# ExOura

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**An Elixir client for the Oura API, leveraging the OpenAPI v1.23 specification.**

An Elixir library for interacting with the [Oura API]( with a base client generated using [OpenAPI Code Generator]( from [Oura OpenAPI specs v1.23]( It supports basic functionality for tertrieving data from Oura, such as activity, readiness, and sleep metrics.

## Features

- **Basic authorization** support (OAuth2 support is on the roadmap)
- Fetch data such as activity, readiness, and sleep metrics 
- Built on the robust Elixir ecosystem 
- Compatible with OpenAPI v1.23 

## Installation

Add `ex_oura` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_oura, "~> 0.9.0"}

## Usage

Currently, the client support only a basic authorization and you should obtain an access token [here]().

Using configuration via `config.exs`:
config :ex_oura,
  access_token: "<YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>"

Inline configuration:

Once configured, you can fetch data from Oura as follows:

{:ok, client} = ExOura.Client.start_link("<YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>")

# Example: Fetch daily activity data
{:ok, activity_data} = client.fetch_activity_data()

 ## Oura OpenAPI issues

 A few issues in the Oura spec that I came across during the implementation:

  - no title for tag/timestamp
  - daily cardiovascular age has no ID -> no way to query a single document 

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.