# Changelog
## v0.37.1 (2025-02-10)
* Enhancements
* Support umbrella projects via the CLI
* Bug fixes
* Make sure docs are rendered inside iframes
## v0.37.0 (2025-02-05)
Thanks to @liamcmitchell and @hichemfantar for the extensive contributions in this new release.
* Enhancements
* Optimize and parallelize module retriever, often leading to 20x-30x faster docs generation
* Considerably improve page loading times in the browser
* Allow customizing `search_data` for extra pages
* Use native style for scroll bars
* Enhance links between extras/pages/guides with padding and hover effects
* Go to latest goes to the same page if it exists, root otherwise
* Apply new style and layout for tabs
* Increase font-weight on sidebar on Apple machines/devices
* Improve accessibility across deprecation, links, and summaries
* Add compatibility to Erlang/OTP 28+
* Rely on the operating system monospace font for unified experience and better load times
* Introduce `"exdoc:loaded"` window event to track navigation
* Support for favicons
* Bug fixes
* Move action links out from heading tags
## v0.36.1 (2024-12-24)
* Enhancements
* Show a progress bar if navigation takes more than 300ms
* Bug fixes
* Fix dark mode styling on cheatsheets
* Ensure the sidebar closes on hosting navigation in mobile
## v0.36.0 (2024-12-24)
* Enhancements
* Use swup.js for navigation on hosted sites
* Support `:group` in documentation metadata for grouping in the sidebar
* Support `:default_group_for_doc` in configuration to set the default group for functions, callbacks, and types
* Add `--warnings-as-errors` flag to `mix docs`
* Bug fixes
* Fix typespec with `(...) -> any()`
* Do not trap `tab` commands in the search bar
## v0.35.1 (2024-11-21)
* Bug fixes
* Make sure symlinks are copied from assets directory
* Discard private functions documented by EDoc
## v0.35.0 (2024-11-19)
* Enhancements
* Store `proglang` in `searchdata.js`
* Allow searching for atoms inside backticks
* Add support for nominal types from Erlang/OTP 28
* Support a new `:redirects` option which allows configuring redirects in the sidebar
* Improve warning when referencing type from a private module
* Rename "Search HexDocs package" modal to "Go to package docs"
* Support built-in Erlang/OTP apps in "Go to package docs"
* Bug fixes
* Switch anchor `title` to `aria-label`
* Convert admonition blockquotes to sections for screen reader users
* Fix code copy buttons within tabsets
## v0.34.2 (2024-07-08)
* Enhancements
* Allow anchors on function and callback autolinks
* Bug fixes
* Make module attributes searchable without leading @
* Make Mod.fun pairs searchable without the arity
* Do not emit warnings on unary plus in typespecs
* Add top margin to nested module prefix in sidebar
## v0.34.1 (2024-06-30)
* Enhancements
* Add a `v` shortcut to open/focus the version select
* Compatibility fixes for Elixir v1.17 and Erlang/OTP 27+
* Bug fixes
* Do not crash on unknown media types in assets during EPUB generation
* Fix slight shift on search bar input during focus
* Avoid unwanted showing/hiding of search bar on mobile when scrolling
## v0.34.0 (2024-05-30)
This release requires Elixir v1.13.
* Enhancements
* Allow several assets to be copied by passing a map to `:assets`
* Improve compatibility when hosting ExDoc on a platform that strips `.html`
* Bug fixes
* Link to the latest version of Erlang/OTP docs
* Deprecations
* Deprecate passing a binary to `:assets`
## v0.33.0 (2024-05-21)
* Enhancements
* Keep the sidebar light in light mode
## v0.32.2 (2024-05-10)
* Enhancements
* Allow the modal to close when we click outside the modal content
* Bug fixes
* Fix indentation of -spec/-type in Erlang
* Fix Mix task autolink for tasks with underscores
* Avoid conflicts between custom headers with tooltips/modals
## v0.32.1 (2024-04-12)
* Bug fixes
* Add version dropdown back on hexdocs.pm
* Improve search input styling and scrolling
## v0.32.0 (2024-04-10)
* Enhancements
* Add the ability to see previews during autocompletion
* Remove serif font for content and prefer using the operating system font instead
* Allow the search bar to be focused at any moment
* Make functions acceptable for `:skip_undefined_reference_warnings_on`
* Make functions acceptable for `:skip_code_autolink_to`
* Allow using meta tags to disable autocompletion and configure the full text search
* Bug fixes
* Fix blockquote padding inside tabset on small screens
* Consistently index h2 and h3 headers
## v0.31.2 (2024-03-05)
* Enhancements
* Add `equiv` handling for types and callbacks for Erlang
* Add cmd-k/ctrl-k shortcut to focus searchbar
* Use dark backgrounds for admonition blocks in dark theme
* Autolink .cheatmd files
* Warn when extra link targets an application not in dependencies
* Add support for `before_closing_footer_tag`
* Bug fixes
* Fix sidebar toggle flickering on page load
* Fix background color inside code snippets with no language in dark mode
* Hide search bar and background layer on print
* Use blue links for Erlang
* Fix logo not declared in EPUB's OPF manifest
* Escape URIs and titles in EPUB
* Fix URL slug not updating on anchor clicks
## v0.31.1 (2024-01-11)
* Enhancements
* Make the sidebar horizontally resizable
* Show the sidebar button and search bar on scroll up on mobile devices
* More improvements to Erlang/OTP 27 support
* Document that `source_url_pattern` can be a fun
* Support `m:Module#anchor`
## v0.31.0 (2023-12-11)
* Enhancements
* Allow searching atoms, module attributes, and words finishing with `?` and `!`
* Support upcoming Erlang/OTP 27 documentation format
* Include prebuilt binaries on every release
* Add borders dividing table rows in rendered content
* Add accurate warnings for missing docs from Elixir v1.16+
* Support `e:dep:some-page.md` for explicitly linking to a page in a package
* Support `m:SomeModule` for explicitly linking to a module
* Add `noindex` meta tag to 404 and Search pages
* Move search to the main content so we can display more results
* Warn when referencing functions, types, and callbacks from filtered out modules
* Bug fixes
* Fix search for words with hyphens in them
* Fix search for contents inside EEx interpolation
## v0.30.9 (2023-10-20)
* Bug fixes
* Fix a scenario where invalid assets would be generated
* Enhancements
* Add admonition EPUB styles
## v0.30.8 (2023-10-17)
* Bug fixes
* Fix regression in umbrella applications
## v0.30.7 (2023-10-15)
* Bug fixes
* Do not crash on EDoc type annotations
* Do not crash on functions without name
* Handle remote types in records
* Fix scrolling to top on iOS
* Fix invalid output markup for “hover link” headings
* Enhancements
* Support any String.Chars as the extra page name
* Improve screen reader accessibility
* Add `:skip_code_autolink_to` option
## v0.30.6 (2023-08-25)
* Enhancements
* Extract title from Markdown file when preceded with comments
* Improve focus navigation in notebooks
## v0.30.5 (2023-08-12)
* Bug fixes
* Fix style for code in headers
* Fix search data generation for Erlang/OTP
## v0.30.4 (2023-08-03)
* Bug fixes
* Fix style for anchors in headers
## v0.30.3 (2023-07-15)
* Enhancements
* Compress search index before storing in local storage
* Bug fixes
* Fix styling for headers on cheatsheets and small screens
## v0.30.2 (2023-07-11)
* Bug fixes
* Fix escaping in `search_data.json`
* Skip vega-lite code blocks in `search_data.json`
## v0.30.1 (2023-07-07)
* Bug fixes
* Fix styling for headers on cheatsheets and small screens
## v0.30.0 (2023-07-07)
* Enhancements
* Support tabsets (see the README for more information)
* Improve search results and indexing by storing more data and metadata
* Warn on invalid references in links
* Strike-through deprecated items on autocompletion
* Add source URL link to API reference page
* Allow multiple extra files with the same name by generating unique names in case of conflicts
* Bug fixes
* Fix rendering of large code blocks in admonition texts
* Do not log errors on module mismatch in case-insensitive file systems
## v0.29.4 (2023-03-29)
* Bug fixes
* Fix sidebar element with no children taking additional padding
* Fix elements being rendered too thick on macOS
* Fix rendering of HTML elements inside tooltips
## v0.29.3 (2023-03-17)
* Enhancements
* Propagate `:since` metadata from modules
* Add support for MFAs and maps in `before_closing_body_tag` and `before_closing_head_tag`
* Bug fixes
* Improve font consistency across different OSes
* Keep language class on livebook output code block
* Ensure switches have higher precedence than config
## v0.29.2 (2023-03-02)
* Enhancements
* Improvements to cheatsheets spacing
* Improvements to cheatsheets print
* Include sections of modules and extras in search suggestions
* Make sidebar links full-width and add hover states
* Improve clickable area of sidebar tabs
* Improve contrast on sidebar
* Bug fix
* Add media type for .license files for epub
* Fix overscroll on the sidebar
* Focus search input immediately after keyboard shortcut
* Don't attempt parsing code blocks that don't look like modules
* Fix visited link color in admonition blocks
## v0.29.1 (2022-11-21)
* Enhancements
* Add optional function annotations
* Support media print on stylesheets
* Add download ePub link to footer
* Support extras for Erlang
* Add tooltip to functions on sidebar
* Disable spellcheck and autocorrect on search input
* Bug fix
* Special handle functions called `record/*` in Erlang
* Deprecations
* Rename `:groups_for_functions` to `:groups_for_docs`
## v0.29.0 (2022-10-19)
* Enhancements
* Support cheatsheets as `.cheatmd` files
* Bug fix
* Collapse sidebar when resizing page even if stored in the session as opened
## v0.28.6 (2022-10-13)
* Enhancements
* Add Elixir special punctuation ! and ? to natural sort
* Add night mode to settings pane
* Support --proglang in mix docs
* Save sidebar state per session
* Distinguish output code blocks in Livebooks
* Bug fixes
* Prevent sidebar button scrolling out of view
* Prevent unreadable text when using inline code with admonition headers
## v0.28.5 (2022-08-18)
* Enhancements
* Do not preserve spaces from spec declaration in signature rendering
* Index hyphens in search
* Index `@` in search
* Change minimal package search length to 2
* Bug fixes
* Remove extra `term()` argument at start of `@macrocallback`
## v0.28.4 (2022-04-28)
* Enhancements
* Add a toast when changing theme via keyboard
* Automatically convert `.livemd` links to `.html` ones
* Show programming language in HTML footer
* Bug fixes
* Properly escape `%/2` special form
* Improve ranking of exact-matching modules in search
## v0.28.3 (2022-03-23)
* Enhancements
* Include page titles in autocomplete suggestions
* Allow theme to be set to "System" version
* Remove "Specs" heading and render full typespecs
* Support for `source_url_pattern` in config being a function
* Bug fixes
* Adjustments for blockquotes and admonition blocks in dark mode
* Fix module sorting when a list of dirs is provided
* Consider casing of letters when sorting items in the menu, summary, function list, etc
## v0.28.2 (2022-02-23)
* Bug fixes
* Fix links and code tags in admonition text blocks for dark mode
## v0.28.1 (2022-02-20)
* Enhancements
* Add support for admonition text blocks
* Improve accessibility for light and dark themes
* Bug fixes
* Ensure that `mix docs --open` works on Windows
* Ensure search tokenizer also splits on underscore
* Fix false warnings about missing types when running ExDoc in escript mode
* Don't navigate when clicking the current page
## v0.28.0 (2022-01-24)
ExDoc v0.28.0 requires Elixir v1.11+.
* Enhancements
* Use custom scrollbar in the sidebar
* Keep hamburger absolute to the opened sidebar
* Support `--open` flag on `mix docs`
* The copy button now only copies selectable content
* Bug fixes
* Make sure filename configuration in `:extras` is used across links
* Ensure all `extras` pages have a title generated
* Fix margin on 3rd level headers and beyond
* Ensure a task that defines callbacks is still listed as a task
## v0.27.3 (2022-01-12)
* Bug fixes
* Make HexDocs search case insensitive
* Improve sidebar open/close animation
## v0.27.2 (2022-01-11)
* Bug fixes
* Fix version dropdown when hosted on HexDocs
* Fix tooltips
* Fix JavaScript error when Hex package information is not available
## v0.27.1 (2022-01-11)
* Bug fixes
* Several usability fixes on the new layout
* Keep page ordering
## v0.27.0 (2022-01-11)
* Enhancements
* Introduce new sidebar design
* Add `--quiet` option to CLI
* Support multiple formatters in the CLI
* Show structs as `%Struct{}` instead of `__struct__` in the sidebar
* Point Erlang links to `www.erlang.org` instead of `erlang.org`
* Improvements to the night mode and styling
## v0.26.0 (2021-11-21)
* Backwards incompatible changes
* `:filter_prefix` has been renamed to `:filter_modules` and supports anonymous functions
* `:source_ref` now defaults to `"main"`
* Dropped support for smartypants in Markdown
* Bug fixes
* Do not warn on links to sections
* Enhancements
* Add copy button to code snippets
* Add `translate="no"` to the relevant attributes to improve interoperability with automatic translation tools
* Support optional module annotations
* Introduce a settings modal to group most of configuration
* Allow customizing the Livebook expansion URL
* Provide documentation on how to render plugins such as Katex, VegaLite, and Mermaid
## v0.25.5 (2021-10-20)
* Bug fixes
* Do not duplicate API Reference title
* Update assets for Livebook badge functionality
## v0.25.4 (2021-10-20)
* Enhancements
* Add source link to pages in `:extras`
* Add "Run in Livebook" badge to `.livemd` pages in `:extras`
* Bug fixes
* Do not generate entries for private Erlang functions
* Do not trim `?` and `!` from Elixir tokens on search
* Incompatible changes
* Remove unused `:source_root` option
## v0.25.3 (2021-09-21)
* Enhancements
* Track user preference for sidebar state
* Bug fixes
* Do not double escape page titles on the sidebar
* Do not fail when documenting cover compiled modules
* Don't crash upon doc chunks for unknown beam languages
## v0.25.2 (2021-09-02)
* Enhancements
* Add support for Livebook's `.livemd` Markdown files
* Preload all applications starting with `makeup_` before doc generation
* Add Hex package config and display "Find on Hex" footer links
## v0.25.1 (2021-08-02)
* Enhancements
* Supporting grouping of callbacks
* Use shell lexer for code blocks with no language and starting with `$ `
* Bug fixes
* Fix generating type signatures with maps
* Skip Erlang modules that have empty docs
* Skip Erlang functions that have empty docs
* Fix accidentally showing shape of opaque types
## v0.25.0 (2021-07-20)
* Enhancements
* Handle remote types when generating signatures, e.g. `@callback callback1(GenServer.options())` becomes `callback1(options)`
* Support Markdown processor options
* Add `--paths` command line argument to prepend directories to the code path when generating docs
* Make shell prompt, `$ `, not selectable for `shell`, `sh`, `bash` and `zsh` code blocks
* Bug fixes
* Fix custom links to undefined/hidden references
* Fix generating external links with `:deps` configuration
* Add ellipsis to more sections
* Backwards incompatible changes
* Remove function landing pages
## v0.24.2 (2021-04-06)
* Enhancements
* Support stepped range syntax
* Bug fixes
* Add spaces on paragraph endings for search results
* Fix bug defining app name in config
* Fix rendering void elements (`<br>` etc)
## v0.24.1 (2021-03-22)
* Bug fixes
* Fix generating function landing pages
## v0.24.0 (2021-03-16)
* Enhancements
* Drop jQuery and refactor JavaScript codebase
* Remove highlight.js in favour of migration to Makeup
* Change autolink to return both path and hash for the current module
* Add next/previous at the end of extra pages
* Improve search input blur handling
* Update erlang.org/man URL
* Add function landing page
* Bug fixes
* Ignore extensions when generating external links
* Fix autolink to handle URIs with arbitrary scheme part without warning
* Fix undefined reference warning for typespecs
* Fix search click behavior when a suggestion refers the current page
* Don't crash when we can't format spec
* Fix HTML escaping
## v0.23.0 (2020-10-12)
Requires Elixir v1.10.
* Enhancements
* Improve warnings on broken references
* Support Elixir v1.12-dev
* Bug fixes
* Respect deps config in autolink
* Fix html escaping in the sidebar entries
* Fix retrieving specs for macros with `when`
* Raise if none of :name or :app are found in mix.exs
* Don't crash on code blocks like "A.b.C"
## v0.22.6 (2020-09-16)
* Bug fixes
* Properly fix CSS bug on headings
* Add expansion arrow to sections on sidebar
## v0.22.5 (2020-09-13)
* Bug fixes
* Fix CSS bug on headings
## v0.22.4 (2020-09-12)
* Enhancements
* Improve accessibility and add aria labels
* Show different title and message for a empty search value
## v0.22.3 (2020-07-25)
* Bug fixes
* [HTML+EPUB] Remove overlapping functions from defaults
* [HTML] Don't show tooltip for module sections and non-html files
* [HTML] Make sure tooltips work with escape ids.
## v0.22.2 (2020-07-20)
* Enhancements
* [HTML+EPUB] Add support for path dependent markdown autolink (`feeddc1`)
* [HTML+EPUB] Improve auto-linking to callbacks and types (`12c0a01`)
* [HTML+EPUB] Replace `<kbd>` with `<kbd><kbd>` when it represents keys to be hit (`bd2b8df`)
* [HTML] Hide sidebar-over-content on click/tap outside it (`b050775`)
* [HTML] Redirect to correct file when changing version (`0f6f24b`)
* [mix docs] Allow files with no extension in extra files (`26b93b6`)
* [mix docs] Link to siblings in an umbrella (`b0d6fdd`)
* [mix docs] Switch to `earmark_parser`. Run `mix deps.unlock --unused` to remove the now
unused `earmark` dependency. (`021c772`)
* Bug fixes
* [HTML+EPUB] Bring back auto-linking to Kernel and Kernel.SpecialForms (`fa174eb`)
* [HTML+EPUB] Escape HTML special characters in signature (`5fed479`)
* [HTML+EPUB] Fix auto-linking `./2` and `../2` (`2e40acb`)
* [HTML+EPUB] Fix list of basic types to auto-link (`6df4a3b`)
* [HTML+EPUB] Make HTML valid (`1187ace`)
* [HTML] Escape HTML special characters in sidebar (`d26ca71`)
* [HTML] Fix keyboard shortcuts on non US keyboard layouts (`829c4ee`)
* [HTML] Fix text overflow in sidebar (`a4ff547`)
* [HTML] Handle snake case terms in search results (`d511d55`)
* [mix docs] Don't crash on markdown that triggers warning (`e7cb79c`)
## v0.22.1 (2020-05-19)
* Bug fixes
* [mix docs] Depend on earmark `~> 1.4.0`
* [mix docs] Don't crash on comments in markdown
* [mix docs] Don't crash on HTML in markdown
## v0.22.0 (2020-05-11)
* Enhancements
* [EPUB] Add epub to the default formatters
* [HTML+EPUB] Move specs out of signature
* [HTML+EPUB] Auto-link "erlang" types & callbacks
* [HTML+EPUB] Auto-link "erlang" modules in custom links
* [mix docs] Warn on broken references in dependencies (e.g. `` `String.upcase/9` ``)
* [escript] Add `--app`
* [HTML+EPUB] Auto-link to extras (e.g. `[foo](foo.md)`)
* [mix docs] Undefined references warning now includes the filename
* [mix docs] `:skip_undefined_reference_warnings_on` now also accepts a filename
* [HTML+EPUB] Display moduledoc headings in the sidebar
* Bug fixes
* [HTML] Fix hidden text selection, hide tooltips for details link
* [HTML+EPUB] Fix function name sorting (group operators together)
* [HTML+EPUB] Fix displaying nested modules
* Backwards incompatible changes
* [mix docs] Remove built-in support for cmark markdown processor
* [mix docs] Replace `ExDoc.Markdown.to_html/2` with `to_ast/2`
* [HTML+EPUB] Remove auto-linking for local calls to Kernel & Kernel.SpecialForms,
use fully qualified calls instead. (e.g. replace `` `==/2` `` with `` `Kernel.==/2` ``.)
* [mix docs] `:skip_undefined_reference_warnings_on` no longer accepts extras id, use
extras filename instead.
## v0.21.3
* Enhancements
* [HTML] Make "Exceptions" a module sub-grouping instead of a top-level group
* [HTML] Automatically group deprecated modules
* [HTML] Rely on `prefers-color-scheme` w/o night mode set
* [HTML] Boost title on search results, add fun/arity to title
* [mix docs] Initial work on support for multiple languages
* Bug fixes
* [HTML] Many improvements to the search engine
* [mix docs] Link to callback docs instead of copying them
## v0.21.2
* Enhancements
* [HTML] Add hardcoded packages to the quick-switch search results
* [HTML] Filter out packages without docs on HexDocs in quick-switch
* [HTML+EPUB] Support autolinking for multiple arities
* [mix docs] Avoid deprecation warnings on more recent earmark versions
* [mix docs] Warn on unavailable local functions
* [mix docs] Make invalid index redirect warning case-sensitive
* [mix docs] Ignore non-Elixir modules when missing chunk
* Bug fixes
* [HTML+EPUB] Do not create a custom link when destination does not exist
* [EPUB] Hide screen reader elements
## v0.21.1
* Bug fixes
* [HTML] Make sure package selector can be reopened after closed with `ESC`
* [HTML] Ensure tooltip pages can be cached
* [HTML] Support large version numbers on the version dropdown
* [mix docs] Raise nice exception for missing ExDoc.Config
## v0.21.0
* Enhancements
* [HTML] Add support for reference popovers
* [HTML] Provide a "g" shortcut to Go To a Hexdocs package (with autocomplete)
* [HTML] Detect if browser prefers night mode
* [EPUB] Add support for covers and the authors field
* Bug fixes
* [HTML+EPUB] Ensure that link headers generate unique IDs
* [HTML+EPUB] Sort structs fields so field names are always ordered
* [HTML+EPUB] Do not strip "Elixir." prefix from module names
* [HTML] Support URLs with non-HTML safe characters
* [EPUB] Fix table of contents without groups
## v0.20.2
* Enhancements
* Add "mix " prefix to Mix tasks
* Bug fixes
* Improve scrolling on Safari
* Prevent text casing of codes
* Do not remove stop words from search and make sure function names are searchable in isolation
* Reduce the size of the search metadata
* Remove outline on focus and keep width in version dropdown
* Do not fail if we can't persist index
## v0.20.1
* Bug fixes
* Hide the spinner when no term is searched
* Use `?` for the shortcut hint text
* Improve style of the version dropdown
## v0.20.0
* Enhancements
* Rework the search bar to provide autocompletion
* Provide full-text search
* Automatically generate documentation for `defdelegate` definitions (requires Elixir v1.8+)
* Provide keyboard shortcuts (press `?` to see all available outputs) or click the link at the bottom of the page
* Add support for versions dropdown to the HTML sidebar. This requires adding a `docs_config.js` (also configurable) that sets a `versionNodes` JavaScript variable.
* Improve mouseover titles on sidebar navigation
* Bug fixes
* Do not hide structs in type/callback summary signatures
* No longer require double click to open up a sidebar on Mobile Safari
* Keep trailing periods in summaries
* Fix typespec `arg` number to start from 1 instead of 0
## v0.19.3
* Enhancements
* Include a "goto" link on mouseover for expandable menu items
* Bug fixes
* Always expand menu items, even if has a single child
* Fix sidebar bottom margin on Firefox
* Fix anchor links sometimes not working by moving JS to HTML head
* Unify code styling for makeup and hljs
* Do not replace the content of custom links pointing to Elixir modules
* Remove border-left on deprecated to not mistake it with a heading
## v0.19.2
* Enhancements
* Allow logo in SVG extension
* Allow functions to be grouped based on metadata
* Allow api-reference.html page to be disabled
* Allow nesting of modules by prefix
* Autolink `mix help TASK`
* Warn on undefined remote functions from project's docs
* Bug fixes
* Sort function names alphabetically in the sidebar
* Fix search input color
* Disable earmark smartypants option
## v0.19.1
* Enhancements
* Update CSS styles
* Remove sourcemaps from package
## v0.19.0
This release requires Elixir v1.7 and later. For earlier Elixir versions, use ExDoc ~> 0.18.0.
* Enhancements
* Do not select "iex>" when selecting code samples
* Use makeup to perform ELixir's syntax highlighting (other languages still use highlight.js)
* Use `[rel="noopener"]` on external links
* Link directly to page if sidebar item has no subitems
* Autolink Kernel and Kernel functions and special forms with shorthands (for example, only `is_atom/1` is necessary)
* Trim EEx contents to reduce HTML size
* Allow apps to be excluded from umbrella app docs
* Bug fixes
* Exclude types with `@typedoc false` from the docs
* Make sure autolink considers the longest matching dependency name in case of shared prefixes
## v0.18.3
* Bug fix
* Fix formatting of typespecs causing errors
* Update jQuery
* Properly remove underscore from typespec links
## v0.18.2
* Enhancements
* Improve documentation pages for printing
* Autolink Kernel, Kernel.SpecialForms, and built-in types
* Annotate opaque types
* Add vertical-align:top to tables
* Allow module-function-arity references in links
* Remove underscore from view source link
* Run code formatter on typespecs (if one is available)
* Make night mode switch link more obvious
## v0.18.1
* Bug fixes
* Include missing formatter files
## v0.18.0
* Enhancements
* No longer strip empty parens from types
* Provide more extension point for markdown processors
* Remove assets from priv since they are now embedded at compile time
* Backwards incompatible changes
* Remove built-in support for hoedown markdown processor
* No longer add favicon when logo option is present (this was added in 0.17.0 but it was reported the logo almost never fits as a favicon)
## v0.17.1
* Bug fixes
* Fix broken search caused by outdated JavaScript files
## v0.17.0
* Enhancements
* Allow modules to be grouped on the sidebar with the `:groups_for_modules` option
* Allow extras to be grouped on the sidebar with the `:groups_for_extras` option
* Backwards incompatible changes
* The previous `:group` option that could be specified for each entry in `:extras` is no longer supported
* No longer add a specific section for "Protocols". If you would like to segregate the protocols in your application, use the new `:groups_for_modules` functionality
## v0.16.4
* Enhancements
* Generate favicon link if a logo is available
* Bug fixes
* Do not version epub filename as the doc directory is likely already versioned
## v0.16.3
* Enhancements
* Make sure its own search.html page and provide history
* Generate source maps only if the `--debug` flag is given
* Users can now add custom HTML before the closing head tag and the closing body tag
* Highlight the target function/macro/type/callback when clicked
* Bug fixes
* Remove extra `term()` argument at start of macro spec
* Add unencoded link target for functions with special chars to cope with different behaviour in browsers
## v0.16.2
* Enhancements
* Link `<h3>` headers as well
* Add border to code tag
* Bug fixes
* Fix sidebar on mobile devices
## v0.16.1
* Bug fixes
* Fix hover icons coloring
## v0.16.0
* Enhancements
* Separate tasks into "Mix Tasks" in sidebar
* Add types to the search results
* Improve accessibility
* Bug fixes
* Strip nesting HTML tags in h2 headers
* Remove the old search results after every new search attempt
## v0.15.1
* Bug fixes
* Improve project name wrapping on HTML
* Properly set link in types with parameter
* Fix ExDoc.CLI.main/2 to keep --source-ref on Elixir v1.4
* Do not fail if localStorage is not available
## v0.15.0
* Enhancements
* Closing the search takes you to where you were in the previous page
* Handle `__struct__/0` by displaying the struct instead
* Warn when redirecting to a non-existent file
* List both functions and macros under "Functions"
* Automatically detect GitLab source URL patterns
* Bug fixes
* Break long specs into lines
* Fix the initial state of the sidebar hamburger
* Do not error when abstract code is missing
* Properly link to erlang lib dirs
* Backwards incompatible changes
* No longer support Pandoc
* Require Earmark 1.1
## v0.14.5
* Enhancements
* Allow ExDoc to work as an escript
## v0.14.4
* Enhancements
* Point to Elixir docs on hexdocs.pm
* Many improvements to layout and styling of EPUB formatter
* Support multiple formatters to be configured on `mix.exs`
* Also digest `sidebar_items.js`
* Force parentheses on type signature to remove ambiguity
* Generate top-level docs for an umbrella project
* Searching on mobile closes menu when the Enter key is hit
## v0.14.3
* Enhancements
* Support the `:assets` option that automatically copies all entries in the given directory to `doc/assets`
* Remove numbering on Extras subheaders from sidebar
* Pass file and line information to markdown formatters for better warnings
* Allow extra pages to be grouped together under a given heading
* Generate ids for default name/arity pairs so they can be linked (both remotely and locally)
* Bug fixes
* Fix autolink for functions containing `%`, `{`, `}` or uppercase characters in the name
## v0.14.2
* Enhancements
* Automatically generate documentations links to any of your dependencies (by default links to hexdocs.pm but allows the URL to be configured)
* Allow documentation to be generated to Erlang modules
* Bug fixes
* Make sure "Top" is not included twice on pages
## v0.14.1
* Bug fixes
* Include "Top" link in pages with no headings
* Include "Top" link in modules with no docs
## v0.14.0
* Enhancements
* Add support for the epub formatter
* Support extraction from `<h2>` headers out of the settext format
* Layout changes
* Indent documentation inside the function/macro/type/callback header
* Style types the same way as function/macro/callback and include a link to the source
* Increase font-sizes in the sidebar and code snippets
* Move the specs definition inside the function/macro/type/callback header and make better use of vertical space
* Use a gradient on the sidebar to avoid sudden cut-off when scrolling the modules list
* Fix the use of the back-button in some browsers
* Allow the whole sidebar to be navigated without moving away from the current page. Expand (+) and collapse (-) buttons have been added to aid exploration
* Numerically order pages/guides headers
## v0.13.2
* Bug fixes
* Avoid scrollbar from appearing on all code snippets
## v0.13.1
* Enhancements
* Autolink Elixir's stdlib modules and functions
* Show callbacks in search results
* Reduce size taken by font-sizes
* Increase size for headings in the moduledoc
* Bug fixes
* Fix opened sidebar on small screens
* Allow horizontal scrolling for code snippets on small screens
## v0.13.0
* Bug fixes
* Fix issue where docs would fail when being built on Erlang 19
* Store templates in `priv` rather than in `lib`
* Backwards incompatible changes
* Require Elixir ~> v1.2
## v0.12.0
* Enhancements
* Remove warnings when running on Elixir v1.3
* Support for `@optional_callbacks`
* Improve styling for nested lists
* Include earmark as a default dependency
* Bug fixes
* Fix many styling and performance front-end related bugs
## v0.11.5
* Enhancements
* Support canonical URLs
* Bug fixes
* Autolink now allows digits in function names
* Sort specs by line to preserve ordering
* Focus on content element on document ready
* Remove ligature fix on Firefox and Safari as Google Fonts have been updated
## v0.11.4
* Bug fixes
* Fix ligature issues in recent browsers
* HTML escape headers
* Avoid warning on Elixir master (v1.3)
## v0.11.3
* Bug fixes
* Fix a regression where the sidebar wouldn't stick on small screens
## v0.11.2
* Enhancements
* Include night mode for docs
* Take advantage of extra space on large screens by widening sidebar
* Bug fixes
* Do not attempt to retrieve docs from Erlang modules
## v0.11.1
* Bug fixes
* Include callbacks even if a module defines a struct
## v0.11.0
* Enhancements
* From now on it's possible to set the title in the sidebar area for
additional content, *default:* "Pages"
* Set the path and title of each additional page in `mix.exs` file
* Use the first `h1` as menu title if title is not configured
* Include the project name as part of the header in small devices
* Bug fixes
* Increase the visual separation between functions
* Remove the `extra-` prefix for the additional documentation files
* Extra large images do not create an overflow in the content
## v0.10.0
* Enhancements
* Many improvements and bug fixes in new layout
* Reduced build size
* Overview has been renamed to API Reference
* All extra content, including API Reference, has been moved to inside
* Extra files are now downcased and prefixed by `extra-`
## v0.9.0
* Enhancements
* Whole new clean, readable, usable, responsive layout
* Support for adding logo to generated docs (must be 64x64 pixels)
* Support for adding extra pages to generated docs
* Improve formatting of typespecs and callbacks
* Backwards incompatible changes
* `--readme` option and `:readme` configuration have been removed. Use
`:extras` in your `mix.exs` file or pass `--extra` / `-e` in the
command-line (may be given multiple times)
## v0.8.4
* Bug fixes
* Generate `README.html` file instead of `readme.html` as in previous
* Style fixes in the new layout
## v0.8.3
* Bug fixes
* Style fixes in the new layout
## v0.8.2
* Enhancements
* Uglify and minify JS and CSS code
* Performance improvements when building sidebar
* Redirect from index.html to proper page
* Bug fixes
* Style fixes in the new layout
## v0.8.1
* Bug fixes
* Style fixes in the new layout
## v0.8.0
* Enhancements
* New and responsive layout without frames
## v0.7.3
* Bug fixes
* Update [highlight.js][] with fixes some inlining issues
* Require latest [Earmark][]
## v0.7.2
* Bug fixes
* Support Elixir master
* Fix error reporting when modules are compiled without docs
## v0.7.1
* Enhancements
* Use `type=search` for search input
* Update [highlight.js][] dependency
* Properly tag code comments as coming from Elixir/IEx unless noted otherwise
* Add support for hash redirection
## v0.7.0
* Enhancements
* Documentation is now generated at `doc` to follow OTP "standard"
## v0.6.2
* Enhancements
* Improvements to the document structure
* Add syntax highlight
## v0.6.1
* Enhancements
* Autolink modules and functions in the README
* Generate ids for callbacks starting with "c:"
* Ensure group ordering is consistent: TYPES > FUNCTIONS > MACROS > CALLBACKS
* Allow users to search by Module.function
## v0.6.0
* Enhancements
* Support Elixir v1.0.0-rc1
## v0.5.2
* Bug fixes
* Use proper ANSI escape sequence on Mix success messages
## v0.5.1
* Enhancements
* Support Elixir v0.15.0
* Add support for [Earmark][] - no need for external processors
## v0.5.0
* Enhancements
* First public release
* Support [pandoc][] and [devinus/markdown][markdown] as markdown processors
[pandoc]: http://pandoc.org/
[markdown]: https://github.com/devinus/markdown
[earmark]: https://github.com/pragdave/earmark
[highlight.js]: https://highlightjs.org/