# ExPaint
ExPaint is a simple 2D rasterizer, based (for now, at least) on the [egd](https://github.com/erlang/egd) library.
Available primitives include lines, rectangles, arcs, polygons, and simple bitmap font support. Dumping of the
resulting bitmap is supported in a few forms, including a 4-bit greyscale format as used by devices such as [SSD1322
based OLED displays](https://github.com/mtrudel/ssd1322).
The library leans heavily on egd for now, but the eventual intent is to implement an optimized retained mode backing
store using something like a piece table of binaries to provide performant compositing / dumping.
## Usage
alias ExPaint.{Font, Color}
{:ok, image} = ExPaint.create(128, 64)
font = Font.load("Helvetica20")
ExPaint.text(image, {10, 30}, font, "Hello World", Color.black())
ExPaint.filled_rect(image, {10, 10}, {20,20}, %Color{r: 230, g: 12, b: 34})
ExPaint.filled_ellipse(image, {50, 10}, {20,20}, %Color{r: 12, g: 12, b: 230})
ExPaint.filled_triangle(image, {90, 30}, {100, 10}, {110, 30}, %Color{r: 230, g: 230, b: 34})
# Write to a png
{:ok, png_data} = ExPaint.render(image, ExPaint.PNGRasterizer)
File.write("foo.png", png_data)
# If you're in iTerm, display inline
ExPaint.render(image, ExPaint.InlineRasterizer)
# If you're pairing with https://github.com/mtrudel/ssd1322
{:ok, four_bit_data} = ExPaint.render(image, ExPaint.FourBitGreyscaleRasterizer)
SSD1322.draw(session, four_bit_data)
will render the following image:

## Installation
This package can be installed by adding `ex_paint` and `egd` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ex_paint, "~> 0.2.0"},
{:egd, github: "erlang/egd"}
Docs can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/ex_paint](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_paint).
## Credits
For ease of installation, this package includes the contents of [this collection of
fonts](https://github.com/SteveAlexander/wingsfonts) in the `/priv/fonts/` folder.