# Cldr for Units
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## Getting Started

`ex_cldr_units` is an addon library for [ex_cldr]( that provides localisation and formatting for units such as weights, lengths, areas, volumes and so on. It also provides unit conversion and simple arithmetic for compatible units.

The primary api is defined by three functions:

* `Cldr.Unit.to_string/2` for formatting units

* `` to create a new `Unit.t` struct that encapsulated a unit and a value that can be used for arithmetic, comparison and conversion

* `Cldr.Unit.convert/2` to convert one compatible unit to another

* `Cldr.Unit.add/2`, `Cldr.Unit.sub/2`, `Cldr.Unit.mult/2`, `Cldr.Unit.div/2` provide basic arithmetic operations on compatible `Unit.t` structs.

### Unit formatting and localization

`Cldr.Unit.to_string/2` provides localized unit formatting. It supports two arguments:

  * `number` is any number (integer, float or Decimal) or a `Unit.t` struct returned by ``

  * `options` are:

    *  `unit` is any unit returned by `Cldr.Unit.units/0`.  This option is required unless a `Unit.t` is passed as the first argument.

    * `locale` is any configured locale. See `Cldr.known_locales()`. The default
      is `locale: Cldr.get_current_locale()`

    * `style` is one of those returned by `Cldr.Unit.available_styles`.
      The current styles are `:long`, `:short` and `:narrow`.  The default is `style: :long`

    * Any other options are passed to `Cldr.Number.to_string/2` which is used to format the `number`

iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 123, unit: :gallon
{:ok, "123 gallons"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 1234, unit: :gallon, format: :long
{:ok, "1 thousand gallons"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 1234, unit: :gallon, format: :short
{:ok, "1K gallons"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 1234, unit: :megahertz
{:ok, "1,234 megahertz"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string 1234, unit: :foot, locale: "fr"
{:ok, "1 234 pieds"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.to_string, 42), locale: "fr"
{:ok, "42 ampères"}


### Converting Units

`Unit.t` structs can be converted to other compatible units.  For example, `feet` can be converted to `meters` since they are both the `length` unit type.

# Test for unit compatibility
iex> Cldr.Unit.compatible? :foot, :meter
iex> Cldr.Unit.compatible? :foot, :liter

# Convert a unit
iex(9)> Cldr.Unit.convert, 3), :meter
#Unit<:meter, 0.9144111192392099>

# What units are compatible?
iex> Cldr.Unit.compatible_units :foot
[:astronomical_unit, :centimeter, :decimeter, :fathom, :foot, :furlong, :inch,
 :kilometer, :light_year, :meter, :micrometer, :mile, :mile_scandinavian,
 :millimeter, :nanometer, :nautical_mile, :parsec, :picometer, :point, :yard]

### Unit arithmetic

Basic arithmetic is provided by `Cldr.Unit.add/2`, `Cldr.Unit.sub/2`, `Cldr.Unit.mult/2`, `Cldr.Unit.div/2` as well as `Cldr.Unit.round/3`

iex> Cldr.Unit.Math.add!(:foot, 1),!(:foot, 1)
#Unit<:foot, 2>

iex> Cldr.Unit.Math.add!(:foot, 1),!(:mile, 1)
#Unit<:foot, 5280.945925937846>

iex> Cldr.Unit.Math.add!(:foot, 1),!(:gallon, 1)
{:error, {Cldr.Unit.IncompatibleUnitError,
  "Operations can only be performed between units of the same type. Received #Unit<:foot, 1> and #Unit<:gallon, 1>"}}

iex> Cldr.Unit.round, 1031.61), 1
#Unit<:yard, 1031.6>

iex> Cldr.Unit.round, 1031.61), 1, :up
#Unit<:yard, 1031.7>


### Available units

Available units are returned by `Cldr.Unit.units/0`.

iex> Cldr.Unit.units
[:acre, :acre_foot, :ampere, :arc_minute, :arc_second, :astronomical_unit, :bit,
 :bushel, :byte, :calorie, :carat, :celsius, :centiliter, :centimeter, :century,
 :cubic_centimeter, :cubic_foot, :cubic_inch, :cubic_kilometer, :cubic_meter,
 :cubic_mile, :cubic_yard, :cup, :cup_metric, :day, :deciliter, :decimeter,
 :degree, :fahrenheit, :fathom, :fluid_ounce, :foodcalorie, :foot, :furlong,
 :g_force, :gallon, :gallon_imperial, :generic, :gigabit, :gigabyte, :gigahertz,
 :gigawatt, :gram, :hectare, :hectoliter, :hectopascal, :hertz, :horsepower,
 :hour, :inch, ...]

### Unit types

Units are grouped by unit type which defines the convertibility of different types.  In general, units of the same time are convertible to each other. The function `Cldr.Unit.unit_types/0` returns the unit types.  `Cldr.Unit.unit_tree/0` returns the map of all unit types and their child units.

iex> Cldr.Unit.unit_types
[:acceleration, :angle, :area, :concentr, :consumption, :coordinate, :digital,
 :duration, :electric, :energy, :frequency, :length, :light, :mass, :power,
 :pressure, :speed, :temperature, :volume]

### Further information
For help in `iex`:

iex> h
iex> h Cldr.Unit.to_string
iex> h Cldr.Unit.convert
iex> h Cldr.Unit.units
iex> h Cldr.Unit.unit_types

## Installation

Note that `:ex_cldr_units` requires Elixir 1.5 or later.

Add `ex_cldr_units` as a dependency to your `mix` project:

    defp deps do
        {:ex_cldr_units, "~> 1.0"}

then retrieve `ex_cldr_units` from [hex](

    mix deps.get
    mix deps.compile