# ExEasyPost

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EasyPost client library for Elixir.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:ex_easypost, "~> 0.1"},
    {:httpoison, "~> 0.11"},
    {:poison, "~> 2.2 or ~> 3.0"}

## Usage

ExEasyPost takes a data driven approach to making API requests. Each function
meant to perform an API action will generate a struct which can then be used
to perform a particular operation.

ExEasyPost.Address.get("adr_a6fd5dd822c94bdfa1e3f2d28a4dbf9b") |> ExEasyPost.request
#> {:ok, response}

You can also pass client configuration per request.

ExEasyPost.Address.get("adr_a6fd5dd822c94bdfa1e3f2d28a4dbf9b") |> ExEasyPost.request(api_key: "xxxx")
#> {:ok, response}

You can also provide an application wide config.

# config.exs
config :ex_easypost, api_key: {:system, "EASYPOST_API_KEY"}

## Supported Endpoints

- [x] Addresses
- [x] Parcels
- [x] Insurances
- [x] Shipments
- [x] Trackers
- [ ] Batches
- [ ] CustomsInfos
- [ ] CustomsItems
- [ ] Orders
- [ ] Pickups
- [ ] Reports
- [ ] ScanForms
- [ ] Webhooks
- [ ] API Keys
- [ ] Users
- [ ] Child Users
- [ ] CarrierTypes
- [ ] CarrierAccounts