# ExNoCache
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A simple content caching plug that relies on the [HTTP "no-cache"
strategy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching) (Cache but
## Features
`ExNoCache` ships with two features:
- Content validation caching via `ExNoCache.Plug.Content`.
- Last modify datetime caching via `ExNoCache.Plug.LastModified`.
## Using `ExNoCache`
Before using `ExNoCache`, you should ask why you need to do this? Is it really
The reason you need to ask yourself first is because there are plenty of better
ways than implementing a cache like this yourself. For example, serving a
content via [CDN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network) or
using a Load Balancer static assets serving could reduce your server load a lot.
But, if for some reasons, those available caching products cannot serve your
business requirements and you're looking for more control over your cache
revalidation. The `ExNoCache` could probably be able to help you.
First thing first, the `ExNoCache`, works on the basis of HTTP no-cache
strategy, a.k.a. Cache but revalidate. It won't reduce a network call to your
host nor, sometimes, processing the whole request in case of content
revalidation base caching.
What `ExNoCache` provides is that it gives you a chance to respond a "304 not
modified" header back to client. Which resulting to prevent the whole respond
### With Phoenix
`ExNoCache` contains two plugs which can be used like a normal plug.
#### Last modified
For example, you have paths that serve a static template. The templates are kept
in database and is easy to determine the last modification date.
defmodule MyWeb.Router do
use MyWeb, :router
# snip ...
pipeline :template do
plug(ExNoCache.Plug.LastModified, updated_at: {My, :awesome, ["function"]})
scope "/template", MyWeb do
# GET paths
The only option that `ExNoCache.Plug.LastModified` wants is `:updated_at` which
must be in the `mfa()` form.
The Module function must return the `%DateTime{}` struct.
The plug will call `My.awesome("function")` to determine the last modification
date and respond accordingly.
#### Content
If the last modification datetime is hard to determine or unreliable, you can
also use `ExNoCache.Plug.Content`. It accepts one option, `:store`, which can be
anything that respond to `get/1` and `store/2`. `ExNoCache` also provide a
default gen server in `ExNoCache.Cache.GenServer` which can be used for a simple
use case.
Plase note that the `ExNoCache.Cache.GenServer` is always started.
Using the `ExNoCache.Plug.Content` is simple. Just plug it to your desired path.
defmodule MyWeb.Router do
use MyWeb, :router
# snip ...
pipeline :template do
plug(ExNoCache.Plug.Content, store: ExNoCache.Cache.GenServer)
scope "/template", MyWeb do
# GET paths
## Installation
Add `:ex_no_cache` into your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.
def deps do
{:ex_no_cache, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Contributing
Feel free to fork, make changes, and submit a pull request.