defmodule Cldr.List.Pattern do
@moduledoc """
A list pattern drives list formatting and it defines how to combine
list elements at the begging, in the middle and at the end of
a list. It also has a special pattern used when the list contains
only two elements.
defstruct [:start, :middle, :end, :two]
@type pattern :: [non_neg_integer() | String.t(), ...]
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
start: pattern(),
middle: pattern(),
end: pattern(),
two: pattern()
@valid_options [:start, :middle, :end, :two]
@doc """
Creates a new list format.
A list pattern consists of four string
templates into which list elements are interpolated
when formatting.
The four templates are:
* `:start` used to format the first two
list elements.
* `:middle` is used to format elements in
the middle of the list.
* `:end` is used to format the last two
elements in the list.
* `:two` is used to format a list if
it contains only two elements.
Only the `:start` option is required. It
will be used as the default for any other
option that is not provided.
## Arguments
* `options` is a keyword list of options.
## Options
* `:start` is a pattern template as a string.
This option is required.
* `:middle` is a pattern template as a string.
* `:end` is a pattern template as a string.
* `:two` is a pattern template as a string.
## Returns
`{:ok, pattern}` or
`{:error, reason}`
## Pattern template
A pattern template is a string that contains
two placeholders denoted by `{0}` and `{1}`.
## Example
...> start: "{0}, {1}"),
...> middle: "{0}, {1}"),
...> end: "{0} and {1}"),
...> two: "{0} and {1}")
...> )
{:ok, _pattern}
def new(options) when is_list(options) do
with {:ok, options} <- validate_options(options) do
start = Keyword.get(options, :start)
struct(__MODULE__, options)
|> put_new(:middle, start)
|> put_new(:end, start)
|> put_new(:two, start)
|> wrap(:ok)
defp validate_options(options) when is_list(options) do
options =
Enum.reduce_while options, [], fn
{key, string}, acc when key in @valid_options and is_binary(string) ->
case validate_pattern(string) do
{:error, reason} ->
{:halt, {:error, reason}}
{:ok, string} ->
pattern = Cldr.Substitution.parse(string)
{:cont, [{key, pattern} | acc]}
{key, value}, _acc when key in @valid_options ->
{:halt, {:error, "Invalid value #{inspect value} found. Option #{inspect key} should be a string"}}
{key, _value}, _acc ->
{:halt, {:error, "Invalid option #{inspect key} found. Valid options are #{inspect @valid_options}"}}
case options do
{:error, reason} ->
{:error, reason}
options ->
if Keyword.has_key?(options, :start),
do: {:ok, options},
else: {:error, "Option :start must be provided"}
defp validate_pattern(string) when is_binary(string) do
if String.contains?(string, "{0}") && String.contains?(string, "{1}") do
{:ok, string}
{:error, "Invalid pattern #{inspect string}. A pattern must have two placeholders {0} and {1}"}
defp put_new(options, key, default) do
if Map.get(options, key), do: options, else: Map.put(options, key, default)
defp wrap(term, atom) do
{atom, term}