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# Elixir Microsoft Bot Client 

This library provides Elixir API wrapper for the Microsoft Bot Framework.

## Documentation

API documentation is available at [](

## Installation

  1. Add `ex_microsoftbot` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:ex_microsoftbot, "~> 0.1.0"}]
  2. Start the `ex_microsoftbot`:
        def application do
          [applications: [:ex_microsoftbot]]
## Usage

The module `ExMicrosoftBot.Client` contains the functions to call the Microsoft bot API. For example

auth_data = %ExMicrosoftBot.Models.AuthData{app_id: "APPID", app_secret: "APP_SECRET"}

bot_data = ExMicrosoftBot.Client.get_user_data(auth_data, bot_id, user_id)

%ExMicrosoftBot.Models.BotData{data: %{}, eTag: "string"}