# ExMonobank

Unofficial Elixir wrapper for Monobank API

## Functions
### Personal API
#### bank_currency()
Example result:

     currency_code_a: 840,
     currency_code_b: 980,
     date: ~U[2020-01-30 11:40:09Z],
     rate_buy: 24.761,
     rate_cross: nil,
     rate_sell: 25.0514
     currency_code_a: 978,
     currency_code_b: 980,
     date: ~U[2020-01-30 13:00:05Z],
     rate_buy: 27.161,
     rate_cross: nil,
     rate_sell: 27.6098
     currency_code_a: 643,
     currency_code_b: 980,
     date: ~U[2020-01-30 11:40:09Z],
     rate_buy: 0.363,
     rate_cross: nil,
     rate_sell: 0.398
   # ...

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `ex_monobank` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_monobank, "~> 0.1.0"}