# ExDoc

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ExDoc is a tool to generate documentation for your Elixir projects. In case you are looking for documentation for Elixir itself, [check out Elixir's website][elixir-lang].

## Using ExDoc with Mix

To use ExDoc in your Mix projects, first add ExDoc as a dependency:

def deps do
  [{:earmark, "~> 0.1", only: :dev},
   {:ex_doc, "~> 0.11", only: :dev}]

After adding ExDoc as a dependency, run `mix deps.get` to install it.

ExDoc will automatically pull in information from your project, like the application and version. However, you may want to set `:name`, `:source_url` and `:homepage_url` to have a nicer output from ExDoc, for example:

def project do
  [app: :repo,
   version: "0.1.0-dev",
   name: "REPO",
   source_url: "",
   homepage_url: "http://YOUR_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE",
   deps: deps,
   docs: [logo: "path/to/logo.png",
          extras: ["", ""]]]

Now you are ready to generate your project documentation with `mix docs`.

To see all options available when generating docs, run `mix help docs`.   You may have to do `mix docs` or `mix deps.compile` first.

## Using ExDoc via command line

You can ExDoc via the command line as follows:

1. First clone and compile it:
    $ git clone
    $ cd ex_doc
    $ mix do deps.get, compile

2. Then you are ready to use it in your projects. First move into your project directory and ensure it is compiled:

    $ mix compile

3. Next invoke the ex_doc executable from your project:

    $ PATH_TO_YOUR_EXDOC/bin/ex_doc "PROJECT_NAME" "PROJECT_VERSION" path/to/project/ebin -m "PROJECT_MODULE" -u "" -l path/to/logo.png

For example, here are some acceptable values:

    PROJECT_NAME    => Ecto
    PROJECT_VERSION => 0.1.0
    PROJECT_MODULE  => Ecto (the main module provided by the library)
    GITHUB_USER     => elixir-lang
    GITHUB_REPO     => ecto

## Changing the Markdown tool

In the examples above, we have used [Earmark][] to convert Markdown to HTML. If you prefer, you can also use pandoc, hoedown (in C), or cmark (in C).

### Pandoc

Install [pandoc][] using whichever means is appropriate for your system.  Odds are good it is available via whatever package manager you have available to you.

Update your project config to use pandoc:

config :ex_doc, :markdown_processor, ExDoc.Markdown.Pandoc

### Hoedown

Hoedown is a standards compliant Markdown parser written in C.  To use hoedown, add the elixir NIF wrapper [markdown][devinus/markdown] as a dependency to your project:

{:markdown, github: "devinus/markdown"}

Update your project config to use hoedown:

config :ex_doc, :markdown_processor, ExDoc.Markdown.Hoedown

### Cmark

[Cmark][cmark] is a CommonMark parser written in C. To use cmark add the elixir NIF wrapper [cmark.ex][cmark.ex] as a dependency to your project:

{:cmark, "~> 0.6", only: :dev}

Update your project config to use Cmark:

config :ex_doc, :markdown_processor, ExDoc.Markdown.Cmark

# License

ExDoc source code is released under Apache 2 License. The generated contents, however, are under different licenses based on projects used to help render html, including css, js and other assets.

Check the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more information.
