# ExLibnice

[![API Docs](](

Libnice-based Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) protocol support for Elixir.

It is a part of [Membrane Multimedia Framework](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ex_libnice` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_libnice, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Usage

Basically this library works similarly to [libnice] except that it doesn't support some features
yet (e.g. TURN servers).

Example flow can look in the following way (this is not complete i.e. runnable example).

Listed functions must be invoked on both peers.
# Init ExLibnice
{:ok, ice} =
  ExLibnice.start_link(self(), [""], [], controlling_mode, 0..65_535)

# Add stream, get local credentials
{:ok, stream_id} = ExLibnice.add_stream(ice, 1, "audio")
{:ok, credentials} = ExLibnice.get_local_credentials(ice, stream_id)

# Send local credentials to the remote peer
:socket.send(peer_socket, credentials)

# Receive remote credentials and set them on ExLibnice
{:ok, credentials} = :socket.recv(peer_socket)
:ok = ExLibnice.set_remote_credentials(ice, peer_credentials, stream_id)

# Start gathering candidates
:ok = ExLibnice.gather_candidates(ice, stream_id)

# Now we should prepare for receiving messages in form of `{:new_candidate_full, candidate}`
# and send them to the remote peer. If module that runs ExLibnice is a GenServer we can use
# handle_info/2 callback
@impl true
def handle_info({:new_candidate_full, candidate}, {peer_socket: peer_socket} = state) do
  :socket.send(peer_socket, {:peer_new_candidate_full, candidate})

# Set received peer candidates.
:ok = ExLibnice.set_remote_candidate(ice, peer_candidate, stream_id, 1)

This will start connectivity checks. Receiving message
`{:component_state_ready, stream_id, component_id}` indicates that the given component in the given
stream is ready to send and receive messages.

For more complete examples please refer to
[membrane_ice_plugin]( where we use
`ex_libnice` or our integration test.

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2020, [Software Mansion](

[![Software Mansion](](

Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)
