# Cldr Plug
## Plugs
`Cldr` provides two plugs to aid integration into an HTTP workflow. These two plugs are:
* `Cldr.Plug.AcceptLanguage` which will parse an `accept-language` header and resolve the best matched and configured `Cldr` locale. The result is stored in `conn.private[:cldr_locale]` which is also returned by `Cldr.Plug.AcceptLanguage.get_cldr_locale/1`.
* `Cldr.Plug.PutLocale` which will look for a locale in the several places and then call `Cldr.put_locale/2` and `Gettext.put_locale/2` if configured so to do. Finally, The result is stored in `conn.private[:cldr_locale]` which is then available through `Cldr.Plug.PutLocale.get_cldr_locale/1`. The plug will look for a locale in the following locations depending on the plug configuration:
* `path_params`
* `query_params`
* `body_params`
* `cookies`
* `accept-language` header
* Hostname suffix
* the `session`
* An `{Module, function, [args]}` or `{Module, function}` tuple that should return `{:ok, Cldr.LanguageTag.t()}` - any other return will not set the locale.
See `Cldr.Plug.PutLocale` for a description of how to configure the plug.
In addition, note that when migrating from `ex_cldr` 1.x versions, a backend needs to be configured for both plugs. In the simplest case an example would be:
plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
apps: [:cldr],
cldr: MyApp.Cldr
plug Cldr.Plug.AcceptLanguage,
cldr_backend: MyApp.Cldr
### Using Cldr.Plug.PutLocale without Phoenix
If you are using `Cldr.Plug.PutLocale` without Phoenix and you plan to use `:path_param` to identify the locale of a request then `Cldr.Plug.PutLocale` must be configured *after* `plug :match` and *before* `plug :dispatch`. For example:
defmodule MyRouter do
use Plug.Router
plug :match
plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
apps: [:cldr, :gettext],
from: [:path, :query],
gettext: MyApp.Gettext,
cldr: MyApp.Cldr
plug :dispatch
get "/hello/:locale" do
send_resp(conn, 200, "world")
### Using Cldr.Plug.PutLocale with Phoenix
If you are using `Cldr.Plug.PutLocale` with Phoenix and you plan to use the `:path_param` to identify the locale of a request then `Cldr.Plug.PutLocale` must be configured in the router module, *not* in the endpoint module. This is because `conn.path_params` has not yet been populated in the endpoint. For example:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
use MyAppWeb, :router
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
apps: [:cldr, :gettext],
from: [:path, :query],
gettext: MyApp.Gettext,
cldr: MyApp.Cldr
plug :fetch_flash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
scope "/:locale", HelloWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index