# ExFirebase

A limited implementation of a Firebase Admin SDK in Elixir.

## Installation

Install from Hex

def deps do
 [{:ex_firebase, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Or install from GitHub

def deps do
  [{:ex_firebase, github: "loopsocial/ex_firebase", branch: "master"}]

Run `mix deps.get`

## Configuration

Add your Firebase Project ID to your `config/config.exs` file:

config :ex_firebase,
  project_id: "your-project-id"

## Usage

iex> ExFirebase.Auth.verify_token("eyJhbGciOiJS...")
   fields: %{
     "aud" => "your-project-id",
     "auth_time" => 1540314428,
     "exp" => 1540318028,
     "firebase" => %{
       "identities" => %{"phone" => ["+16505553434"]},
       "sign_in_provider" => "phone"
     "iat" => 1540314428,
     "iss" => "",
     "phone_number" => "+16505553434",
     "sub" => "O5dHhHaWzsgUdNo6jIeTrWykPVd2",
     "user_id" => "O5dHhHaWzsgUdNo6jIeTrWykPVd2"

## License

MIT. See `LICENSE` file in repository.

Firebase<sup>TM</sup> is trademark of Google LLC.