# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

Generated by [`auto-changelog`](

## [Unreleased](

## [0.4.0]( - 2022-08-22

### Commits

- chore(Updates) version and CHANGELOG [`66f78c1`](
- docs(update docs and comments) [`b0778fe`](
- tests(fix test): Update Trace [`f2dc801`](
- chore(Tracer) move tracer to support folder [`7d146a2`](
- chore(Changelog) use auto-changelog [`7c6ca7e`](
- Tried Changex again, dropped it again [`cd55987`](
- refactor(Parser): set consistent opts [`8cad8f2`](
- testing: cover defdelegate [`0490486`](
- tests: Add more [`6a6da40`](
- chreo(Trace): Add more test mods [`93fe933`](
- update(Remover): Handle end line better [`2da2e37`](
- update(Parser): set more metadata [`0f4bacf`](
- update(Formatter): Prefer Code [`303bcba`](
- testing(update tests): rely on dry run more. [`1393876`](
- chore(Trace): update artifact [`520eaff`](
- chore(make ex_doc optional): deps better [`d0276e9`](
- refactor(changer): Use Traces [`35817d3`](
- tests(add setup files) [`4eb61df`](
- fix(handle extra changes): mood-fn calls [`9739eb6`](
- refactor(cleanup and modify): use tracers [`6924a9b`](
- feature(config): add env-based config [`2a17d00`](
- feature(compiler tracers): Add tracing code. [`b6541cf`](
- bugfix(cli args): Correct CLI args format [`010f1ee`](
- chore(remove changex): [`ff39fb3`](

## [0.3.2]( - 2022-08-04

### Commits

- chore(VERSION): bump version [`552267a`](
- chore(formatting): format files [`eb1381e`](
- feature(CLI interface): add CLI for moduelonly [`e2ee4b8`](
- chore(cleanup): cleanup debug and readme [`9b2f5a1`](
- feature(Change Module): add fn to only change a module name [`b4ec350`](

## [0.3.1]( - 2022-08-04

### Commits

- **Breaking change:** break(BREAKING CHANGE): update min elixir version [`61b6b57`](
- feature(format): support format CLI opt-out [`2b7b09d`](
- chore(Cleanup): fill in test [`db25c9f`](
- chore(Add Changelog): Add commits to changelog. [`407f9aa`](
- docs(improve moduledocs): improve moduledocs [`cea9bca`](
- fix(ExFactor.Extractor): create path! for new modules [`04d16d9`](
- docs: clarify prose [`50f20fb`](
- Add changex [`67a43e0`](
- chore(New minor version): v0.3.0 [`8aaab89`](
- fix(Add and update tests.): update test [`23a7438`](
- test fixes, formatting [`e7ceeda`](
- Refactor mix.exs, add Hexdocs config. Add mediocre X logo [`5b5fa52`](
- docs(update README): README [`8ea7fdc`](

## [0.3.0]( - 2022-07-20

### Commits

- Add changex [`ff76331`](
- New minor version [`e6d94e9`](
- Add and update tests. [`8c58d8c`](
- update elixir version [`e382b11`](
- test fixes, formatting [`a5a1c68`](
- Refactor mix.exs, add Hexdocs config. Add mediocre X logo [`3af8539`](
- update README [`e2e2e94`](

## 0.2.0 - 2022-07-15

### Commits

- add elixir.yml [`ccbc5e8`](
- rm [`654fd73`](
- update GH workflow [`3978cc7`](
- update GH workflow [`7ea023b`](
- add github workflow config [`f82f798`](
- Handle edge cases [`c23c93f`](
- Cleanup test setup to remove dangling modules. [`8bc6356`](
- Handle some edge cases. [`8c7e712`](
- Comments and typos [`bafa887`](
- don't format on a dry_run [`5b51659`](
- add module into output. [`b34a20e`](
- update CLI output [`82bf163`](
- rename mix task. update readme [`1c55f53`](
- handle aliases better [`afaf8b6`](
- update mix file [`3885942`](
- Add, update license. [`67ddcf1`](
- refactor changer to work better and use new callers return [`d7c0eb7`](
- WIP Use Xref.calls/1 to find all the function calls [`6864707`](
- update callers to add callers/3 fn. [`bab3323`](
- WIP ensure consistent returns, add tests for edge cases. [`86b298e`](
- Use a struct, update tests. [`4d8cf30`](
- update test assert [`cb5eff2`](
- ensure we return output [`afb8b51`](
- comment better [`bc0269b`](
- convert function name to string in remover [`e5d5331`](
- alias better [`35f3d3b`](
- Handle string function names [`b107316`](
- match better in changer [`5e428ed`](
- Handle edge cases and compiler warnings [`c33f268`](
- update extractor tests [`5501458`](
- Get the CLI task to work [`0751c11`](
- Add changer module to change function refs. [`0c4704a`](
- refactor and format [`6517e8a`](
- Add formatter module [`4a90b3e`](
- Add better output to dry_run paths, format! [`d923f0b`](
- update README [`d05fef1`](
- Change tests, so cleanup is better. [`59b486b`](
- Add mix task, update test, and readme [`e00edef`](
- Add dry run option and tests [`7dbe07a`](
- add docs, exceptions, mix task [`108369e`](
- WIP add top-level refactor fn and test [`aa940c3`](
- format, docs, claenup aliases [`a0a352b`](
- Fix a few tests, and continue to refactor [`50c381c`](
- WIP add remove fns and modules [`b319971`](
- fns added. refactor and cleanup needed. [`eca25dd`](
- move to callers module [`8bc9c52`](
- add default values [`a9ca141`](
- Add tests. Add more functions to begin to find and move target functions [`27c13dc`](
- Add callers fn, readme [`3eb4b67`](
- add tests [`269c05a`](
- initial commit [`be2a382`](