
defmodule Cldr.DateTime do
  @moduledoc """
  Provides localization and formatting of a `DateTime`
  struct or any map with the keys `:year`, `:month`,
  `:day`, `:calendar`, `:hour`, `:minute`, `:second` and optionally `:microsecond`.

  `Cldr.DateTime` provides support for the built-in calendar
  `Calendar.ISO` or any calendars defined with

  CLDR provides standard format strings for `DateTime` which
  are reresented by the names `:short`, `:medium`, `:long`
  and `:full`.  This allows for locale-independent
  formatting since each locale will define the underlying
  format string as appropriate.


  alias Cldr.DateTime.Format
  alias Cldr.LanguageTag

  @style_types [:short, :medium, :long, :full]
  @default_type :medium

  defmodule Styles do
    @moduledoc false
    defstruct Module.get_attribute(Cldr.DateTime, :style_types)

  @doc """
  Formats a DateTime according to a format string
  as defined in CLDR and described in [TR35](

  ## Arguments

  * `datetime` is a `%DateTime{}` `or %NaiveDateTime{}`struct or any map that contains the keys
    `:year`, `:month`, `:day`, `:calendar`. `:hour`, `:minute` and `:second` with optional

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend/0`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options for formatting.

  ## Options

    * `format:` `:short` | `:medium` | `:long` | `:full` or a format string or
      any of the keys returned by `Cldr.DateTime.Format.date_time_available_formats/0`.
      The default is `:medium`

    * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/0`
      or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct.  The default is `Cldr.get_locale/0`

    * `number_system:` a number system into which the formatted date digits should
      be transliterated

    * `era: :variant` will use a variant for the era is one is available in the locale.
      In the "en" for example, the locale `era: :variant` will return "BCE" instead of "BC".

    * `period: :variant` will use a variant for the time period and flexible time period if
      one is available in the locale.  For example, in the "en" locale `period: :variant` will
      return "pm" instead of "PM"

  ## Returns

  * `{:ok, formatted_datetime}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, datetime} = DateTime.from_naive(~N[2000-01-01 23:59:59.0], "Etc/UTC")
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime
      {:ok, "Jan 1, 2000, 11:59:59 PM"}
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, locale: "en"
      {:ok, "Jan 1, 2000, 11:59:59 PM"}
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :long, locale: "en"
      {:ok, "January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM UTC"}
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :hms, locale: "en"
      {:ok, "11:59:59 PM"}
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "en"
      {:ok, "Saturday, January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM GMT"}
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "fr"
      {:ok, "samedi 1 janvier 2000 à 23:59:59 UTC"}

  @spec to_string(map, Cldr.backend() | Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
          {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module, String.t()}}

  def to_string(datetime, backend \\ Cldr.Date.default_backend(), options \\ [])

  def to_string(%{calendar: Calendar.ISO} = datetime, backend, options) do
    %{datetime | calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian}
    |> to_string(backend, options)

  def to_string(datetime, options, []) when is_list(options) do
    {locale, backend} = Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(options)
    options = Keyword.put_new(options, :locale, locale)
    to_string(datetime, backend, options)

  def to_string(%{calendar: calendar} = datetime, backend, options)
      when is_atom(backend) and is_list(options) do
    options = normalize_options(backend, options)
    format_backend = Module.concat(backend, DateTime.Formatter)
    number_system = Keyword.get(options, :number_system)

    with {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(options[:locale], backend),
         {:ok, cldr_calendar} <- type_from_calendar(calendar),
         {:ok, _} <- Cldr.Number.validate_number_system(locale, number_system, backend),
         {:ok, format_string} <- format_string(options[:format], locale, cldr_calendar, backend),
         {:ok, formatted} <- format_backend.format(datetime, format_string, locale, options) do
      {:ok, formatted}
    e in [Cldr.DateTime.UnresolvedFormat] ->
      {:error, {e.__struct__, e.message}}

  def to_string(datetime, _backend, _options) do
    error_return(datetime, [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second, :calendar])

  defp normalize_options(backend, []) do
    {locale, _backend} = Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(nil, backend)
    number_system = Cldr.Number.System.number_system_from_locale(locale, backend)

    [locale: locale, number_system: number_system, format: @default_type]

  defp normalize_options(backend, options) do
    {locale, _backend} = Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(options[:locale], backend)
    format = options[:format] || options[:style] || @default_type
    locale_number_system = Cldr.Number.System.number_system_from_locale(locale, backend)
    number_system = Keyword.get(options, :number_system, locale_number_system)

    |> Keyword.put(:locale, locale)
    |> Keyword.put(:format, format)
    |> Keyword.delete(:style)
    |> Keyword.put_new(:number_system, number_system)

  @doc false

  # Returns the CLDR calendar type for a calendar

  def type_from_calendar(Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian = calendar) do
    {:ok, calendar.cldr_calendar_type()}

  def type_from_calendar(calendar) do
    with {:ok, calendar} <- Cldr.Calendar.validate_calendar(calendar) do
      {:ok, calendar.cldr_calendar_type()}

  @doc """
  Formats a DateTime according to a format string
  as defined in CLDR and described in [TR35](
  returning a formatted string or raising on error.

  ## Arguments

  * `datetime` is a `%DateTime{}` `or %NaiveDateTime{}`struct or any map that contains the keys
    `:year`, `:month`, `:day`, `:calendar`. `:hour`, `:minute` and `:second` with optional

  * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore
    is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend/0`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options for formatting.

  ## Options

    * `format:` `:short` | `:medium` | `:long` | `:full` or a format string or
      any of the keys returned by `Cldr.DateTime.available_format_names` or a format string.
      The default is `:medium`

    * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/0`
      or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct.  The default is `Cldr.get_locale/0`

    * `number_system:` a number system into which the formatted date digits should
      be transliterated

    * `era: :variant` will use a variant for the era is one is available in the locale.
      In the "en" for example, the locale `era: :variant` will return "BCE" instead of "BC".

    * `period: :variant` will use a variant for the time period and flexible time period if
      one is available in the locale.  For example, in the "en" locale `period: :variant` will
      return "pm" instead of "PM"

  ## Returns

  * `formatted_datetime` or

  * raises an exception

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, datetime} = DateTime.from_naive(~N[2000-01-01 23:59:59.0], "Etc/UTC")
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, locale: "en"
      "Jan 1, 2000, 11:59:59 PM"
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :long, locale: "en"
      "January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM UTC"
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "en"
      "Saturday, January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM GMT"
      iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "fr"
      "samedi 1 janvier 2000 à 23:59:59 UTC"

  @spec to_string!(map, Cldr.backend() | Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | no_return

  def to_string!(datetime, backend \\ Cldr.Date.default_backend(), options \\ [])

  def to_string!(datetime, backend, options) do
    case to_string(datetime, backend, options) do
      {:ok, string} -> string
      {:error, {exception, message}} -> raise exception, message

  # Standard format
  defp format_string(style, %LanguageTag{cldr_locale_name: locale_name}, cldr_calendar, backend)
       when style in @style_types do
    with {:ok, styles} <- Format.date_time_formats(locale_name, cldr_calendar, backend) do
      {:ok, Map.get(styles, style)}

  # Look up for the format in :available_formats
  defp format_string(style, %LanguageTag{cldr_locale_name: locale_name}, cldr_calendar, backend)
       when is_atom(style) do
    with {:ok, styles} <-
           Format.date_time_available_formats(locale_name, cldr_calendar, backend),
         format_string <- Map.get(styles, style) do
      if format_string do
        {:ok, format_string}
          "Invalid datetime style #{inspect(style)}. " <>
            "The valid styles are #{inspect(styles)}."}}

  # Format with a number system
  defp format_string(%{number_system: number_system, format: style}, locale, calendar, backend) do
    {:ok, format_string} = format_string(style, locale, calendar, backend)
    {:ok, %{number_system: number_system, format: format_string}}

  # Straight up format string
  defp format_string(format_string, _locale, _calendar, _backend)
       when is_binary(format_string) do
    {:ok, format_string}

  defp error_return(map, requirements) do
    requirements =
      |> Cldr.DateTime.Formatter.join_requirements()

      "Invalid DateTime. DateTime is a map that contains at least #{requirements}. " <>
        "Found: #{inspect(map)}"}}