792-01-01], to: nil},
          USN: %{tender: false},
          USS: %{from: nil, tender: false, to: ~D[2014-03-01]}

  @spec currency_history_for_locale(LanguageTag.t()) ::
          {:ok, %{(currency :: code()) => map()}} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def currency_history_for_locale(%LanguageTag{} = locale) do
    |> Cldr.Locale.territory_from_locale()
    |> territory_currencies()

  @spec currency_history_for_locale(Locale.locale_reference(), Cldr.backend()) ::
          {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def currency_history_for_locale(locale_name, backend) do
    with {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(locale_name, backend) do

  @doc """
  Returns the current currency from a given locale.

  This function does not consider the `U` extenion
  parameters `cu` or `rg`. It is recommended to us
  `Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale/1` in most

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module.

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_from_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)

      iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_from_locale("en-AU", MyApp.Cldr)

  @spec current_currency_from_locale(LanguageTag.t()) ::
          code() | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def current_currency_from_locale(%LanguageTag{} = locale) do
    |> Cldr.Locale.territory_from_locale()
    |> current_currency_for_territory()

  @spec current_currency_from_locale(Locale.locale_name() | String.t(), Cldr.backend()) ::
          code() | nil | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def current_currency_from_locale(locale_name, backend) do
    with {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(locale_name, backend) do

  @doc """
  Returns the current currency for a given territory.

  ## Arguments

  * `territory` is any valid territory name returned by

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_for_territory(:US)

      iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_for_territory(:AU)

  @spec current_currency_for_territory(Cldr.Locale.territory_code()) ::
          code() | nil | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def current_currency_for_territory(territory) do
    with {:ok, territory} <- Cldr.validate_territory(territory),
         {:ok, history} <- territory_currencies(territory) do
      |> Enum.find(fn {_currency, dates} -> Map.has_key?(dates, :to) && is_nil( end)
      |> return_currency_or_nil

  defp return_currency_or_nil(nil), do: nil
  defp return_currency_or_nil({currency, _dates}), do: currency

  @doc """
  Returns the currency metadata for the requested currency code.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency_or_currency_code` is a `binary` or `atom` representation
      of an ISO 4217 currency code, or a `t:Cldr.Currency` struct.

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend!/0`.

  * `options` is a `Keyword` list of options. The default is

  ## Options

  * `:locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`

  ## Returns

  * A `{:ok, currency}` or

  * `{:error, {exception, reason}}`

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code("AUD", MyApp.Cldr)
          cash_digits: 2,
          cash_rounding: 0,
          code: "AUD",
          count: %{one: "Australian dollar", other: "Australian dollars"},
          digits: 2,
          iso_digits: 2,
          name: "Australian Dollar",
          narrow_symbol: "$",
          rounding: 0,
          symbol: "A$",
          tender: true

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code("THB", MyApp.Cldr)
          cash_digits: 2,
          cash_rounding: 0,
          code: "THB",
          count: %{one: "Thai baht", other: "Thai baht"},
          digits: 2,
          iso_digits: 2,
          name: "Thai Baht",
          narrow_symbol: "฿",
          rounding: 0,
          symbol: "THB",
          tender: true


  @spec currency_for_code(code() | t(), Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
          {:ok, t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def currency_for_code(
        backend \\ Cldr.default_backend!(),
        options \\ []

  def currency_for_code(%__MODULE__{} = currency, _backend, _options) do
    {:ok, currency}

  def currency_for_code(currency_code, backend, options)
      when is_atom(backend) and is_list(options) do
    {locale, backend} = Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(options[:locale], backend)

    with {:ok, code} <- Cldr.validate_currency(currency_code),
         {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(locale, backend),
         {:ok, currencies} <- currencies_for_locale(locale, backend) do
      {:ok, Map.get_lazy(currencies, code, fn -> Map.get(private_currencies(), code) end)}

  def currency_for_code(currency_code, nil, [] = options) when is_list(options) do
    currency_for_code(currency_code, nil, options)

  @doc """
  Returns the currency metadata for the requested currency code.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency_or_currency_code` is a `binary` or `atom` representation
      of an ISO 4217 currency code, or a `t:Cldr.Currency` struct.

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module

  * `options` is a `Keyword` list of options.

  ## Options

  * `:locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`

  ## Returns

  * A `t:Cldr.Current.t/0` or

  * raises an exception

  ## Examples

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code!("AUD", MyApp.Cldr)
        cash_digits: 2,
        cash_rounding: 0,
        code: "AUD",
        count: %{one: "Australian dollar", other: "Australian dollars"},
        digits: 2,
        iso_digits: 2,
        name: "Australian Dollar",
        narrow_symbol: "$",
        rounding: 0,
        symbol: "A$",
        tender: true

      iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code!("THB", MyApp.Cldr)
        cash_digits: 2,
        cash_rounding: 0,
        code: "THB",
        count: %{one: "Thai baht", other: "Thai baht"},
        digits: 2,
        iso_digits: 2,
        name: "Thai Baht",
        narrow_symbol: "฿",
        rounding: 0,
        symbol: "THB",
        tender: true

  @doc since: "2.14.0"

  @spec currency_for_code!(code() | t(), Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
          t() | no_return()

  def currency_for_code!(currency_or_currency_code, backend \\ nil, options \\ []) do
    case currency_for_code(currency_or_currency_code, backend, options) do
      {:ok, currency} -> currency
      {:error, {exception, reason}} -> raise exception, reason

  @doc """
  Returns a map of the metadata for all currencies for
  a given locale.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module

  * `currency_status` is `:all`, `:current`, `:historic`,
    `unannotated` or `:tender`; or a list of one or more status.
    The default is `:all`. See `Cldr.Currency.currency_filter/2`.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, currency_map}` or

  * `{:error, {exception, reason}}`

  ## Example

    => Cldr.Currency.currencies_for_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)
       FJD: %Cldr.Currency{
         cash_digits: 2,
         cash_rounding: 0,
         code: "FJD",
         count: %{one: "Fijian dollar", other: "Fijian dollars"},
         digits: 2,
         from: nil,
         iso_digits: 2,
         name: "Fijian Dollar",
         narrow_symbol: "$",
         rounding: 0,
         symbol: "FJD",
         tender: true,
         to: nil
       SUR: %Cldr.Currency{
         cash_digits: 2,
         cash_rounding: 0,
         code: "SUR",
         count: %{one: "Soviet rouble", other: "Soviet roubles"},
         digits: 2,
         from: nil,
         iso_digits: nil,
         name: "Soviet Rouble",
         narrow_symbol: nil,
         rounding: 0,
         symbol: "SUR",
         tender: true,
         to: nil

  @spec currencies_for_locale(
          Locale.locale_name() | LanguageTag.t(),
          only :: filter(),
          except :: filter()
        ) ::
          {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def currencies_for_locale(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil) do
    Module.concat(backend, Currency).currencies_for_locale(locale, only, except)

  @doc """
  Returns a map of the metadata for all currencies for
  a given locale and raises on error.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module

  * `currency_status` is `:all`, `:current`, `:historic`,
    `unannotated` or `:tender`; or a list of one or more status.
    The default is `:all`. See `Cldr.Currency.currency_filter/2`.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, currency_map}` or

  * raises an exception

  ## Example

    #=> MyApp.Cldr.Currency.currencies_for_locale!("en")
      FJD: %Cldr.Currency{
        cash_digits: 2,
        cash_rounding: 0,
        code: "FJD",
        count: %{one: "Fijian dollar", other: "Fijian dollars"},
        digits: 2,
        from: nil,
        iso_digits: 2,
        name: "Fijian Dollar",
        narrow_symbol: "$",
        rounding: 0,
        symbol: "FJD",
        tender: true,
        to: nil
      SUR: %Cldr.Currency{
        cash_digits: 2,
        cash_rounding: 0,
        code: "SUR",
        count: %{one: "Soviet rouble", other: "Soviet roubles"},
        digits: 2,
        from: nil,
        iso_digits: nil,
        name: "Soviet Rouble",
        narrow_symbol: nil,
        rounding: 0,
        symbol: "SUR",
        tender: true,
        to: nil

  @spec currencies_for_locale!(
          Locale.locale_name() | LanguageTag.t(),
          only :: filter(),
          except :: filter()
        ) ::
          map() | no_return()

  def currencies_for_locale!(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil) do
    Module.concat(backend, Currency).currencies_for_locale!(locale, only, except)

  @doc """
  Returns a map that matches a currency string to a
  currency code.

  A currency string is a localised name or symbol
  representing a currency in a locale-specific manner.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  * `:only` is `:all`, `:current`, `:historic`,
    `unannotated` or `:tender`; or a list of one or more status
    The default is `:all`. See `Cldr.Currency.currency_filter/2`.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, currency_string_map}` or

  * `{:error, {exception, reason}}`

  ## Example

      => Cldr.Currency.currency_strings("en", MyApp.Cldr)
         "mexican silver pesos" => :MXP,
         "sudanese dinar" => :SDD,
         "bad" => :BAD,
         "rsd" => :RSD,
         "swazi lilangeni" => :SZL,
         "zairean new zaire" => :ZRN,
         "guyanaese dollars" => :GYD,
         "equatorial guinean ekwele" => :GQE,

      # Currencies match all currency status'
      => Cldr.Currency.currency_strings "en", MyApp.Cldr, [:tender, :current, :unannotated]
         "rsd" => :RSD,
         "swazi lilangeni" => :SZL,
         "guyanaese dollars" => :GYD,
         "syrian pound" => :SYP,
         "scr" => :SCR,
         "bangladeshi takas" => :BDT,
         "netherlands antillean guilders" => :ANG,
         "pen" => :PEN,

  @spec currency_strings(
          Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(),
          only :: filter(),
          except :: filter()
        ) ::
          {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

  def currency_strings(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil) do
    Module.concat(backend, Currency).currency_strings(locale, only, except)

  @doc """
  Returns a map that matches a currency string to a
  currency code or raises an exception.

  A currency string is a localised name or symbol
  representing a currency in a locale-specific manner.

  ## Arguments

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  * `currency_status` is `:all`, `:current`, `:historic`,
    `unannotated` or `:tender`; or a list of one or more status.
    The default is `:all`. See `Cldr.Currency.currency_filter/2`.

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, currency_string_map}` or

  * raises an exception.

  ## Example

      => Cldr.Currency.currency_strings!("en", MyApp.Cldr)
        "mexican silver pesos" => :MXP,
        "sudanese dinar" => :SDD,
        "bad" => :BAD,
        "rsd" => :RSD,
        "swazi lilangeni" => :SZL,
        "zairean new zaire" => :ZRN,
        "guyanaese dollars" => :GYD,
        "equatorial guinean ekwele" => :GQE,

  @spec currency_strings!(
          LanguageTag.t() | Locale.locale_name(),
          only :: filter(),
          except :: filter()
        ) ::
          map() | no_return

  def currency_strings!(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil) do
    case Module.concat(backend, Currency).currency_strings(locale, only, except) do
      {:ok, currency_strings} -> currency_strings
      {:error, {exception, reason}} -> raise exception, reason

  @doc """
  Returns the strings associated with a currency
  in a given locale.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is an ISO4217 currency code

  * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/1`
    or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct returned by `!/2`.

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module

  ## Returns

  * A list of strings or

  * `{:error, {exception, reason}}`

  ## Example

      iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency(:AUD, "en", MyApp.Cldr) |> Enum.sort
      ["a$", "aud", "australian dollar", "australian dollars"]

      iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency(:AUD, "de", MyApp.Cldr) |> Enum.sort
      ["au$", "aud", "australische dollar", "australischer dollar"]

      iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency(:AUD, "zh", MyApp.Cldr) |> Enum.sort
      ["au$", "aud", "澳大利亚元"]

  @spec strings_for_currency(t(), LanguageTag.t() | Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend()) ::

  def strings_for_currency(currency, locale, backend) do
    module = Module.concat(backend, Currency)

    with {:ok, currency_strings} <- module.currency_strings(locale),
         {:ok, currency} <- Cldr.validate_currency(currency) do
      Enum.filter(currency_strings, fn {_k, v} -> v == currency end)
      |> {k, _v} -> k end)

  @doc """
  Return only those currencies meeting the
  filter criteria.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is a `t:Cldr.Currency`, a list of `t:Cldr.Currency` or a
    map where the values of each item is a `Cldr.Currency.t`

  * `only` is `:all`, `:current`, `:historic`, `:tender`
    `unannotated` or a list of one or more status or currency codes.
    The default is `:all`

  * `except` is `:current`, `:historic`, `:tender`
    `unannotated` or a list of one or more status or currency codes.
    The default is `nil`

  ## Currency Status

  A currency may be in current use or of historic interest only. It
  may or may not be legal tender. And it may mostly be used as a financial
  instrument.  To help return the most useful currencies the
  currency status code acts as follows:

  * `:all`, the default, returns all currencies

  * `:current` returns those currencies that have a `:to`
    date of nil and which also is a known ISO4217 currency

  * `:historic` is the opposite of `:current`

  * `:tender` is a currency that is legal tender

  * `:unannotated` is a currency that doesn't have
    "(some string)" in its name.  These are usually
    financial instruments.

  @spec currency_filter(t() | [t()] | map(), currency_status()) :: list(t())
  def currency_filter(currencies, only \\ :all, except \\ nil)

  def currency_filter(currencies, :all, nil) do

  def currency_filter(currencies, only, except) when not is_list(only) do
    currency_filter(currencies, [only], except)

  def currency_filter(currencies, only, except) when not is_list(except) do
    currency_filter(currencies, only, [except])

  def currency_filter(%Cldr.Currency{} = currency, only, except) do
    currency_filter([currency], only, except)

  def currency_filter(currencies, only, except) when is_map(currencies) do
    |> Map.values()
    |> currency_filter(only, except)
    |> currency -> {String.to_atom(currency.code), currency} end)

  def currency_filter(currencies, only, except) do
    expand_filter(currencies, :only, only) -- expand_filter(currencies, :except, except)

  defp expand_filter(currencies, :only, [:all]) do

  defp expand_filter(_currencies, :except, [nil]) do

  defp expand_filter(currencies, _, filter_list) do
    Enum.flat_map(filter_list, fn filter ->
      case filter do
        :historic ->
          Enum.filter(currencies, &historic?/1)

        :tender ->
          Enum.filter(currencies, &tender?/1)

        :current ->
          Enum.filter(currencies, &current?/1)

        :annotated ->
          Enum.filter(currencies, &annotated?/1)

        :unannotated ->
          Enum.filter(currencies, &unannotated?/1)

        :private ->

        code when is_binary(code) ->
          Enum.filter(currencies, fn currency ->
            currency.code == code

        code when is_atom(code) ->
          code = to_string(code)

          Enum.filter(currencies, fn currency ->
            currency.code == code
    |> Enum.uniq()

  @doc """
  Returns a boolean indicating if a given
  currency is historic.

  Historic means that the currency is no longer
  in use.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is a `t:Cldr.Currency`

  ## Returns

  * `true` or `false`

  @spec historic?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()
  def historic?(%Cldr.Currency{} = currency) do
    is_nil(currency.iso_digits) ||
      (is_integer( && < Date.utc_today().year)

  @doc """
  Returns a boolean indicating if a given
  currency is legal tender.

  Legal tender is anything recognized by law
  as a means to settle a public or private debt or
  meet a financial obligation.

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is a `t:Cldr.Currency`

  ## Returns

  * `true` or `false`

  @spec tender?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()
  def tender?(%Cldr.Currency{} = currency) do

  @doc """
  Returns a boolean indicating if a given
  currency is current.

  Current means that the currency is in current

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is a `t:Cldr.Currency`

  ## Returns

  * `true` or `false`

  @spec current?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()
  def current?(%Cldr.Currency{} = currency) do
    !is_nil(currency.iso_digits) && is_nil(

  @doc """
  Returns a boolean indicating if a given
  currency is annotated.

  Annotated means that the currency description
  has annotations (comments inside parenthesis).
  This is mostly found in currency codes used as
  financial instruments (not legal tender).

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is a `t:Cldr.Currency`

  ## Returns

  * `true` or `false`

  @spec annotated?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()
  def annotated?(%Cldr.Currency{} = currency) do
    String.contains?(, "(")

  @doc """
  Returns a boolean indicating if a given
  currency is unannotated.

  Annotated means that the currency description
  has annotations (comments inside parenthesis).
  This is mostly found in currency codes used as
  financial instruments (not legal tender).

  ## Arguments

  * `currency` is a `t:Cldr.Currency`

  ## Returns

  * `true` or `false`

  @spec unannotated?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()
  def unannotated?(%Cldr.Currency{} = currency) do

  # Its possible that more than one currency will have a string
  # in common with another currency. One example is `:AFA` and
  # `:AFN`.  As in this case, its most common when a country
  # changes to a new currency with the same name.

  # The strategy is to remove the duplicate string from the
  # currency that is historic.

  @doc false
  def remove_duplicate_strings(strings, currencies) do
    |> Enum.sort(fn a, b -> string_comparator(a, b) end)
    |> remove_duplicates(currencies)

  def string_comparator({k1, _v1}, {k2, _v2}) do
    k1 < k2

  # If the same code and one is historic and the other is current then
  # keep the current one.  If they are both current, then omit the string
  # because it is ambiguous.

  defp remove_duplicates([], _currencies) do

  defp remove_duplicates([{_, _}] = currency, _currencies) do

  defp remove_duplicates([{c1, code1} | [{c1, code2} | rest]], currencies) do
    cond do
      historic?(currencies[code1]) && current?(currencies[code2]) ->
        remove_duplicates([{c1, code2} | rest], currencies)

      current?(currencies[code1]) && historic?(currencies[code2]) ->
        remove_duplicates([{c1, code1} | rest], currencies)

      true ->
        remove_duplicates(rest, currencies)

  # Not a duplicate, process the rest of the list
  defp remove_duplicates([{c1, code1} | rest], currencies) do
    [{c1, code1} | remove_duplicates(rest, currencies)]

  @doc false
  def invert_currency_strings(currency_strings) do
    Enum.reduce(currency_strings, [], fn {code, strings}, acc ->
      [, fn string -> {string, code} end) | acc]
    |> List.flatten()

  # Add the narrow currency symbols iff they don't duplicate an
  # existing string

  @doc false
  def add_unique_narrow_symbols(currency_strings, currencies) do
    Enum.reduce(currencies, currency_strings, fn {currency_code, currency}, strings ->
      cond do
        is_nil(currency.narrow_symbol) ->

        Map.has_key?(strings, currency.narrow_symbol) ->

        true ->
          Map.put(strings, String.downcase(currency.narrow_symbol), currency_code)

  defp currency_already_defined_error(code) do
    "Currency #{inspect(code)} is already defined."

  defp currency_not_saved_error(code) do
    The currency #{inspect(code)} could not be defined.

    This is probably because the table is not defined
    in which the new currency information is saved.

    Please ensure you have the `Cldr.Currency` supervisor
    defined as a child in your application supervisor tree.

  # TODO remove for CLDR 3.0
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(Cldr) && function_exported?(Cldr, :default_backend!, 0) do
    defp default_backend() do
    defp default_backend() do

  defimpl Cldr.DisplayName do
    def display_name(currency, options) do
      Cldr.Currency.display_name!(currency, options)