# ExCnab
ExCnab makes it easy to read and process CNAB files.
> **This README follows the main branch, which may not be the currently published version**. Here are the
> [docs for the latest published version of ExCnab](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_cnab/ExCnab240.html).
## Installation
#### To install in all environments (useful for generating seed data in dev/prod):
In `mix.exs`, add the ExMachina dependency:
def deps do
{:ex_cnab, "~> 1.3.2"},
## Overview
[Check out the docs](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_cnab/ExCnab240.html) for more details.
Read and Build info from file:
defmodule MyApp.CnabParser do
import ExCnab240
def run(filepath), do: decode(filepath, %{})
{:ok, %{
header: %{
# Content
details: %{
# Content
footer: %{
# Content
additional_info: %{
# Content
defmodule MyApp.CnabParser do
import ExCnab240
def run(decoded_cnab), do: encode(decoded_cnab, %{})
{:ok, %{content: "xxxx...", filename: "JHVAABBDD.ret"}}
defmodule MyApp.GetDetailsType do
import ExCnab240
def run(decoded_cnab), do: find_details_type(cnab_file)
["A", "B"]
## Contributing
Before opening a pull request, please open an issue first.
$ git clone https://github.com/joaopealves/ex_cnab.git
$ cd ex_cnab
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test
Once you've made your additions and `mix test` passes, go ahead and open a PR!
## License
ExCnab is Copyright © 2023 João Pedro Alves. It is free software, and may be
redistributed under the terms specified in the [LICENSE](/LICENSE) file.