# ExClockwork

This package allows you to run tasks at specified periods of time. Similar to ruby `clockwork` gem.

Currently is under development.

## Installation

  1. Add `ex_clockwork` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:ex_clockwork, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure `ex_clockwork` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:ex_clockwork]]

  3. Run generators to install sample schedule and handlers:

    mix ex_clockwork.install

  4. Configure `ex_clockwork` application, at config/config.exs:
    config :ex_clockwork,
      schedule: ExBlog.Schedule,
      interval: 1000

    `schedule` - module with tasks definitions
    `interval` - parameters sets tick interval, by default it is 1 second, so ex_clockwork will check every second if it has tasks to do.

  5. Configure `schedule.ex` file to add your custom tasks:
    defmodule MyApp.Schedule do
      use ExClockwork.Schedule

      every(2, :second, MyApp.MyEventHandler)

    first parameter - period of your task
    second - measurement, e.g. `:second`, `:minute`, `:hour`
    third - module name, that will be triggered when the period is finished

  6. Customize `my_event_handler.ex` file or create a custom one with definition of work that will be done periodically:
    defmodule MyApp.MyEventHandler do
      use ExClockwork.Handler

      def run do
        # do anything here

    run method of this module will be invoked every 2 seconds, as defined in schedule

    * Add examples
    * Add tests
    * Add moduledocs