# Junk
Junk is a module for generating Junk data in your tests.
For when you don't care about the content, just that it has the right 'shape'.
It is inspired by Dave Brady's [rspec-junklet](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ex_junk` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:ex_junk, "~> 0.1.0", only: :test}]

## Example

defmodule ExampleTest do
  import Junk 

  test "example test" do
    thing = %{
      name:    junk, # defaults to junk(String)
      some_id: junk(Integer, size: 9)
    struct(SomeThing, thing)
    |> SomeThing.push

    assert SomeThing.pop == thing

## Usage

Junk.junk                          # "w8eY_L2UHZsPBBSq"
Junk.junk(String)                  # same
Junk.junk(String,  byte_size: 10)  # similar, but shorter
Junk.junk(String,  prefix: "yarp") # "yarp-w8eY_L2UHZsPBBSq..."
Junk.junk(Integer, size: 10)       # 9593685924

### Links
Hex - [](