# ExKdl

A robust and efficient decoder and encoder for the [KDL Document Language](

ExKdl conforms to the KDL 1.0.0 [spec]( and is tested against the official [test suite](

## Basic Usage

iex(1)> nodes = ExKdl.decode!("node 100 key=\"value\" 10_000 /* comment */ {\n    child_1\n    child_2\n}\n")
    children: [
        children: [],
        name: "child_1",
        properties: %{},
        type: nil,
        values: []
        children: [],
        name: "child_2",
        properties: %{},
        type: nil,
        values: []
    name: "node",
    properties: %{"key" => %ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: "value"}},
    type: nil,
    values: [
      %ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: %Decimal{coef: 100}},
      %ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: %Decimal{coef: 10000}}

iex(2)> ExKdl.encode!(nodes)
"node 100 10000 key=\"value\" {\n    child_1\n    child_2\n}\n"

## Developing

This repo includes the [kdl-org/kdl]( repo listed as a submodule for testing purposes.

git clone --recurse-submodules <this repo>

Or, if already cloned, initialize the submodule with:

git submodule update --init

### Dependencies

mix deps.get

### Running tests

mix test

To run a specific test from the kdl-org test suite, use the `--only` option and pass it the `path` (where `path` is `input/<filename>.kdl`). For example:

mix test --only input/raw_string_just_backslash.kdl

## License

ExKdl is released under the MIT license ([LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt)).