# ExHealth ![ExHealth](logo.png)
> A health check utility for any OTP application
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ExHealth runs a supervised GenServer that performs routine health checks which
are configurable to your application. Check out [ExHealth.Plug](lib/ex_health/plug.ex)
for integrating the result into a web endpoint which yields a JSON response like:
## Installation
Add `ex_health` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ex_health, "~> 0.1.1"}
Ensure ex_health is started alongside your application by adding this to your `mix.exs`
def application do
[applications: [:ex_health]]
## Getting Started
Configuration for ExHealth must be present the Application environment. This
can be done by updating the `:ex_health` values in your `config/config.exs`:
config :ex_health,
module: MyApplication.HealthChecks,
interval_ms: 1000 # Interval between checks in milliseconds
Then you must define a module `MyApplication.HealthChecks` with some checks:
defmodule MyApplication.HealthChecks do
test "Redis" do
MyRedis.ping() # This should return :ok | {:error, "Message"}
## Online Documentation
Please see the documentation for ExHealth at [https://hexdocs.pm/ex_health](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_health)
## Offline Documentation
You can generate documentation by running the following:
$ mix docs
You can find examples in [examples/](examples/)
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. The best way to get started is to check out [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).
Once you have the repo cloned, just run
$ mix deps.get
and then you can start ExHealth with CLI:
$ iex -S mix
## License
See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.
_by Herman Singh_