## Description
This library support parameterized test with `test_with_params` macro.
### Support
- `test` macro provided by ExUnit.Case and ExUnit.CaseTemplate
- `Callback` like `setup` provided by ExUnit.Callback
## Demo
Clone this repository and run test with `mix test`.
You can see some example in `test/ex_parameterized_*.exs`
## Usage
Please see module [docs](http://hexdocs.pm/ex_parameterized/extra-api-reference.html).
## Install
First, add Reporter to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
{:ex_parameterized, "~> 1.3.7"}
and run `$ mix deps.get`.
## QuickUse
Should set `use ExUnit.Parameterized` in module.
defmodule MyExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
use ExUnit.Parameterized # Required
test_with_params "add params", # description
fn (a, b, expected) -> # test case
assert a + b == expected
end do
{1, 2, 3}, # parameters
"description": {1, 4, 5}, # parameters with description
## Licence