# ExErlstats [](https://hex.pm/packages/ex_erlstats) 
> Get statistics about Erlang VM

## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add `ex_erlstats` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:ex_erlstats, "~> 0.1.1"}]
2. Ensure `ex_erlstats` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:ex_erlstats]]
## Examples
You can get information about
- memory such as total allocated memory, total amount of memory allocated for atoms, etc.
- system such as port limits, current port counts, processes counts, etc.
- erlang statistics such as total run queue length, total active tasks, etc.
> ExErlstats.get_all
%{memory: %{atom: 388625, atom_used: 365825, binary: 49296, code: 9059496,
ets: 573344, processes: 6593256, processes_used: 6592272, system: 15867984,
total: 22461240},
stats: %{run_queue: 0, run_queue_lengths: [0, 0, 0, 0],
scheduler_wall_time: :undefined, total_active_tasks: 1,
total_run_queue_lengths: 0},
system: %{check_io: [name: :erts_poll, primary: :poll, fallback: false,
kernel_poll: false, memory_size: 66200, total_poll_set_size: 3,
lazy_updates: true, pending_updates: 0, batch_updates: false,
concurrent_updates: false, max_fds: 1024, active_fds: 0],
otp_release: "19", port_count: 5, port_limit: 65536, process_count: 49,
process_limit: 262144, schedulers: 4, schedulers_online: 4, version: "8.0"}}
> ExErlstats.stats
%{run_queue: 0, run_queue_lengths: [0, 0, 0, 0],
scheduler_wall_time: :undefined, total_active_tasks: 1,
total_run_queue_lengths: 0}
> ExErlstats.stats[:total_active_tasks]
> ExErlstats.system_info
%{check_io: [name: :erts_poll, primary: :poll, fallback: false,
kernel_poll: false, memory_size: 66200, total_poll_set_size: 3,
lazy_updates: true, pending_updates: 0, batch_updates: false,
concurrent_updates: false, max_fds: 1024, active_fds: 0], otp_release: "19",
port_count: 5, port_limit: 65536, process_count: 49, process_limit: 262144,
schedulers: 4, schedulers_online: 4, version: "8.0"}
> ExErlstats.system_info[:port_count]
> ExErlstats.memory
%{atom: 388625, atom_used: 367118, binary: 170776, code: 9396647, ets: 598128,
processes: 6469296, processes_used: 6468312, system: 16370224,
total: 22839520}
> ExErlstats.memory[:total]
> ExErlstats.processes
[[memory: 21640, heap_size: 1598, total_heap_size: 2585, message_queue_len: 0,
registered_name: :init], ...]
> ExErlstats.processes(#PID<0.0.0>)
[memory: 21640, heap_size: 1598, total_heap_size: 2585, message_queue_len: 0,
registered_name: :init]