# ExDoubleEntry

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An Elixir double-entry library inspired by Ruby's [DoubleEntry]( Brought to you by [CoinJar](


## Supported Databases

- Postgres 9.4+ (for `JSONB` support)
- MySQL 8.0+ (for row locking support)

## Installation

def deps do
    {:ex_double_entry, github: "coinjar/ex_double_entry"},
    # pick one DB package
    {:postgrex, ">= 0.0.0"},
    {:myxql, ">= 0.0.0"},

### DB Migration

You will need to copy and run the [migration file](priv/repo/migrations/001_ex_double_entry_tables.exs) to create the DB tables.

## Configuration

config :ex_double_entry,
  db: :postgres,
  db_table_prefix: "ex_double_entry_",
  repo: YourProject.Repo,
  default_currency: :USD,
  # all accounts need to be defined here
  accounts: %{
    # account identifier: account options
    # valid options are:
    #   "positive_only": whether the account can go into negative balance
    bank: [],
    savings: [positive_only: true],
    checking: [],
  # all transfers need to be defined here
  transfers: %{
    # transfer code: transfer pairs
    # for each transfer pair:
    #   - the first element is the source account
    #   - the second element is the destination account
    deposit: [
      {:bank, :savings},
      {:bank, :checking},
      {:checking, :savings},
    withdraw: [
      {:savings, :checking},

## Usage

### Accounts & Balances

# creates a new account with 0 balance
  # identifier of the account, in atom
  # currency can be any arbitrary atom
  currency: :USD,
  # optional, scope can be any arbitrary string
  # due to DB index on `NULL` values, scope value can only be `nil` (stored as
  # an empty string in the DB) or non-empty strings
  scope: "user/1"

# looks up an account with its balance
  currency: :USD,
  scope: "user/1"

Both functions return an `ExDoubleEntry.Account` struct that looks like this:

  id: 1,
  identifier: :savings,
  currency: :USD,
  scope: "user/1",
  positive_only?: true,
  balance:, :USD),

### Transfers

There are two transfer modes, `transfer` and `transfer!`.

Note: ExDoubleEntry relies on the [money](
library for balances and amounts.

# accounts need to exist in the DB otherwise
# `ExDoubleEntry.Account.NotFoundError` is raised
  money:, :USD),
  # accounts need to be defined in the config
  from: account_a,
  to: account_b,
  # transfer code is required, and must be defined in the config
  code: :deposit,
  # optional, metadata can be any arbitrary map, it gets stored in the DB
  # as either a JSON string (MySQL) or a JSONB object (Postgres)
  metadata: %{diamond: "hands"}

# accounts will be created in the DB if they don't exist
# once accounts are created they will be locked during the transfer
  money:, :USD),
  from: account_a,
  to: account_b,
  code: :deposit

### Locking

Transfer itself will already lock the accounts involved. However, if there are
other tasks that need to be performed atomically with the transfer, you can
perform them using `lock_accounts`.

Transactions can be nested arbitrarily, since in Ecto, transactions are
flattened and are committed or rolled back based on the outer most transaction.

Read more on Ecto's transaction handling [here](

ExDoubleEntry.lock_accounts([account_a, account_b], fn ->
    money:, :USD),
    from: account_a,
    to: account_b,
    code: :deposit

  # perform other tasks that should be committed atomically with the transfer

## License

Licensed under [MIT](