`ghpr` command to work with GitHub Pull Request.
Inspired by [github/hub](https://github.com/github/hub) CLI. Written in Elixir.
## Features
- Open Pull Request
- Automatically push, put title, write issue URL in description
- Also, copy resultant Pull Request URL to clipboard
- You can configure issue tracker URL and identities **per repository**
- This is my original intension for this tool over `hub`!
- Search Pull Requests related to a SHA hash or file name
## Installation
0. Require Git (1.8+)
1. Install [Erlang](http://erlang.org/) and [Elixir](http://elixir-lang.org/)
- Personally recommend [asdf](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf) with
- If you install via compiled binary, the only dependency is Erlang
- If you want to build by yourself, Elixir and `mix` required
2. Install by either:
- `mix` (Elixir 1.3+)
- Commands:
$ mix escript.install hex ex_ghpr
- Installed binary should be `~/.mix/escripts/ghpr`
- Add `~/.mix/escripts` to your `PATH` env var (default escript installation path from Elixir 1.3)
- To uninstall, `mix escript.uninstall ghpr` (notice the command name, not repository name)
- `mix` (Elixir 1.2 or older)
- Commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/ymtszw/ex_ghpr
$ cd ex_ghpr
$ mix deps.get
$ mix escript.build
- Installed binary should be `~/.mix/escripts/ghpr`
- Add `~/.mix/escripts` to your `PATH` env var (default escript installation path from Elixir 1.3)
- To uninstall, just remove `ghpr` binary
- downloading compiled binary from [here](https://github.com/ymtszw/ex_ghpr/releases/latest)
## Usage
$ ghpr
This will do:
- Push your current branch to your `origin` repository
- Just calling system's `git` command
- That means, you should name a repository from which you send PR, as `origin`
- Implicitly sets upstream by `--set-upstream` option on push
- Open Pull Request of the branch to the repository
- Remote, base, title, description, fork user can be set with options
- See below for default behaviors
- `pbcopy` (OSX) or `clip` (Windows) the resultant Pull Request URL
- If neither exist, just print the URL
### Sub-commands and options
- `$ ghpr create`
- Explicitly create Pull Request (to differentiate from `search`)
- Always request to pull the current branch
- Options for `create`
- `$ ghpr {-t|--title} <title>`
- Manually set title of the Pull Request
- Defaults to branch name
- `$ ghpr {-m|--message} <description>`
- Manually set description of the Pull Request
- Defaults to issue URL (if issue tracker URL is set
and the branch name starts with issue number)
- If issue tracker URL is not set, no description will be attached
- In Github, *"No description provided"* message will be shown
- `$ ghpr {-r|--remote} <remote>`
- Change target repository
- `<remote>` must exist as `git remote` in the repository
- Defaults to `origin`
- `$ ghpr {-b|--base} <base>`
- Change Pull Request target reference
- Defaults to `master`. Can be branch name or tag
- `$ ghpr --fork <username>`
- Specify fork user for Cross-repository Pull Request
- In API call, `head` parameter will become `<username>:<current_branch>`
- Obviously, you need to fork the original repository first,
if you are not authorized to push to it
- `$ ghpr {-c|--configure} {local|global|auth}`
- Re-configuration.
- To re-authenticate, use `auth` for a non-default user, and `global` for the default user.
- `$ ghpr search <sha_hash>`
- Search Pull Request related to a SHA hash, then open it in your browser
- If no Pull Request found for that commit hash, nothing happens
- Options for `search`
- `$ ghpr search {-l|--line} <number> <file_name>`
- Blame specified line of the file, then search Pull Request related to the SHA hash
- When you specify `--line`, `file_name` must be a valid file
- `$ ghpr search {-r|--remote} <sha_hash>`
- Change target repository
- `<remote>` must exist as `git remote` in the repository
- Defaults to `origin`
## Configuration
- On the first invocation of `$ ghpr`, it should ask you:
- Your Github username and username
- Used to acquire a [personal access token](https://github.com/blog/1509-personal-api-tokens)
for `ex_ghpr` application, with `repo` access scope
- You can always revoke access token via [Github web console](https://github.com/settings/tokens)
- On the first invocation of `$ ghpr` from the current git repo directory, it should ask you:
- Whether you want to use the default user, or different user for that repo
- Your issue tracker URL for the repo
(will be used to build an issue URL. Must not end with `/`)
- Configurations and tokens will be stored in `~/.config/ghpr` as JSON format
- Configurations are held per local repository
## License