# ExCogmint

Elixir client for, a site that allows you to easily crowd source small
tasks within your company.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ex_cogmint` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_cogmint, "~> 0.0.6"}

In your app's mix.exs file:

  config :ex_cogmint,
    cogmint_api_key: "your-api-key-here"
or, if running on Heroku or pulling environment variables at runtime:
config :ex_cogmint,
  cogmint_api_key: System.get_env("COGMINT_API_KEY")

[Hex Documentation](

## Examples

Create a template and project using the web interface at Using your project UUID, you can
add more tasks to a given project. Let's say you have a template and project that takes the variable "new_user_email" and generates a prompt asking the worker-employee to say whether or not the email address is
someone that works at your company, because you don't want to count them in your user counts.

  email = NewUserFinder.get_latest_user_email() # a fictional method.
  ExCogmint.add_task!("project-uuid-12345", %{"new_user_email" => email})
Now, another task will be available under that project, using the project's template and default parameters,
like how many unique responses per task you want.

## Setup

1. Create an account at
2. Setup your app's webhook URL at

Cogmint will confirm that you own your webhook URL before sending it any traffic. If you're using Phoenix, here's some sample code:

First, Set a route pointing to the controller that will handle incoming webhooks for Cogmint.
# In myapp_web/router.ex
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
  # ...
  post "/incomingwebhooks/cogmint", MyAppCogmintWebhooksController, :receive
  # ...

Then, to respond to the challenge, you can use this code:
  # In myapp_web/controllers/my_app_cogmint_webhooks_controller.ex
  # the function that handles incoming traffic.
  def receive(conn, %{"event" => "challenge", "data" => data}) do
    json(conn, %{token: data["token"]})

3. Set the API Keys in your app's mix.config as described above.
4. Start making calls to the API.