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> Multihash implementation in Elixir

This is the [Multihash]( implementation in Elixir.

## Table of Contents

- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
  - [Encoding](#encoding)
    - [Examples](#examples)
    - [Examples](#examples-1)
    - [Examples](#examples-2)
  - [Decoding](#decoding)
    - [Examples](#examples-3)
    - [Examples](#examples-4)
- [Maintainers](#maintainers)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
- [License](#license)

## Install

To use ex_multihash add to your `mix.exs` file:

defp deps do
    {:ex_multihash, "~> 1.0"}

## Usage

### Encoding

Encode the provided hashed `digest` to the provided multihash of `hash_code`.

#### Examples

iex> Multihash.encode(:sha1, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"))
{:ok, <<17, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>}

iex> Multihash.encode(:sha2_256, :crypto.hash(:sha256, "Hello"))
{:ok, <<18, 32, 24, 95, 141, 179, 34, 113, 254, 37, 245, 97, 166, 252, 147, 139, 46, 38, 67, 6, 236, 48, 78, 218, 81, 128, 7, 209, 118, 72, 38, 56, 25, 105>>}

Invalid `hash_code` or `digest` corresponding to the hash function will return an error.

#### Examples

iex> Multihash.encode(:sha2_unknow, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"))
{:error, "Invalid hash function"}

iex> Multihash.encode(0x20, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"))
{:error, "Invalid hash code"}

It's possible to [truncate a digest]( by passing an optional `length` parameter. Passing a `length` longer than the default digest length of the hash function will return an error.

#### Examples

iex> Multihash.encode(:sha1, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"), 10)
{:ok, <<17, 10, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147>>}
iex> Multihash.encode(:sha1, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"), 30)
{:error, "Invalid digest length"}

### Decoding

Decode the provided multihash to:

%Multihash{name: atom, code: integer, length: integer, digest: bitstring}

#### Examples

iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>)
{:ok, %Multihash{name: :sha1, code: 17, length: 20, digest: <<247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>}}

Invalid multihash will result in errors

#### Examples

iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171>>)
{:error, "Invalid size"}

iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 22, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 20, 21, 22>>)
{:error, "Invalid digest length"}

iex> Multihash.decode(<<25, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>)
{:error, "Invalid hash code"}

iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 32, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>)
{:error, "Invalid length of provided hash function"}

iex> Multihash.decode("Hello")
{:error, "Invalid hash code"}

## Maintainers

Captain: [@zabirauf](

## Contribute

Contributions welcome. Please check out [the issues](

Check out our [contributing document]( for more information on how we work, and about contributing in general. Please be aware that all interactions related to multiformats are subject to the IPFS [Code of Conduct](

Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the [standard-readme]( specification.

## License
[MIT](LICENSE) © 2015 Zohaib Rauf.