# ExCSSModules

[CSS Modules]( for Elixir. Build to integrate well with the [Phoenix Framework](


ExCSSModules currently requires the CSS Modules definitions JSON file to be compiled next to the CSS file itself and the files to be compiled before the Elixir application is build.

## Installation
Install from [](

def deps do
  [{:ex_css_modules, "~> 0.0.1"}]

## Usage
To use ExCSSModules in a view compile the CSS file (ie: through brunch of webpack) and add the following to the view:

defmodule MyApplication.ExampleView do
  use ExCSSModules.View, stylesheet: Path.relative_to_cwd("assets/css/views/example.css")

This allows you to use the `class` and `class_name` functions in the template and views as followed:

.title {
  font-size: huge;

  <h1 <%= class "title" %>>Hello world</h1>

  <h1 class="_2313dsc-title">Hello world</h1>
## Advanced usage

### Phoenix.View
ExCSSModules is made for the Phoenix framework and can be easily be automatically be added to your view definition in `web.ex`. At [Defacto]( we automatically parse the View name and extract the correct stylesheet from it:

def view() do
  quote do
    use Phoenix.View, root: "lib/my_application_web/templates",
                      namespace: MyApplicationWeb
    use ExCSSModules.View, namespace: MyApplicationWeb,
                           stylesheet: Path.join(
                            |> Module.split
                            |> Enum.join("/")
                            |> String.replace_suffix("_view", ".css")

### ExCSSModules
ExCSSModules works perfectly with [ExCell]( By adding the following to your `web.ex` definition for cells you can automatically add the stylesheet in the same directory as your ExCell Cell:
def cell() do
  quote do
    use ExCell.Cell, namespace: MyApplicationWeb
    use ExCSSModules.View, namespace: MyApplicationWeb,
                           stylesheet: __ENV__.file
                                      |> Path.dirname
                                      |> Path.join("./style.css")