# ExMacroInspect

`ExMacroInspect` is a macro inspection library for elixir. I makes it easy for a developer to see what is passed into a macro during macro development.

# Source:

# Documentation:

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `ex_macro_inspect` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_macro_inspect, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Core Checklist
  * [x] setup             - create README
  * [x] setup LICENSE file          - create LICENSE pick Apache
  * [x] automated build             - makefile automated help
  * [x] build configuration         - elixir mix.exs setup
  * [x] code formatter              - elixir formatter and configuration setup
  * [x] style check                 - elixir credo
  * [x] static analysis             - elixir dialyzer
  * [x] project documentation       - elixir ex_doc setup with makefile
  * [x] code coverage               - elixir code coverage with excoveralls
  * [x] publish the package         - publish to hex

## Optional Checklist
  * [x] deployment package          - erlang release with distillery
  * [x] phx configuration 4 package - config.exs setup with aliases
    * [x] distillery config         - update config/prod.exs with "config :phoenix, :serve_endpoints, true"
  * [ ] logging                     - elixir logging
  * [x] benchmarking setup          - elixir benchee setup
  * [x] load testing setup          - elixir wrk

## setup README checklist
* [ ] create README
* [ ] add project description
* [ ] add main project source reference: github_url_to_self
* [ ] add contributors section

## setup LICENSE checklist
* [ ] select licence from:
* [ ] create LICENSE file
* [ ] update template with things like name, description and copyright as necessary

## automated build checklist
* [ ] copy makefile from
* [ ] update in the makefile variable `app-name := ex_macro_inspect` to be the value of `mix.exs:def project[app:]`
* [ ] test makefile see below

## build configuration checklist
* [ ] update `def project do` with `aliases: aliases()`,
* [ ] create `defp aliases` see below
* [ ] update `def project do` with `default_task: "help_make"`,
  defp aliases do
      help_make: "cmd make"
* [ ] test alias `mix` you should see make commands

## code formatter checklist
* [ ] create `.formatter.exs`
    inputs: ["mix.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"]
* [ ] test `make format`

## style check checklist
* [ ] add to deps `{:credo, "~> 0.9.1", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}`
* [ ] test `make style-checks`

## static analysis checklist
* [ ] add to deps `{:dialyxir, "~> 1.0.0-rc.2", only: [:dev], runtime: false}`
* [ ] test `make static-analysis`

## Test makefile build
* [ ] check after setting up `code formatter`, `style check` and `static analysis` with `make setup build`

## project documentation checklist
* [ ] add to deps `{:ex_doc, "~> 0.16", only: :dev, runtime: false}`
* [ ] update `def project do` with 
  * [ ] name: "project_name",
  * [ ] source_url: "",
  * [ ] homepage_url: "http://YOUR_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE",
  * [ ] description: """ ADD YOUR DESCRIPTION """
* [ ] add to `def project do [ docs: docs(),]` and `defp docs` see below
* [ ] Reference configs here:
* [ ] add to `defp docs`
  * [ ] main: "ModuleName_or_Page" - Main page of the documentation. It may be a module or a generated page
  * [ ] logo: "path/to/file.png_or_jpg"
  * [ ] extras: `"": [filename: "readme", title: "README"]]`
  * [ ] extra_section: "Name of Extra Section in docs"
  * [ ] optionally add groups_for_extras: `[ Introduction: Path.wildcard("guides/introduction/*.md") ]`
  * [ ] optionally add groups_for_modules: `[ Controllers: [ Module.Name ] ]`
  * [ ] optionally add assets: "path/to/dir"
  * [ ] test documentation `make docs open-docs`
### --
  # all configuration required by ex_doc to configure the generation of documents
  ### --
  defp docs do
      main: "ModuleName_or_Page",
      logo: "guides/assets/image.png_or_jpg",
      extras: ["": [filename: "readme", title: "README"]],
      extra_section: "GUIDES",
      groups_for_extras: [
        Introduction: Path.wildcard("guides/introduction/*.md")
      # Ungrouped Modules:
      # OtherModules
      groups_for_modules: [
        Controllers: [

## code coverage checklist
* [ ] add to deps `{:excoveralls, "~> 0.8", only: [:dev, :test]}`
* [ ] update `def project do` with `test_coverage: [tool: ExCoveralls]`,
* [ ] test `make coverage-report`

## publish the package
- [ ] Install hex `mix local.hex`
- [ ] Register hex user run: `mix hex.user register`
- [ ] Confirm your account via email
- [ ] update `def project do` with `package: package()`, see below
- [ ] mix.exs add fill out `defp package` keys
- [ ] check no git dependencies
- [ ] run: `mix hex.publish`
- [ ] if first publish update references to hexdocs in readme and mix.exs

  defp package() do
      # This option is only needed when you don't want to use the OTP application name
      name: "package_name",
      organization: "hexpm",
      # These are the default files included in the package
      files: ["lib", "priv", "mix.exs", "README*", "readme*", "LICENSE*", "license*"],
      licenses: ["GNU 3.0"],
      links: %{"GitHub" => "", "HexDocs" => ""}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Core References

## Optional Refrences

## Contributors
* Steve Morin -