# ExMetrics
Another Elixir metrics library, ExMetrics is a thin wrapper built on top of
[`statix`](https://github.com/lexmag/statix) providing convenient macros
for timing function calls.
## Installation
def deps do
{:ex_metrics, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Configuration
`ex_metrics` supports the following global configuration options:
* `prefix`: A prefix for all metric names, default `nil`
* `host`: The StatsD host, default ``
* `port`: The port to send metrics, default `8125`
* `tags`: Global tags to be sent with all metrics, default is none.
## Usage
### Metrics Collection
`ex_metrics` exposes the following functions for metrics collection (the same as `statix`):
* `ExMetrics.decrement/1,2,3`
* `ExMetrics.gauge/2,3`
* `ExMetrics.histogram/2,3`
* `ExMetrics.increment/1,2,3`
* `ExMetrics.measure/2,3`
* `ExMetrics.set/2,3`
* `ExMetrics.timing/2,3`
### `deftimed` Macro
Functions can be timed easily with the `deftimed` macro:
defmodule MyApp do
use ExMetrics.FunctionTimer
deftimed foo do
# Times foo/0 function and sends metric name: "function_call.elixir.myapp.foo_0"
@metric_name "custom_metric_name"
@metric_options [tags: [key: :value]]
deftimed bar do
# Times bar/0 function and sends metric with name @metric_name and options @metric_options
# Metric names and options can be configured on a per-function-header level.
@metric_name "baz_value1"
deftimed baz(:value1) do
@metric_name "baz_value2"
deftimed baz(:value2) do
@metric_name "baz_default"
deftimed baz(value) do
### Plug
Response times can be automatically captured and reported with the `ExMetrics.Plug`:
defmodule MyRouter do
use Plug.Router
plug(:accepts, ["json", "urlencoded"])
get("/", MyController, :action) # Metric name: response_time.root
get("/v2/users/:id/edit", UsersController, :edit) # Metric name: response_time.v2.users.id.edit
## Development
### Testing
Unit tests with a code coverage report generated by Coveralls can be run with
$ mix coveralls.html
### Linting
The linter can be run with
$ mix credo
### Static Analysis
Static type analysis can be run with
$ mix dialyzer