# Elixir bindings for [libsrtp]

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## Installation

Firstly, install [libsrtp]. Then, add `:ex_libsrtp` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_libsrtp, "~> 0.5.1"}

## Usage

This library allows to convert RTP to SRTP and the other way round. The following snippet shows how to encrypt and decrypt a packet:

iex> in_srtp =
iex> ExLibSRTP.add_stream(in_srtp, %ExLibSRTP.Policy{ssrc: :any_inbound, key: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"})
iex> packet = <<128, 14, 15, 143, 98, 145, 127, 247, 233, 164, 145, 140, 1, 2, 3, 4>>
iex> {:ok, protected_packet} = ExLibSRTP.protect(in_srtp, packet)
 <<128, 14, 15, 143, 98, 145, 127, 247, 233, 164, 145, 140, 112, 112, 222, 241, 148, 205, 10, 185, 78, 20, 27, 103, 2, 207>>}
iex> out_srtp =
iex> ExLibSRTP.add_stream(out_srtp, %ExLibSRTP.Policy{ssrc: :any_outbound, key: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"})
iex> {:ok, unprotected_packet} = ExLibSRTP.unprotect(out_srtp, protected_packet)
{:ok, <<128, 14, 15, 143, 98, 145, 127, 247, 233, 164, 145, 140, 1, 2, 3, 4>>}
iex> unprotected_packet == packet

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2020, [Software Mansion](

[![Software Mansion](](

Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)
