# ExConfigurator
A simple code generator that reduces the amount of env var retrieval in your app.
## Usage:
It will allow you to simply setup:
defmodule SomeModule do
use ExConfigurator, :some_module
and any configs that are defined as:
config :your_app, :some_module, a: 1, b:2
Will autogenerate 2 getters for each element in the keyword list.
* First - `SomeModule.get_a()/0` - Compile time. This will return 1 in the above example.
It will generate a function that will return the compile time value.
* Second - Runtime value. `SomeModule.get_env_a()/0` - This will return 1 in the above example.
But if changed by a runtime config or a environment based config, the new value will be used.
NOTE: You are probably looking for the second and not the first function **wink**
### Configuration
To configure you must add the some config to your application:
config :ex_configurator, application: :your_app
Please replace :your_app with your app name.
### Complex Usage
Nested keyword lists will create env vars for the top level and sub any nested config.
For the following
defmodule SomeNestedModule do
use ExConfigurator, :some_module
with any configs that are defined as:
config :your_app, :some_module, keys: [ infura: "asdfsdf", twilio: "234234" ]
The following functions will be generated:
* `SomeModule.get_env_keys()/0` = [ infura: "asdfsdf", twilio: "234234" ] - changes if updated during runtime
* `SomeModule.get_keys()/0` = [ infura: "asdfsdf", twilio: "234234" ]
* `SomeModule.get_env_keys_infura()/0` = "asdfsdf" - changes if updated during runtime
* `SomeModule.get_keys_infura(()/0` = "asdfsdf"
* `SomeModule.get_env_keys_twilio()/0` = "234234" - changes if updated during runtime
* `SomeModule.get_keys_twilio(()/0` = "234234"
This gives lots of flexibility.
## Special forms
There are some special cases you might want to use this:
If a compile time config is set to a tuple starting with `:system` of form: {:system, :integer | :string, "MY_ENV", 3434}
then when calling `SomeModule.get_keys/0` the replaced method will lookup the system environment variable: "MY_ENV" and cast it to
either string or integer value.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `ex_configurator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ex_configurator, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/ex_configurator>.